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The new Dreams Tulum thread! (Post all DT Qs&As here)

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Alright ladies, it's here!!!!! As previously discussed last month, I have gathered tons of usefull information from our old thread and started this new one with all the most useful information and frequently asked questions in the first few posts.


I worked really hard on this but there are still a few blanks that need to be filled in. I will update this regularly!




This thread replaces our old thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7767 (if you are crazy enough, feel free to read through all 100+ pages for more info!) as well as the thread with the http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14762 since that list is added at the bottom of this page.


A new thread was created so that all the most useful information from the old thread would be on the first page, in order to (1) hopefully reduce some of the repeated questions in the thread (2) help brides who find the information in the official Wedding Guide confusing and (3) reduce the number of questions being asked to the coordinators and provide answers to stressed out brides who are frustrated with the lack of response from the Dreams Tulum coordinators.


If you have any important information (or photos) you think should be added to the front page, please send me a PM.




1)Please take a minute to introduce yourself and tell us your wedding date. We love meeting new brides!


2)PLEASE READ FULLY THROUGH THE FIRST FEW PAGES OF INFORMATION BEFORE POSTING ANY QUESTIONS IN OUR THREAD. Once you have done so, if you are still confused or your information is not here feel free to post questions!


3)If you have questions that are not directly related to Dreams Tulum, it would be better to post them either in the Mayan Riviera Forum (if it’s something about the airport, activities in the area, finding a local photographer/videographer or other vendor etc) or in the BDW General forums (for stuff like dresses, do it yourself projects, etc)


4)Be aware that the wedding coordinators are very slow at responding to emailed questions. That’s what we’re here for! We’ll do our best to help you plan. But know that once you arrive there, you will be so impressed with the coordinators. So just try to relax during the planning process. Every bride who’s posted a review was really amazed at how organized the wedding coordinators are and how everything comes together at the last minute. They all say they wished they had relaxed more because there was no point in worrying before hand.


5)When you come back, please please please POST A REVIEW!!!! If you’ve benefited at all from this community the best thing you can do to give back and keep it going for future brides is post a review and pictures. Tell us everything that went right, and more importantly, everything that went wrong (there is rarely anything that goes wrong at this resort so it's pretty rare we get to read about such experiences) so that we can learn from your experience.


DISCLAIMER: This information was collected from my/our interpretation of the Dreams Tulum Wedding Guide (link below) and from various brides. Some of the information could be inaccurate and may change over time. Don’t blame us, we’re just trying to help you!!!


(in order to seperate the resort info from personal comments/opinions I have usually marked the later with an "*", not to be confused with "***" which is sometimes used to indicate important notes)

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1. Wedding Coordinators
2. Wedding Guide
3. Wedding Packages
4. Legal Requirements
5. Ceremony (Location, Type of Ceremony, Sound/Music, Timing)
6. Reception (Groups policies & costs, Location, Dinner Menu, Hors d'oeuvres, Cocktails, Dancing/Music/Speeches, Other options)
7. Photographer/Videographer
8. Flowers
9. Décor
10. Esthetics (hair, Make-up, etc)
11. Payment
12. Other





Post #10 LINKS

Page 2 Pictures!
Resort photos and pictures of the ceremony / reception options and set-up (for actual wedding photos with people in them, see the links in post #4)

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***last updated March 2010***





As of mid 2009, the current wedding coordinator s are:


Landy Cahum (main coordinator) : [email protected]


Anabel: [email protected]


Natalia: [email protected]


The coordinators are extremely busy people and response time is usually very slow. For important and urgent questions (for example confirming ceremony date & time) it may be useful to phone the coordinators for a response 52 984 871 3333 (that is the main hotel number, ask the reception to transfer you to the wedding coordinators. It may take several tries before you reach them as they are often out of the office, and they likely won’t phone you back if you leave a message, so just keep trying several times a day until you reach them ). As much as the planning can be frustrating due to lack of email responses, all brides have been extremely happy with the service received by the coordinators once they arrived at the resort.


Approx one month before your wedding you will get a form to fill out for you to indicate your choices with respect to dinner, music, photographer etc. All these decisions can be changed once you arrive on the resort (availability of musicians and photographers is not a problem, even at the last minute).


You will meet with the coordinators when you arrive at the resort (usually the 2nd day) and go over all aspects of your wedding. This is the time to choose your flowers and cake, confirm reception location and everything else.






Dreams Tulum has a wedding guide (PDF document) with all their info, it is attached below. The newest version (2010) was released in mid 2009.




There are 3 wedding packages below.


DREAMS WEDDING IN PARADISE PACKAGE ($796 USD or free with honeymoon suite for 7 nights or 5 rooms (any category) for 3 nights). I have highlighted the inclusions that differ from the previous package.


•Service of Judge or Minister

•Wedding organization and personalization of our wedding coordinator

•Preferential location of the room in the category reserved

•Preparation and ironing of the wedding dress and grooms tuxedo/suit

•Complimentary room for the groom the night before the wedding (based on availability)

•Bride’s bouquet

•Boutonniere for the groom

•Wedding cake and sparkling wine for 10 guests

•Special turn down service at night

•15% discount on all Spa treatments (product purchases not included)

•Honeymoon Package

•Late check-out for bride and groom (based on availability)

•Silver framed photo of choice from stay (through end of 2009)

•Earn free nights stay towards your first anniversary


*use of the “gazebo/arbor” is included even though it’s not indicated like it is in the other packages. It is decorated with a flower arch. You get white chairs with covers and table with white tablecloth. (all free)


*although dinner is not listed, a special table will be set up at any of the restaurants free of charge for a group of 10 or less. For a group more than 10, this would be considered a “group” and costs extra (see receptions section below).




•Services of justice of peace or minister

•Wedding Organization and personalization of our Wedding Coordinator

•Preparation and ironing of the Wedding dress and grooms tuxedo/suit

•Complimentary room for the groom the night before the wedding (based on availability)

•Personal dressing assistant

•Use of the beach front or chapel location in a romantic setting

•Bride’s Bouquet

Two boutonnieres & two corsages for parents or witnesses

Special Silver Wedding Dinner party (for up to 20 guests staying at the hotel)

1 natural floral centerpiece for bride and groom dinner table

•Wedding cake and sparkling wine for 20 guests

One hour Silver Cocktail Party with hors d’oeuvres (for up to 20 guests staying at the hotel)

•Special turn down service

Bride’s hair styling for ceremony

Make-up application for bride

•15% discount on all Spa treatments (products not included)

36 full color professional photos and wedding album

•Honeymoon Package

•Late check-out for bride and groom (based on availability)

•Silver framed photo of choice from stay

•Earn free nights stay towards your first anniversary


*The beach location is decorated just as indicated in the ultimate package even though it’s not mentioned (i.e. chairs with white covers, table with white tablecloth and flower arch). Unsure about whether carpeted aisle is included.




•Services of justice of peace or minister

•Wedding organization and personalization of our wedding coordinator

•Preparation and ironing of the wedding dress and grooms tuxedo/suit

•Complimentary room for the groom the night before the wedding (based on availability)

•Personal dressing assistant

•Use of the beach front or chapel located in romantic setting

•Bride’s Bouquet

•Two boutonnieres and two corsages for parents or witnesses

•Special Gold Wedding Dinner party (for up to 20 guests staying at the hotel)

•One natural floral centerpiece for bride and groom dinner table

One natural floral centerpiece for ceremonial table

•Wedding cake and sparkling wine for 20 guests

•One hour Gold cocktail party with hors d’oeuvres (for up to 20 guests staying at the hotel)

•Special turn down service

•Bride’s hair styling for ceremony

•Make-up application for bride

•15% discount on all Spa treatments (products not included)

50 full color photos and wedding with album

•Honeymoon Package

•Late check-out for bride and groom (based on availability)

•Beach Front Wedding Set-Up décor - chairs with white covers, ceremonial table, and carpeted walkway

Live Mexican music trio (1 set)

•Video of the ceremony (30 min. DVD edited)

•One Spa treatment to choose from: One Swedish massage for two or one European facial for two or one Salt Glow Body Scrub for two

•Silver framed photo of choice from stay

•Earn free nights stay towards your first anniversary





There are no requirements for a symbolic ceremony (although the resort may require you arrive a few days before for planning purposes)


For a legal ceremony the bride and groom and witnesses must arrive FOUR business days (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays don’t count) before the wedding. This means you don’t count the day you arrive but you do count the wedding day ( Note that some brides have gotten around this rule, i.e. for Sunbride they also counted the arrival date even though she only arrived at 3pm and for another bride they only required 2 days!)


