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Blkatz (beth) planning journal

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I promised myself that I would post this and I almost forgot! we leave in less than one week and I can not believe it! Time has flown by!

I have gotten so many ideas from this thread so I hope you ladies get some ideas from mine

Tammy and Mods-a HUGE thank you for all you do. This forum was a life saver for me. I had no idea about planning a destination wedding or anything until I googled destination weddings and the forum came up :)


The ring-I saw this ring in a magazine and fell in love...


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Here is the matching band


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I am super DIY challenged so I had to buy most stuff sad.gif

Here is the save the date-got them from someone online...

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Here is my dress-it was one of the 1st ones I tried on and it was not expensive so I was even more excited! It is Private Label


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Here are my shoes=I got them last year and they are perfect!


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my invitations were from Prim and Pixie-I found them through Alyssa who used them-they were AMAZING-they did our invitations and our labels for the bags.


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more coming...

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The OOT bags-so many ideas!!!


The bag-I found these on Amazon and they were great quality and a great price.


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Tag by Prim and Pixie


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The contents of the bags! I wanted everything but settled on these!

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Personalized candles and matches

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First aid kit

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The pashminas-I had to have these-I got the idea from Simistar


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I think that is it for now...let me know if anyone has any questions!

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