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I'm Back! A Few Non-Pro Teasers w/ few from Jean-Marcus! *Pics*

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Hi girls! Despite all of the craziness with the Dreams Tulum closure, I'm back from the Paradisus Riviera Cancun and wanted to let you all know that the wedding was absolutely amazing!!!! It was beyond all that I had imagined and was the best day of my life! I will write a full review post more pics once I get some uploaded on a share account from all of the guest and when I get pics from Jean-Marcus (who was truly amazing). We just got home early this morning and we are exhausted, but I was dying to get some pics up for you girls. Hope you enjoy!


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Trish and I!

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partying in lobby bar...night just beginning

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me getting dancing started

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more to come...

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ruins pics (without us)

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for giggles, me trying to be sexy in my bikini and cowboy hat!

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one ceremony pic I forgot

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Pro teaser pics from the fabulous Jean-Marcus Strole!!!! (I'm so freaking excited to get the rest)


this is part of the group ( the part that were brave enough) that jumped into the pool at the end of the night!

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Click the image to open in full size.


Pic shot by Jean-Marcus day after wedding, sky was crazy cool, was just about to storm

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OK girls, thats all I have for now. Hope I posted enough teasers and will post my share albums and rest of awesome pics from Jean-Marcus once I get them! Thank you all for your support during the crazy week before our wedding, but it ended up being so amazing!!!

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