Legal requirements:

•Valid passport

•Tourist Cards (blue sheets that you receive at the airport)

•Blood test provided by a Mexican Official at the resort (organized by wedding coordinator). Cost of 175$ must be paid to the paramedic in exact cash.

•Four witnesses (family members are allowed) (if you don’t have witnesses the resort will provide them).

*note: although the website lists “apostille certified birth certificates” this is only for couples who are divorced.



Additional legal requirements (depending on circumstances):

If divorced:

•Apostille certified birth certificates for Bride & Groom (translated by the resort or at Mexican embassy)

•Final Record of Divorce (translated by the resort or at Mexican embassy)

If widowed:

•Death Certificate

(not sure if apostille certified birth certificates needed in this case)


Note that in order for your marriage certificate to be legal, some countries require that you have the document “apostille certified” (i.e. special stamp verifying the authenticity). This is not required in Canada (not sure about the US). The wedding coordinators can do this for you for 100$ and your certificate will be mailed to you afterwards (will take a couple months) or you can do it back home at the Mexican embassy.




(5.1) Locations


There are 3 locations for the ceremony:


a) The chapel


The chapel is very small and fits only 20-40 people. There are 5 rows of small benches (one bench on each side of the aisle, 5 rows, 10 benches total) which seat approx 2 people each, thus approx total 20 people seated. Some people could stand in the back.


The chapel is VERY HOT as there is only one small window in the back and the open door for air circulation.


B) Beach “gazebo”/arbor located next to seaside grill (south end of beach)


The beach behind the gazebo is quite clean (the least rocky area of the whole beach) and there is a beautiful rocky area slightly farther south which is nice for pictures.


c) Beach “gazebo”/arbor located next to the aqua center (north end of beach)


The beach here is slightly more rocky than the other gazebo.


Both beach locations are at the end of the beach. There will be people sitting nearby (usually only on one side since the locations are at the ends of the beach) but not surrounding the site. Nobody has reported any problems with hotel guests being intrusive. The wedding coordinators will ask people to move if their lounger chairs are set-up to close.


For beach locations, chairs with white covers are included in all packages, as well as a flower arch on the gazebo. Chair bows are extra and available in several colors. You can also bring your own bows (or tulle) and they will put them on for a small fee (cheaper than using their stuff).


*** In case of rain, the back-up location is the convention center.


Although these are the official locations, you could speak to the wedding coordinators about other locations. Likely the convention center can be used as your location (not just for a rain back-up) and one bride is doing her wedding near the lobby, between the big staircase and the fountain.


(5.2) Types of ceremony


a) Civil ceremony


Only the civil ceremony is legal.


The ceremony is performed by a judge (usually female) who speaks Spanish and your wedding coordinator will translate.


The ceremony text is always the same (see link below) but you can add your own vows, readings, sand ceremony, etc.


B) Religious or symbolic/renewal of vows


For both the religious ceremony and symbolic/renewal of vows you need to have a legal ceremony performed back home to be considered legally married. Some people choose the symbolic/renewal of vows ceremony to avoid the 4 day waiting period, the blood test, and the extra paperwork if widowed/divorced. Some people choose the religious ceremony for obvious personal reasons.


For symbolic/renewal of vows the ceremony will be performed by a minister. The resort provides the minister but you are allowed to use somebody else if you prefer (i.e. family member, guest or other).


Some people have complained that even the symbolic (i.e. non-religious) ceremony has some religious parts to it. If you do not want any religion at all, you may be better off writing your own text (or at least be very clear to the coordinator, and maybe even speak to the minister a couple minutes before the ceremony if possible to clarify with them)


These types of ceremonies are more flexible than the legal one, you can pretty much do anything you want for the ceremony itself.


You can write your own ceremony text if you prefer to do so rather than using the normal resort one. Or you can use the resort one but add your own parts to it such as vows, readings, sand ceremonies, etc.


Here is the typical symbolic ceremony (approx 20 – 25 minutes):


Opening prayer




1st. Reading (Mark 10:6-9) Institution of marriage


Reflexion on the scripture


2nd. Reading (1st. Corinthians 13:4-8a) Love


Meditation on the reading


Prayer for the rings (your hearts)



(Bride/Groom´s name) I give you this ring.

Wear it with love and joy

I choose you to be my (wife, husband)

From this day forward

For better or for worst

For richer or for poorer

In sickness and in health

To love and to cherish

For as long as we both shall live



Presentation to the congregation as Mr. and Mrs.


Signing of the certificate.


(5.3) Sound / Music


As of late 2008 / early 2009, you now have to pay 150$ to rent the sound system for the ceremony (one large speaker and a microphone). It is highly recommended you get this for beach ceremonies, otherwise your guests can’t properly hear the ceremony and your vows. It can also be used to play music for your entrance, exit, and signing the certificate.


You can bring your own music on a CD or on your ipod or the resort will provide the music (not sure about all the options, but the "default" song they use if you don't bring something else is the instrumental "Canon in D" by Pachelbel).


Alternatively you could get a live musician. See the prices below in the music section for receptions.


Note: Recently, brides are being charged the sound system fee for twice if they use the sound system for both the ceremony AND for the reception.



(5.4) Number of weddings per day / Timing


The resort will only schedule one wedding at a specific time, but up to 3 weddings on the same day. Most of the brides on here haven’t had problems with another wedding taking place at the same time/day as theirs, in fact several brides have said they hardly noticed there was another wedding the same day. (One exception (enter bride’s name) complained that it felt like a wedding factory. She wrote a review if you want more info).


The question of what time to have your ceremony is a matter of personal preference. Make sure to leave sufficient time for photos afterwards (unless you plan on seeing the groom before and do that before). See the following links for discussions about preferred timing of the ceremony (there are way more threads, these are just a few ideas).







(6.1) Groups policies & costs


Dreams Tulum defines a “group” as being more than 10 people. Group dinner policies and extra charges apply for any event (wedding, welcome dinner, etc).


If your group is 10 or less people, none of the below apply as these are policies for groups only. So you can eat in any restaurant, using the regular menu, for no extra fee. They will set-up a nice table for your group to be together.


Any group event will have a service charge of 20$ per person for the regular restaurant menu. The service charge is to cover to extra service required to serve a large group.


If a special reception menu is desired, the cost is 55$ for the silver menu or 65$ for the gold menu.


Lobster menu is 30$ in addition to the dinner charge (not sure if this means on top of the 65$ or on top of the 20$ menu).


For all group events, the official policy is that the menu must be chosen in advance and must be the same for everyone (i.e. one menu item only). Exceptions will be made for vegetarians and children. Many brides have reported being allowed to give their guests 2 choices even though the official policy is 1.


Wedding in paradise package does not include dinner officially (i.e. not listed in package) but they will set up a special large table for a group of 10 or less (because less than 10 is not officially a “group”) and you can eat off the regular restaurant menu for free. If you have more than 10, you pay 20$ per person for everyone (so technically if you are 11 people you pay 20$x11). If you want to upgrade to silver or gold menu, you pay 55$ or 65$ for every single person.


Dreams of love package includes silver dinner for 20 people. Each person above 20 will 55$ for the silver menu (i.e. if you have 25 people, you only pay 55$ for 5 people, not all 25). If you find this too expensive, you could forgo the silver menu and just use the normal menu for 20$ (the first 20 will still be free, so in this case with an example of 25 people, you pay 20$ for 5 people, not all 25).


Ultimate Wedding package includes gold dinner for 20 people. Each person above 20 will be subject to a charge of 65$ for the gold menu (i.e. if you have 25 people, you pay 65$ per person for 5 people, not all 25). If you find this too expensive, you could forgo the gold menu and choose the silver menu (55$) or normal menu (20$) and just pay those fees for each person above 20 people (the first 20 are always free).


All receptions last 3 hours and end at 10:30pm unless you pay an extra fee beyond that time (only possible for ballroom and possibly private restaurants, not allowed later for outdoor options). Keep in mind that you can continue the party at another location such as Desire or Sugar Reef Bar.




(6.2) Reception locations


Indoor options


a) buffet


obviously not private but the only completely free option for more than 10 people (if using the free package) or 20 people (if using the ultimate or dreams of love package). They will seat you together in one section. The restaurant is divided into several sections so you may be off to the side for a little bit of privacy. Not many brides have chosen this option, but those who did said it was great as a cheaper option.


B) ballroom


The resort opened a convention center in early 2008 with three ballrooms:


the Coba room (smallest - 20 people)

Uxmal (medium)

Chichen Itza (largest room, fits 200, can be divided to make it smaller though). Chichen Itza has a stage and grand piano in the 2nd section.


c) wine cellar of Portofino


The wine cellar is a private room within the Portofino restaurant. It is small, maximum number of people is 40. No private event fee. There would be no space for dancing as the room is quite small.


d) Portofino, Bordeau, Gohan/Himitsu


Only if your group is under 25 people. This cannot be a private event (there will be other guests in the restaurant) thus no music allowed. Cost will be 20$ per person to use the regular restaurant menu.


Open air restaurants (indoor/outdoor combination!)


The following two restaurants are “open-air”, i.e. few or no walls, but ceilings and floors and are located on or directly next to the beach.


e) Seaside grill


f) El patio


The new policy is that you can only reserve Seaside Grill or El Patio for a private event if occupancy is less than 70% (can only be confirmed one month in advance).


Cost for private event in these restaurants is 750$


Groups less than 25 can eat in these restaurants for a non private event anytime (i.e. same as for Portofino, Bordeau, Gohan/Himitsu above)


Outdoor options


***in case of rain, back-up location is the convention center ballrooms


g) Terrace of El Patio


While only your group is on the terrace, other people will be in the restaurant right next to your group. No private event fee for dreams of love or ultimate package (not sure about wedding in paradise package)


One bride said she was told 100 people is the absolute maximum


h) beach


No private event fee for dreams of love or ultimate package (750$ for wedding in paradise package)


i) next to the activity pool (between bridge and pool bar)


No private event fee for dreams of love or ultimate package (750$ for wedding in paradise package)


j) at the end of the quiet/adults pool


No private event fee for dreams of love or ultimate package (750$ for wedding in paradise package)



(6.3) Dinner menus


SILVER MENU (select 1 of each option)



- Spicy chicken wings with carrots

- Voul au vant filled with mushrooms gratinated with mozarella chesse

- Azteca fried tortilla with shrimps and cream



- Mushrooms Cream Soup with a touch of truffle oil

- Minestrone Soup with basil

- Mediterranean Seafood Soup



- Caesar Salad with blackened chicken

- Grilled vegetables with a aged Balsamic Vinegar

- Mixed Salad with a house dressing


Main Courses

- Grilled Flank Steak with a little spicy sauce of “adobo“

- Chicken Breast filled with spinach and cream chesse with peppers sauce

- Fish Steak with vegetables fettuccine



- Milk Mousse with chocolate sauce

- Three milks cake filled with strawberries flambéed

- Fruits tart with Amaretto Mousse


***Buffet style for groups over 50 people. The menu for buffet style would be 01 appetizer, 01 salad, 03 Main courses and 03 desserts.



GOLD MENU (select 1 of each option)



- Shrimp in puff pastry in a coriander and tomato sauce

- Bruschetta with proscuitto, tomato and fresh basil

- Portobello mushroom with a truffle mousse and mozzarella cheese



- Shrimp bisque with artichokes

- Onion Soup with a Red wine touch

- Tortilla Soup



- Caribbean Shrimp salad with mango dressing

- Fresh Green Asparagus salad with a dijon mustard dressing

- Mixed Italians lettuce with citrus vinaigrette


Main Courses

- Surf & Turf, Mignon and Shrimps with a gravy sauce and malted butter

- Fresh Salmon in a Puff Pastry with a delicious peppers sauce

- Pork medallions with potato soufflé and Oporto sauce



- Vanilla puff pastry cake with Cognac sauce

- Dark Chocolate Cake

- Tiramisu




Salad Bar:

Shrimps cocktail

Squid ceviche

Fish ceviche

Cold beef meat Yucatan style

Mexican Sauce

Guacamole and chips


Hot Bar:

Fried Chicken tacos

Mixed Fajitas

Rice Mexican Style

Chicken in mole sauce

Turnips with butter

Lime Soup

Tacos pastor style

Grilled flank steak




Mexican candies


Sweet rice dessert


*** Buffet style for groups over 50 people The menu for buffet style would be 01 appetizer, 01 salad, 03 Main courses and 03 desserts.




kids meals are 20$ (chicken nuggers, hot dog, etc)


(6.4) Hors D'oeuvres & Cocktail hour


Some people chose to have an Hors d'oeuves / cocktail hour between their ceremony and reception. There is an extra charge for this as it is a special service to have waiters exclusively for your group. Alternatively, you could just organize your own cocktail hour at one of the bars for free (lobby bar, sugar reef bar) but you will be with other guests of the resort.



Hors d’ oeuvres (per hour per person) $10.00 (was 8$ in 2008-09 guide)


Cocktails (per hour per person) $15 (was 12$ in 2008-09 guide)


Optional: you can choose a "signature drink" for your cocktail hour (either something off their menu or bring a recipe for you)


(6.6) Dancing / Music / Speeches


Note: the guide says "“music and dancing only allowed for private events or ballroom” which means you cannot have your own music in a restaurant unless you rent out the restaurant privately. For beach and pool receptions, music is allowed until 10:30pm (one bride was told 11pm was okay but most brides had to end it at 10:30pm).


This disco is a free option some brides use for dancing after the dinner, but it is not private (although usually there are very few people or it’s completely empty).


Dance Floor for Reception (2-50 pax) $800

Dance Floor for Reception (50-100 PAX ) $1000


Sound System equipment $150$ for ceremony and/or 240$ for reception (NOTE as of late 2008 you have to pay both the ceremony and the reception if you want to use it for both. In 2008-09 it was 150$ for each but as of the 2009-10 guide the charge for the reception has been increased to $240)


DJ services (per hour) $235 (was $150 in 2008-09)


All music options below prices are for one 45 minute set


Live Music Band (45minutes) $780

Caribbean Trio or Romantic Trio or Mariachi Trio (45 minutes) $450

Guitarist (45 minutes) $300

Violinist(45 minutes) $470.00

Saxaphonist (45 minutes) $420

Mariachi band (7 person band) (45 minutes) $750


In lieu of renting the speaker system, you could bring an ipod docking system, but make sure it’s loud enough to suit your needs. (for the ceremony, it’s better to use their system as it also includes a microphone so your guests can hear everything) NOTE: if you rent the speaker system you do not need to bring a docking system, this is for the people who did NOT want to rent the speaker system and were okay with just using a small portable speaker.


(6.7) Other reception options (Fire dancers, bonfire, etc)


Some brides have looked for additional options for the reception:


Fireworks – Not allowed!


Bonfires – Used to be allowed, but not anymore (as of 2010) due to environmental regulations


Firedancers - $600 for 15 minutes of fire dancers (updated august 2009)


Renting lounge furniture - 450$ two small white sofas/benches, 4 white cube seats, and a small table






7.1) Resort photographer


30 pictures and digital cd $470

50 pictures and digital cd $695

80 pictures and digital cd $950


See the attachments section below for samples of the photographer's work.


You can contact the photographer at: [email protected].


If you use the Dreams of Love or Ultimate package, you only get the photos, not the CD. The CD is an additional 300$.


If you are using the Dreams of Love or Ultimate package (which includes photography) but you are using an outside photographer for your wedding, you cannot be reimbursed for the value of the photography, but you MAY be able to for something else (i.e. more time with the videographer, use the photographer for a trash the dress session or for a rehersal dinner or other event instead) UPDATE (May 2009) : Teesha was told that switching photography (if you have your own) for videography is no longer allowed, so if you were told you were allowed to do this bring your emails that say it's okay as proof. You are still allowed to use the photography for another event (i.e. rehersal dinner).



*While some brides have been very happy with the resort photographer others have been unhappy. Brides for whom photography is extremely important (and are willing to spend more) often get an outside photographer from the mayan riviera or bring one from home. It's a very personal choice and depends on expectations of the bride. See the list of brides (below) to find out who has used the resort photographer and look at the links for their pictures and read their reviews to find out more. One complaint about the resort photographer is that they take pictures for a very limited amount of time. Some brides have said that although they managed to get 30-50 great pictures, all the rest were awful. Some brides have made prior arrangements with the photographer for them to come to the room to take getting ready pictures, but they don’t show up.


*There has been some discussion on the forum about the fact that there is more than one photographer working on resort grounds, and that perhaps some are better than others. Starting in early 2009 brides are trying to get the name of their resort photographer and note in their review.


*The amount of photographer’s time you get here is not specified but is approximately 2 hours. They do not have a set charge for additional hours, you will have to negotiate with them directly. I emailed them for fun in the fall 2008 for more rate info because a bunch of brides wanted to know. It was very challenging to get an answer from them, and sometimes my emails were answered by a different person who said something completely different. I was told the rates for a trash the dress session are the same as the wedding package rates (perhaps you can negotiate something better)



7.2) Resort videographer


The videographer’s website is: Oscar Video - Cancun - Riviera Maya. See a sample of his work here: Wedding on the Net!


Video Filming 1hr , for 2-30 pax ( Ceremony and family shoots) $480

Video Filming 6hr , for 30-80 pax (Ceremony , video studio and reception) $950

Video Filming 8 hrs , for 80 or more (Ceremony , video studio and reception) $1300

Video Filming 10 hrs , 2 cameras $1650


We don't yet have a sample video from a Dreams Tulum bride who used the videographer (if somebody can upload theirs to youtube that would be awesome!).


*The sample video on the videographer's website is not the same as what is received at Dreams Tulum. Generally it is a video with the full length ceremony (real sound, nothing edited) and then an edited part with shots from the picture section set to a song.


*Most brides have been happy with the video, but several have been unhappy, many (whether they liked it or not) commented that it was a bit cheesy.


7.3) Outside photographers & videographers


Until the 2009-10 guide, the resort allowed outside photographers and videographers for no fee, unless a meal is required for them in which you case you must purchase the day pass (see below in “other”). There are many great photographers in the Mayan Riviera (do a search of the forum). You can also bring a photographer with you from home as a guest of the resort.


In the 2009-10 guide, it says you must notify the resort if you want to use an outside photographer and there will be a fee. We have not heard more information from anyone about this fee.




Basic Brides Bouquet $70

Deluxe Bouquet $90-350

Bridesmaids Bouquet $55

Corsages (wrist or shoulder) $30

Boutoniere $18.00

Deluxe Boutoniere $20-40

Dinner Centerpieces $65

Dinner Centerpieces with candles $75

Medium dinner centerpiece $80

Large dinner centerpiece $95

Ceremony Centerpiece $40

Columns and Arrangements(2) $190

Flowers for walkway $200

Flowers for pews in the chapel $200

Flower Wedding Arch $550

Single Flower $10.00

Bag with Petals $18

Basket with petals $40

Crown of flowers for flower girl $45


There is a flower guide (see attachment below) but the selection is limited so many brides bring their own picture and they will copy it if possible. There are some things they may not be able to copy due to availability and also because the flowers are delivered to the resort early morning and would wilt (for example hibiscus). Bring back-up photos of other options.


The flowers will be delivered to your room only a few minutes before the ceremony. If you want them earlier (for pictures before the ceremony) just tell the coordinator (the flowers are always delivered at the resort in the morning so it shouldn’t be a problem).


Here are the flowers that are usually available at regular price (no surcharge):


Roses: Yellow, Orange, White, Purple, Ivory, Pink, Red.

Mini-Roses: White, Red, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Ivory.

Gerber Daisies: Yellow, Orange, White, Purple, Ivory, Pink, Red.

Lilies: White, Yellow, Orange, Pink.

Callas: White

Lisiantus: White, Purple And Pink.

Iris: White And Purple.

Alstromerias: Red, Orange, White, Pink, Yellow

Dephiniums: White And Blue.

Bird Of Paradise: Orange.

Gingers: Red And Pink.

*Orchids and colored callas must be imported and are very expensive.

Some brides choose to use high end silk flowers (real touch) and bring them with them to save money and/or to ensure that they get exactly what they want.


Most brides have been very happy with their flowers even though they do not have any communication with the florist.




Tikki torches decoration (per event) $150 (includes 5-6 torches)

Linen (per table) $18 (white is free)

Overlay (per table) $18

Overlay decorated(per table) $20

Special Color napkin (per pax) $4 (white is free)

Bows for chairs (per chair) $5

Carpeted walkway $60

Luminaries $2

Aisle runner 80$



A small vase is $12; large vase is $16

Candles are $6

Steam with orchids (submerged in water) $18 each


Tiffany Chairs are available through the resort from an outside vendor for $18 per chair (price updated august 2009)


Reception tables are 60" and fit 8-10 people. A rectangular table is allowed for the head table only.


Many brides choose to bring their own décor but this can take up lots of space in your suitcase so choose carefully! However doing so can save you a lot of money.


It used to be that you were not be charged for the coordinators to set-up any decor items you bring with you. As of 2009 they have been charging a fee for the set-up of some items that you bring yourself such as paper lanterns, material for ceiling of seaside grill, but many items you don't get charged a set-up such as table overlays, centerpieces etc. *I think probably stuff that is quick to set-up (i.e. placing an overlay or centerpiece on the table) is free but things that are more complicated/time consuming there is a fee. It’s usually much cheaper to bring your own things and have them set it up then to rent their things.



(10) Esthetics (Hair, Make-up, etc)


Dreams has a great spa to make you beautiful on your wedding day! See the attachments section for a menu and price list (2 documents).


Brides get 15% discount on spa services.


*Your whole bridal party will get the 15$ discount (it’s possible that the bride may have to pay for everyone for the discount to be applied, not sure).


Hair: 35$+ (usually 45$)


*It seems almost all brides are very happy with their hair. One of the stylists used by several brides is Trinidad and she is great.


Make-up: 45$+


*Most brides are very happy with their make-up, although I think one or two may have mentioned not being completely happy.


Full Manicure: 65$

Full Pedicure: 75$

polish only (hands or feet): 25$


*none of the brides have been happy with their mani or pedis


Massage 50min (various types): 125$

Stone Massage 50min: 145$


*everyone says the messages at Dreams are the best ever!


The wedding coordinator can make the appointment for you after your meeting with them, or you can make it yourself when you arrive.


However if you have a very strict wedding day schedule and worried about not getting the exact time you want and you have several people who want their hair done at the same time (like me!) then you can book it in advance by email: [email protected]





Cash, credit card or travelers checks accepted. For credit card payments, your card will be charged in Mexican pesos (i.e. the prices listed in the wedding guide will be converted to Mexican pesos and will be charged to your card this way, your credit card company will charge you a small fee to convert it to your local currency).


Some brides have noted not being charged for some items they should have been charged for (exp: upgrade to deluxe bouquet, additional flowers or bag of petals, 2 tier cake with Wedding in Paradise package, etc).




You will pay an additional 10% tax and 15% gratuities on everything. Many people choose to tip the wedding coordinators (and others involved in the wedding) for all their hard work.




As of summer 2008, the resort is taking a deposit for all wedding packages. The deposits are as follows:


100$ for Wedding in Paradise package

500$ for Ultimate OR Dreams of love packages


If you reserved your wedding BEFORE the new deposit policy, you will not have to put a deposit and you will not get a confirmation number. Your email from the coordinators confirming your date is the only confirmation you will receive.


(12) OTHER


12.1) Guests Staying at Other Resorts / Day Passes


If you have guests staying at other hotels they have to buy a guest pass. This is in addition to the cost you have to pay for their dinner as part of the group charges. While it may seem ridiculous you are being double charged, remember that your guests at the hotel have paid for all-inclusive meals, and you have paid for their special dinner as an upgrade option so buying the guest pass (i.e. paying for the use of the all-inclusive facilities) and then dinner charge is the same idea.


Day Pass (Lunch and Dinner)(per person) $55

Full Day Pass(Breakfast , lunch and dinner)(per person) $90

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How to post a review:

Some people post their reviews in this thread, which is okay but they can be hard to find later (even if I provide the link, sometimes it just links to the first page of this thread). It's better if you start a new thread (also, then other brides not from DT can see it too).

When writing your review, be as detailed as possible, the longer the better. Good details to include are things such as how much things cost, whether you brought the items yourself or the resort provided them (brides ask these 2 questions all the time), and all the things that went perfect and the things you wished had gone differently (especially the latter) and how to prevent those mistakes (if any).


Start a new thread in this sub-forum


Wedding Reviews - Best Destination Wedding Forum


You can call it " (insert your user name here) Dreams Tulum review - (insert wedding date here)" or something like that.


How to post pictures:


To post pictures, you need to get a account with Photobucket. You upload your pictures to your photobucket account, then under each picture there will be a link (there are actually 3 links, you want the last one) and copy and paste the link into your thread. The images will show up in the thread, even though the photos are actually located on photobucket. If you have serious problems doing this you can always email me your pictures (send me a PM and I will send you my email address) and I will do it for you. Another option is to use any other photo website (picasa web album, snapfish, etc) and provide the link for the whole album. If you do that, the photos won't show up directly in the thread, it will be a link that

brings people to another page to go see your photos.




Once you have decided on your date post it in the thread. Sunbride will note the information, and every month or two the list will be updated.


***list last updated March 2010***







Tuluminjune - June ?? 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6247 & Tuluminjune's photos

Lucky_K72 and lambert13 - July 4 2007 : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6886 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6896 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7590

Laura_b - July 7 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7952

LisaG - August 3 2007 LisaG's photos by resort photog

David_and_Laura - October 26 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12951 & Trash the Dress pictures

calyx6 - November 3 2007

donandcorri - November 23 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12201 & DonandCorri's photobook

DreamsTulumBride - December 12 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12905 & Link to Dreamstulumbride's pics on Elizabeth's blog




bride_2_b08 - January 10 2008

SunBride - April 1 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18711 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19097 & Sunbride's Professional Photos & Sunbride's full length ceremony video part 1 Sunbride's full length ceremony video part 2

SaharaTulumWedding - April 10 2008

Leamil - April 19 2008 Leamil's photos by del Sol associate photographer Vincent

Iowachik22 - April 26 2008 Iowachik22's photos & "I just got back" post (page 57 of the old Dreams Tulum thread)

AmyInMI - May 10 2008

Debla1 - May 10 2008

babycow - May 17 2008 Babycow's photos by Vanessa Vargas

Olive - May 20 2008

Julieanddonnie - May ? 2008 - Julie's review (Page 98 of the old dreams tulum thread) & Julieanddonnie's professional photos (resort photog) & Other photos (non professional)

chibi411 - June 4 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...da-long-23169/


Ellsbells - June 14, 2008

phalstead - June 18,2008

Sannjn - June 23 2008 - Sannjn's review (Page 104 of the old dreams tulum thread)

monikabrandon2008 - June 27 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24460 & Monicabrandon's pro pics by cecilia dumas

tcole07 - July 26, 2008

Theresa08 - August 18, 2008 Teresa08's review & a few pics (Page 35 of this thread)


***the following brides were moved to other resorts due to the temporary closure of Dreams Tulum***

rabbitnow - October 7, 2008 – Dreams Cancun

Piggy - October 9 - Barcelo Maya Palace

Trisha0612 - October 10 - Paradisus Riviera Cancun Trisha0612's LONG Paradisus Review

B&J2008 - October 11 - Paradisus Riviera Cancun I'm Back! A Few Non-Pro Teasers w/ few from Jean-Marcus! *Pics*

cendcar - October 27 - Paradisus Riviera Cancun Carina's Paradisus Riviera Cancun Review- Part 1

Jodylynn007 - November 1 2008 – Secrets Maroma Beach

Mel88 - November 1 2008 - Paradisus Riviera Cancun

Alin & Mako - November 8, 08 – Barcelo Maya Palace

Nueland - November 12 - Barcelo Maya Palace

Dreamstbride - November 13 - Barcelo Maya Palace

MonoAmor - November 13 - Barcelo Maya Palace

Meggzilla - November 14 - Barcelo Maya Palace

***resort reopened November 15 2008***


Sisterofthebrideerica – Sister’s wedding November 22 2008

can't wait! - November 28 2008 EXTRA long DT wedding review 11/28/08

Bonita - November 29 2008

amy706 - December 5 2008 Site visit review and pics - Dreams Tulum & Amy706's review & Amy706's DT Pro Pics: Citlalli Review

Niels408 - December 7, 2008 - Niel's Video

Callie - December 15 2008 Callie's Dreams Tulum Review and Eager Groom (Callie’s husband) Eager Groom's Review (Page 106 of the new Dreams Tulum thread) and their photos

Tulum in December - December 18 2008

Amesharp - December 20 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35146

Amodew - December 30 2008




SBlake - January 17 2009 SBlake's review and pics & http://craigwolfrom.blogspot.com/200...ott-tulum.html & http://www.printroom.com/studio_home...n_name=cwphoto (look for sarah and scott and use password: Chicago)

Neen - January 17 2009 (Neen's Q & A session with Landy)

BC Bride2be - January 23 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36186 &http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36834

Lauren & JT - January 24 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...160#post713103 (page 60 of the DT thread)

Melissa24 - January 29 2009

Lulu - February 3, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36809 http://picasaweb.google.com/LeeSaelh...KCiIjntZKYxAE#

Dollbird - February 18 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39905

Jeninvirginia - February 23 2009 No review but some info here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25646-156 (our thread page 156) and Resort photographer pics: http://adobe.kodakgallery.com/ShareL...localeid=en_US

soontobeamrs - February 27 2009

jennyjean7 - March 17, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39550 http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c1...ng%2003-17-09/

Rachelannmartin - March 18 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39425 http://delsolphotography.com/blog/co...phy-by-Vincent

beachformeplease - March 20, 2009

dazzled – March 26 2009

Teesha - April 9, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...185#post793625

Photos: http://delsolphotography.com/blog/co...tos-by-Vincent

Denise L – April 10, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42083 for photos go to http://www.momentsthatmatterphotography.com/ (go to the “Dreams Tulum page”)

MajikDreams - April 11, 2009

411Bride - April 11 2008

motorola_mascott - April 14, 2009

WisconsinBride - April 15 2008

Gina and Rusty - April 17, 2009

April2009Bride - April 24 2009

Dreams425 - April 25 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41919

Maxandkatie - May 1 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42312

Blkatz - May 2 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42238, http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t44234, http://cancunweddingvideo.com/wedding/beth_jay/

Ashjanbro - May 5 2009

SGBrown - May 7 2009 *rescheduled to June and moved to Jamaica due to swine flu

pamela0728 – May 8 2009

Shelleq - May 9 2009

Latinolocany – May 26 2009

Krystalranee - May 29 2009

Thedeanerswedding - June 3, 2009

Veronica96 – June 6 2009

KylesBrideToBe – June 12, 2009

Lonna14 - June 20 2009 http://photo.walgreens.com/ Login: lonnaandmatt Password: dreamstulum09

Lindz - June 23 2009

Soon2beTWells – June 23 2009

Ida – June 25 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45249 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47356

Mixie23 – June 27 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t46270 (more on page 2)

Starlitk - June 27 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45462 http://www.leografia.com/tulum/flashversion.html

Rebecca&George - June 29 2009

Chanti – June 29, 2009 http://momentsthatmatterphotography....tal&Nathan.htm

(if the link doesn’t bring you to the album, click on galleries, then Chantal and Nathan)

Wahmsuzanne – June 30, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...652#post875270


Amyc - July 18 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t46526

Dee83 - July 29, 2009

Sdtooley – July 31, 2009 http://michaelandshannonpageswedding.shutterfly.com/ (guest photos and resort photographer rehersal dinner photoshoot) http://claudiaphoto.com/slideshows/c...annon_michael/

ERNurse - October 10 2009

Freckle – October 16, 2009

dolce328 - October 24, 2009

alysalynn - October 29, 2009

Bethanykd: Oct 30, 2009

Nevasta – November 14, 2009

Lolosmama - November 17, 2009 - http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...17-09-a-52437/

Avagrace - November 18, 2009 at 4pm

Toronto_Bride – November 19, 2009

christie_danielle - November 20, 2009

Carmen2009 - November 28, 2009

jmb0902 - November 28, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...c-heavy-53018/

NeKal08 – November huh.gif 2009

Gimlori - December 4, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...9/#post1101492 & http://s983.photobucket.com/albums/a...lum%20Wedding/

WindsorBride - December 11, 2009

Angruck - December 12, 2009

Maxwell123 - Dec 12 2009

Tkolman – Dec 23, 2009 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...amazing-53469/




Cyntherella - January 7th, 2010, 4pm http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...1/#post1161227

Butteflyf369 – January 20, 2010 at 2:00PM

snicker_doodle53 – January 20, 2010

crazyldy – January 26, 2010

danispence13 - February 26th 2010 3pm

michelleK03/10 - March 17, 2010

sunprncss85 - March 19th, 2010

northernflasher - March 26 2010

Loegurl - March huh.gif 2010



Upcoming brides


Sophie - April 6, 2010

Dannah - April 19, 2010

jerzygirl85 - April 24, 2010

Clairisse April 28, 2010

TaraLeanne – April 29 2010

honeybear - May 4, 2010 @ 5:00 pm

Trulystarr - May 12, 2010

Oasisgirl – May 13 2010

DTurner51410 - May 14, 2010

MnM2Mexico – May 17, 2010 @ 4pm

Amymarie - May 19th, 2010 4pm

AchiCAp0547 - May 21st 2010, at 4 pm

TeamTejeda - May 22 2010

ems4 - May 22, 2010 3PM

Cheri - May 25, 2010, 6pm

NicoRuskies - May 28th, 2010, 4:00pm

LeNell - May 29,2010

VioletVixen- June19 2010

BarbieBride – June 22, 2010

Royal Lady10 - June 26, 2010

Clinicalgal - June 28 2010 6pm

RCBlondie - June huh.gif 2010

Tisha316 – July 31 2010

Taranyc - Saturday, September 25th, 2010 at 5p

Kacelb - October 9, 2010 at 2 PM

angie_tx - October 16, 2010 @4pm

L&A2010 - November 1, 2010

OceanWonderland – November 15, 2010 at 3pm

Kenaharmony – November 2010

Amyboerema - Dec. 4, 2010




Vlynnw - May 6, 2011






*note, the above short list has ALL BDW Dreams Tulum brides (well at least all those who asked to be posted) whereas the list below only has the detailed info for the brides who have posted a review.


This list helps upcoming brides search for reviews from other brides who have had a particular vendor, location, date, etc


After you post your review, please send me the following info to add to the list:




Date & Time:

Wedding package:

Wedding extras (through the resort):

Outside vendors (cost charged by vendor and any fees charged by the resort):

Type of ceremony:


Number of guests:

Ceremony location and time:

Cocktail hour location and time:

Reception location and time:



Review (link):

Photos (link):

Video (link):

Planning thread (link):

Wedding website (link):

Special arrangements / activities:

See my review for ….





Username: Lucky_K72 and lambert13

Names: Karen & Jason

Date & time: July 4 2007, 10am

Coordinator: Sandra

Number of guests: 0 (eloped!)

Photograpaher: Vanessa Vargas

Videographer: Juan Alfredo Salcedo

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6886 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6896 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7590

Photos: jnklambert - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Username: Laura_b

Date & time: July 7 2007, 10am

Ceremony location: Gazebo next to aqua sport center

Photograpaher: Sasha Haagensen Photography (texas)

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7952

See my review for... to learn about how they painted my flowers and the color leaked!


Username: LisaG

Name: Lisa

Date & Time: August 3, 2007 @ 5pm

Wedding package: Dreams Ultimate Wedding Package

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Sandra

Number of guests: 35

Ceremony location: Beach - by the dive/surf shop

Reception location: Terrace of El Patio

Photographer: Resort

Videographer: Resort

Photo link: LisaG's pics (There's a random non-pro dancing pic in there, ignore it.)


Username: David and Laura

Names: (see username!)

Date & Time: October 26, 2007, 4:30pm

Number of guests: 40

Ceremony location: Gazebo next to Aqua Sports Center

Reception location: El patio

Photographer: Jean-Marcus Strole (BDW member)

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12951

Photos: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12964

Special arrangements / activities: Rehersal dinner at portofino

See my review for... to read about my disappointment with disorganization of wedding/reception, cocktail hour, DJ


Username: donandcorri

Date & Time: November 23, 2007 Ceremony 3:00pm, Cocktails 5:00pm Dinner/Reception 6:00pm

Wedding package:Ultimate

Wedding extras (and cost charged): 2 extra boutonniers, 1 BM bouquet & 1 Hair Flower (got 2). (was not charged for any of them)

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: Sandra & Landy (I communicated with both prior to the wedding, dealt with Sandra @ the resort & both assisted me on the wedding day - I was a lucky girl & was the only wedding on that day!)

Number of guests: 17

Ceremony location: Gazebo next to Seaside Grill

Reception location: Wine Cellar in Portofino (was actually supposed to be on the beach beside Seaside Grill but weather didn’t cooperate – we hadn’t discussed a backup plan & I was extremely impressed with how quickly they rearranged everything)

Photographer: resort photographer - 36 5x7 pics in an album free with package + 350$ for CD of all 200 (and also BIL)

Videographer: resort videographer

Photos: DonandCorri's photobook(see her post here which describes which pages are pics from the resort photographer and which were done by her BIL: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-30#post508305)

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12201


Username: SunBride

Names: Stephanie and Jean-Yves

Date: April 1 2008

Wedding package: free one (wedding in paradise)

Wedding extras (and cost): none!

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: Landy

Number of guests: 10 (8 + us)

Ceremony location: gazebo next to seaside grill

Reception location: seaside grill

Photographer: brought my own from Ottawa

Videographer: Playaweddings

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18711

Photos: Sunbride's Professional Photos Video: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19097 & Sunbride's full length ceremony video part 1 Sunbride's full length ceremony video part 2

Special arrangments: My gazebo set-up!

See my review for... The longest Dreams Tulum wedding review ever! Details on my special gazebo set-up, link to review and video by playaweddings, detailed info about beach, rooms, timing of my day, trip to dos ojos cenote, and to hear about how I was not allowed to do my TTD photo session at the ruins


Username: leamil

Names: Leah and Jeff

Date: April 19

Wedding package:Ultimate

Wedding extras (and cost): private reception (free!) Exchanged the photo services for extra time with the videographer because we had our own photographer

Number of guests: 42

Reception location: El Patio (buffet style)

Photographer: Del Sol

Videographer: Resort

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-56#post370759 (page 56 of the old dreams tulum thread)

Photos: http://www.delsolphotography.com/vin...ngs/leah&jeff/


Username: IowaChik22

Names: Michelle

Date: April 26 2008, 7:20pm

Wedding package: Dreams of Love

Wedding extras (and cost): Speaker (150$), CD of pictures (350$)

Ceremony location: Chapel

Coordinator: Sandra

Reception location: beach next to seaside grill (buffet style)

Photographer: Resort

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7767-57 (page 57 of the old Dreams Tulum thread)

Photos: http://www2.snapfish.com/shareereg/p...28/g=108883811


Username: Babycow

Date: May 17 2008

Number of guests: 15

Ceremony location: beach next to seaside grill

Photographer: Vanessa Vargas Videographer: Juan Alfredo


Photos: http://s206.photobucket.com/albums/b...ICS/?start=all


Username: Julieanddonnie

Date: May ? 2008

Wedding package: Ultimate Reception location: El Patio

Review: Julie's review (Page 98 of the old dreams tulum thread)

Photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/donniefr...ssionalPhotos# and http://www.donniefranzen.com/


Username: Chibi411

Date: June 4 2008 Wedding extras (and cost): Bonfire (30$) Speaker (150$)

Coordinator: Landy

Ceremony location: chapel

Reception location: Convention center

Photographer: del sol

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...da-long-23169/ Photos: (posted with the review, check all 3 pages)

Special arrangments: tour of Coba and grand cenote through Sinal Tours


Username: Sannj

Date: June 23 2008, 5pm

Wedding package: Dreams of Love Number of guests: 35

Reception location: Next to the pool Photographer: Poise Photography (from home)

Review: Sannjn's review (Page 104 of the old dreams tulum thread)

Special arrangments: Welcome party in the ballroom


Username: monicabrandon2008

Date: June 27 2008, 3pm

Wedding package: free (Dreams of Paradise) Wedding extras (and cost): 18$ for basic menu for extra 4 people

Coordinator: Lizette

Number of guests: 14

Ceremony location and time: Beach next to seaside grill 3pm

Cocktails location and time: Main Lobby 4pm

Reception location and time: Next to seaside grill 6:30pm

Photographer: Cecilia Dumas

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24460

Photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/monicaly...roWeddingPics#


Username: Teresa08

Date: August 18, 2008 3pm

Number of guests: 43

Ceremony location and time: beach 3pm

Cocktails location and time: 4pm

Reception location: Seaside Grill 6:30 (buffet style)

Photographer: Resort

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-35#post515993 (new dreams tulum thread page 35)

Photos: (posted with the review)

Special arrangements: hired DJ Mannia (outside vendor)

See my review for... why I was unhappy with the resort photographer (photos good but not enough time!)


Username: Can't Wait!

Names: Carla

Date & Time: November, 28, 2008 @ 4:30pm

Coordinator: Landy

Number Of Guests: 55

Ceremony Location and time: Chapel 4pm

Cocktails location and time: Verandar Bar

Reception Location and time: Seaside Grill

Photographer: Resort for wedding, Cecelia Dumas for TTD

Videographer: Resort

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t33455

Photos: a few in review, non pros to come

Special arrangements: Decorated Seaside grill with material, firedancers, bonfire, DJ Mannia, trip to Coba and Cenote

See my review for... Bad experience with the florist, check-in and spa, why I would hire an off-site wedding coordinator


Username: amy706

Names: Amy & Michael

Date & Time: December 5, 2008 at 4pm

Wedding package: Ultimate

Wedding extras (and cost): DJ Mannia ($1000 for 5 hrs), Fire Dancers ($400 for 20 minutes), tequila & cigars tasting (cost of buying it), took guests to Tulum ruins, took guests on welcome sunset catamaran cruise

Type of ceremony: symbolic

Coordinator: Sandra then Landy

Number of guests: 70

Ceremony location and time: Seaside Grill Gazebo 4pm

Cocktails location and time: Plaza outside the chapel - about 4:45

Reception location and time: Seaside Grill - 6pm

Photographer: Citalli from Claudia Rodriguez

Videographer: resort with extra time

Site Visit Review and Pics: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14954

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-w-pics-33518/

Photos and photographer review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35843

Video: No link but see page 6 of her review for review of the video

Planning: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31997

Special arrangements: took guests to Tulum ruins, had sunset catamaran welcome cruise, surprised guests with fire dancers, had fabric draped around the Seaside Grill, see planning thread and review for details

See my review for... WHY I LOVED: Dreams Tulum, DJ Mannia, my flowers, my reception set up, fire dancers, tequila tasting, catamaran trip...EVERYTHING!


Username: Callie (husband’s user name : Eager Groom)

Names: Callie and Paul

Date & Time: Dec 15th, 2008 3pm

Wedding package: Ultimate wedding package

Wedding extras (and costs charged): Under table lighting ($10 per table), birthday cake for 40 ($130), projector and screen at reception ($150)

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Lizette

Number of guests: 35

Ceremony location and time: beach next to seaside grill 3pm

Cocktail hour location & time: outside the lobby bar 4pm

Reception location: adult pool 6:30pm

Photographer: resort

Review (link): Callie: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t33899 Eager Groom (post #1058 of the DT thread, which is page #106 if your settings are 10 posts per page) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...106#post635824

Photos (link): http://picasaweb.google.com/calliean.../WeddingAlbum#

Special arrangements / activities welcome dinner in the buffet with birthday cake


Username: Sblake

Names Sarah and Scott

Date & Time 1/17/2009 @ 3pm

Wedding package: Custom and added extras

Wedding extras (and cost charged):

flower arrangements per table: $60

mexican trio: $450

Guitarist: $300

dance floor: $700

Chair Bows: 2$/chair

Lantern Set up: $150

Outside vendors:

Band: $950 per 45min set with 15min breaks (www.kikocarlosband.com)

Photographer: $3400 plus hotel (www.craigwolfrom.blogspot.com)

Type of ceremony: legal

Coordinator: landy

Number of guests: 62

Ceremony location & time: seaside grill @3pm

Cocktail hour location and time: end of relax pool 5:3-6:30

Reception location: beach

Photographer: see above

Videographer: none

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t37716

Photos (link) see review

Special arrangements / activities: rehearsal dinner, see review


Username: BC Bride2be

Names: Tracy & Jeff

Date & Time: January 23/09 4pm

Wedding package: Free

Wedding extras: Photog/extra flowers/reception $1800

Type of ceremony: Legal

Coordinator: Landy/Anabel

Number of guests: 25

Ceremony location & time: Chapel 4pm

Reception location: Portofino's

Photographer: Resort

Photos http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36186 Review http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36834


Username Lulu

Names Lisa & Mike

Date & Time Feb 3, 2009 @ 4pm

Wedding package Dreams of Love

Type of ceremony Symbolic

Coordinator Natalia

Number of guests 17

Ceremony location & time Beach, 4pm

Cocktail hour location and time Terrace by lobby, 5:30pm

Reception location El Patio, 6:30pm (Was suppose to be dolphin pool but changed due to wind)

Photographer Citlalli Rico

Videographer none

Review (link) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36809

Photos (link) http://picasaweb.google.com/LeeSaelh...KCiIjntZKYxAE#


Username: jennyjean7

Names: Jenny & Robert

Date & Time: March 17, 2009

Wedding package: Ultimate

Wedding extras: Hair Flower: $6, Flower Girl Basket and Flowers: $10 (or so), Speakers: $150, Bonfire on Beach: $60

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: Landy

Number of guests: 11

Ceremony location: Beach

Reception location: Beach

Photographer: Resort

Videographer: Resort

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39550

Pictures: http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c1...ng%2003-17-09/


Username: rachelannmartin

Names: Adam and Rachel

Date & Time: March 18, 2009 4pm

Wedding package: Utlimate

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: Natalia

Number of guests: 30

Ceremony location & time: Beach 4pm

Cocktail hour location and time: Beach 5pm

Reception location: Seaside Grill 6pm

Photographer: Vincent from del Sol

Videographer: Fabio from Dreams

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39425

Photos (link): http://delsolphotography.com/blog/co...phy-by-Vincent


Username: Denise L

Names: Denise & Kirk

Date & Time: April 10, 2009 @ 3:00 pm

Wedding package: Ultimate

Wedding extras (through the resort) and cost charged: 3 overlays ($15 ea), Dinner 11 ppl @ $65, Sound System Set Up ($200) Lantern Set-up ($70) 4 Bouquets ($45 ea), 6 Lillies for Hair ($5 ea), 4 Boutineeres ($18 ea)

Outside wedding vendors: Moments that Matter Photography - 1/2 day package

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: A nabel

Number of guests: 31 (including us)

Ceremony location & time: Beach Arbour - Seaside Grill 3pm

Cocktail hour location and time: Beach by the Seaside Grill: 4:00 - 6:30 (Caribbean Trio at 5:30)

Reception location: Beach

Photographer: Moments that Matter Photography (used the resort photographer for the rehearsal dinner)

Videographer: Resort

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42083

Photos (link): click “dreams tulum” on the momentsthatmatterphotography website: http://www.momentsthatmatterphotography.com/index.htm

Special arrangements / activities: Rehearsal dinner at the world café


Username: Dreams425

Names: Tiffany & Josh

Date & Time: 4/25/09 4:00 p.m.

Wedding package: Wedding in Paradise

Wedding extras (and cost charged): cocktail hour which included hors d' oeuvres $8 pp x 23 people and champagne $3 pp x 13 people (champagne is included for 10 people with the package)

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Landy

Number of guests: 23

Ceremony location & time: on the beach by SeaSide Grill at 4:00

Cocktail hour location and time: 5:30 - 6:30 on the Lobby Terrace

Reception location: Dolphin Pool

Photographer: Resort - Reuben

Videographer: none

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41919

Photos (link): http://s39.photobucket.com/albums/e1...edding%20Pics/

Planning thread (link): hopefully coming soon I didn't get a chance to post it before I left

Special arrangements / activities: Bonfire & fishing charter, welcome dinner with slideshow, bonfire.

See my review for….: info about bad check in, good food (including reception food), welcome dinner and bonfire, review of resort photographer


Username: Blkatz

Names: Beth and Jay

Date & Time: 5/2/09

Wedding package: free

Wedding extras (through the resort): none

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Natalia

Number of guests: supposed to have 43-but due to swine it was only 4

Ceremony location and time: Wedding Arch at SSG was told it was 3 but ended up being 4

Photographer: Erick Rodriguez from Claudia Photo

Videographer: Mike from Cancun Wedding Video

Review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42238

Photos: http://claudiaphoto.com/slideshows/erick/may/beth_jay/

Video: http://cancunweddingvideo.com/wedding/beth_jay/

Planning thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41165



Username: Ida

Names: Yean & Kyle

Date & Time: June 25, 2009 @ 6:00pm

Wedding package: Wedding in Paradise (free)

Type of ceremony: Civil

Coordinator: Anabel

Number of guests: 15

Ceremony location and time: On the beach @ 6pm

Reception location and time: El Patio @ 7:30pm

Photographer: Vincent by Del Sol Photography

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...25-09-a-45249/

Photos (link): http://delsolphotography.com/blog/co...eries/?gal=147 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...25-09-a-47356/ http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ography-47844/

Wedding website (link): www.mywedding.com/kyleandyean


Username: starlitk

Date & Time: June 27, 2009.

Wedding package: Ultimate

Outside vendors (cost charged by vendor and any fees charged by the resort): Our own photographer was there on Friday for our welcome dinner and Saturday for the wedding. We were charged for one all-day pass.

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Anabel

Number of guests: 42 plus the bride and groom

Ceremony location and time: The beach at 5pm

Cocktail hour location and time: Convention Center Terrace at 6pm.

Reception location and time: Relax Pool at 7:30 pm.

Photographer: Josh Stephenson www.leografia.com

Videographer: el gruppo digitale (the resort)

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45462

Photos (link): don't have our pro photos back yet

Video (link): not online

Planning thread (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45414

Special arrangements / activities: Welcome dinner at the Caribbean Party on Friday night

See my review for …. how the minister did NOT read the symbolic ceremony that we wrote and the challenges we faced with three weddings on our day.


Username: amyc

Names: Amy and Michael

Date & Time: July 18, 2009 - 5:00 PM

Wedding package: Ultimate Wedding Package

Wedding extras (through the resort): None

Outside vendors (cost charged by vendor and any fees charged by the resort): None

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Natalia

Number of guests: 38

Ceremony location and time: Beach - 5:00 PM

Cocktail hour location and time: Beach - 5:30 PM

Reception location and time: Beach - 6:30 PM

Photographer: resort (Reuben)

Videographer: resort

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t46526


Username: tkolman773;

Names: Tina

Date & Time: December 23, 2009 ceremony at 4 pm; reception at 6 pm

Wedding package: Wedding in Paradise (free)

Type of ceremony: Symbolic

Coordinator: Natalia

Number of guests: 30

Ceremony location and time: Beach by seaside grill at 4pm

Cocktail hour location and time: none

Reception location and time: By Dolphin/activity pool at 6 pm

Photographer: Citlalli Rico (Claudia Rodriguez group)

Videographer: none

Review (link): http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...amazing-53469/

Photos (link): (will provide when we get them)

See my review for …. how we changed to the free package and saved money!

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Dreams Tulum Civil Ceremony Text.doc

Dreams Tulum photographer.pdf

Dreams Tulum flowers.pdf

dreams tulum wedding guide 2008-09.pdf

dreams tulum wedding guide 2007-08.pdf

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For the one called "wedding planning form" this is usually sent to you by the coordinators approx one month before your wedding and they ask you to fill it out and return to them. If ever you do not receive this email you could fill it out and send it a few weeks before.











dreams spa menu & price list (pevonia).pdf

dreams spa descripcion menu (pevonia).pdf

Ballroom normal menu (i.e. 20$ option, not silver or gold menu).pdf

Dreams Tulum Wedding Planning forum (sent 1 month before your wedding).doc


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So this section is for us to add random stuff that might interest people.


Initially I was planning on going through the old thread to find good stuff, but it's way way too long (over 100 pages!) so if you guys have anything you'd like to add just PM me and I'll add your contributions here.


Contributions from SunBride:




I created the following Newsletter for my guests (these are just a few sample pages)


Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size.


and then I deleted the personal info to make a version to share with you guys (also half of it was in french seeing as my family is bilingual). Go to the following link to download it

4shared - free file sharing and storage - share folder - My 4shared


So now no need for anyone to PM me asking for it (I've gotten a gazillion requests). Just go to that link and click on the document, then click download, then a new page will open and you have to wait a few seconds (it says "loading file info, please wait"), and then click download file (middle of the page, under where it says "no virus detected"). If you have problems, please PM me rather than filling up our beautiful Dreams tulum thread with Qs&As about downloading the file. It's a microsoft word file.




Here are a map I created using the aerial photo from the loco gringo website's aerial virtual tour Riviera Maya Map: Aerial photos, road map, Mexico


Dreams Tulum Map aerial view

Click the image to open in full size.



Here are a ton of photos I took of the resort (many are already on the next page, but there are more)

Sunbride's photos of Dreams Tulum resort




Here are some pics of my ceremony set-up that I specially requested (ideas taken from other resorts etc). I never knew that this would start a new trend so many brides have since copied it! So far the coordinators have always happily done it at no extra cost (Landy was so excited to do it the first time, she said it was so great to do something different for once). I was not charged extra for the aisle flowers seeing as my gazebo flower arrangements are much smaller than the usual gazebo flower arch. I brought my own starfish for the chairs. The resort had enough white tulle for half the gazebo, I brought the turquoise tulle (5’ wide by 40 yards (i.e. 120’) long, ordered from idearibbon.com and they used the whole thing) for the other half. I brought the tulle for the chairs bows, also from idearibbon, the small spools that are 6” x 25 yards can do approx 10-12 chairs (mine did 8 chairs but you can see that the ends of the bows are really long). See my review and pictures for more info.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.


Contributions from Neen


Neen's Q & A session with Landy


Contributions from Rabbitnow:

Car rental:


*was quoted 150$ for a jeep for 10 days


e-mail - [email protected]

phone - (99 892-7017 y (99 898-0537


Transfers to hotel


* was quoted 180$ both ways for up to 8 people


e-mail : [email protected]




Hot spots near Playa del carmen


Coco Maya Beach Club- In Playa, this is a bar and restaurant


Santanera - located in Quinta Avenida in Playa.


Paraiso Beach Club- Great for snorkeling. $20 per person will give you a guided tour of the reefs in front of the ruins.


Xpu-Ha- Beach north of Tulum….heard this place was amazing!


Yal –Ku Lagoon- Akumal (town in between Tulum and Playa) cost $8/person and is for all levels of snorkeling. (sorry could not find a decent picture).


Zebra- Sunday Nights is Salsa Night…this is where everyone hangs out on Sundays. Lessons available as well. Tulum Hotel Beach Accommodation




Welcome information package


It was too big to attach here so download it from the following site





Catamara cruise


Used « Sunset Welcome Cruise » booked through Cancun Discounts for a Catamaran cruise. See reviews for more details.


Cancun discounts: http://www.cancun-discounts.com/

Email for cancun discounts (Johann was who I worked with): [email protected]

Actual boat operator email: (Damien was who I worked with) [email protected]


Catamaran - $1,800

Package # 1 - $16.25 per person (Includes Open Bar, Snacks, Tip) – we tipped on top of that as well because we had such a great time.

Transportation - $7 per person (we left out of Puerto Adventuras- about 30 minutes away)



Can’t wait:


Material to decorate Seaside Grill


Can’t wait got the seaside grill draped with material. Cost 450$ for the resort to buy the material (or bring your own) and they charged 150$ for the set-up. Looked Beautiful!


Click the image to open in full size.



Dreams 425


Renting a projector




Girls if anyone is interested in renting a screen and projector to show a slideshow I have received the contact info from Anabel. We are showing a DVD picture slideshow that my FSIL is making for us and surprising my fiance at the rehearsal dinner. I hadn't found this on here so I thought someone else might be interested.


This vendor works exclusively with Dreams Tulum. I am bringing the projector from the states and renting the screen from them.


[email protected]


Audiovisual equipment, AV products, Audio and Video System Design and Installation






Re: shipping items to the resort in advance


http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...168#post726392 (page 168 of this thread)


Paid 245 dollars to send- it got to Mexico and would not clear customs- I had to pay another 215 to send back. They opened it up and since items were from China, India they said I woud have to pay taxes on it. $1400.00 in taxes. I suggest you put it all in a suitcase. If your wanting your guests to have the stuff before they arrive do what I did. I just sent each guest their bag by fed ex and they brought all their goodies along.

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update July 23, 2008: I just had the idea of adding a "LINKS" section. This can be any links related to Dreams Tulum (or even the Mayan Riviera, like vendors and activities and stuff).


So this is a work in progress, I'm going to add links as I find them.


Mayan Riviera Wedding Vendors:


Mayan Riviera Activities


Mayan Riviera - Other



Dreams Tulum Wedding photos (not BDW members):

The Wedding Celebration of Alison McGraw & Wesley Cox

Elizabeth Medina Photography Dreams Tulum Weddings (all the Dreams Tulum weddings she's done)

Sol Tamargo Photography - Kristina&Jeremy - Dreams Tulum

del Sol Photographer Vincent Guihard - Robin&Michael - Dreams Tulum

Lisa & Grant's wedding picture slideshow on youtube

Daroline's wedding picture slideshow on youtube

Nizar & Heidi's Wedding @ Dreams Tulum Mexico - a set on Flickr


Dreams Tulum - Other

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Temporary closure of Dreams Tulum - End of September 2008 to November 15 2008


Many resorts in the tulum area were closed in 2008 as a result of government action (they accused the resorts of not having the proper permits and/or environmental violations)


Dreams Tulum was closed between the end of September to November 15 2008.


Please see the following threads for more info.


Dreams Tulum Closure (consolidated thread)

Dreams Tulum RE-OPENED!

All brides with wdding planned during that time were relocated to other resorts (see bride list above).


The resort has now reopened and there are no indications of any future problems.

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