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Posts posted by A10CalGal

  1. So, I married a man with 2 sons. They were 12 and 15 at the time. The eldest served as the best man, and the youngest walked me down the aisle. We didn't force them to do any of this, it was actually their idea...and it was really special.


    In hind sight, it may have been nice to do something like a sand ceremony that symbolized the joining of us all...but I remember thinking at the time that I didn't want to do anything that made the kids feel uncomfortable, and I kinda thought that might be weird for them.


    Anywho - I really suggest opening it up to the kids & seeing what they might like to do, you might be surprised!

  2. You are the devil! Why are you telling us this? I am also a big fan of Cool Whip -when I can get my hands on it...but I never buy it. It was something my grandma always had in the fridge. Yummmay!! The can idea makes it way too convenient....I could just pop a can in my purse & go!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lilpaisley View Post
    I'm so glad you guys were able to get the lawn mower running. I was worried that it would be more difficult because it had been sitting for so long unused.

    I was just happy to have more space in the garage...well it didn't last long. Joel went out last night and bought a behemoth of a BBQ. Its still in the box, but when itâ€s all assembled the thing will be 6 feet long!! Seriously look at this thing (note this pic does not show the additional large smoker box he bought as well):
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Now we have 2 BBQs…guess I see a Criagslist posting in my future. Boys and their toysmuscle.gif
    Hahaha Kris! I just saw that BBQ the other day & was like "wow! gas & charcoal, side by side...sweet...but way too big." Glad we could help!

    Ya know, we just syphoned the old gas out, then realized we didn't have any other gas, so we syphoned some out of my motor cycle, put it in the mower, cleaned out the gunk stuck in the blades, cleaned off the spark plug, used the choke & the sucker started right up! It seriously took FOREVER to finish mowing the suddenly over grown lawn. Rafael committed himself to the job though & now it's all taken care of...until next week. Thanks again - total life saver!
  4. Well, I'm glad I'm not alone. I definitely have that "I want to do every thing now" drive. Full on nesting mode. It's weird how we are all about the home improvement store and gadgetry (we need a reciprocating saw??). Oh well, good healthy fun, keeps me out of trouble.

  5. Funny thing is it's totally both of us...we are enabling each other left & right! Oh well, I guess at this point it's just paint & unpacked boxes....


    Big ups to Kris (Lilpaisly) for giving us her unused lawn mower, we just picked it up today. Rafael got it running right away. And he's been mowing our lawn for at least 45 minutes at this point. It looks like a riding lawn mower may be in our future. We have a ridiculous amount of grass...probably half an acre. Our neighbors are laughing their asses off at us right now (makes them feel better about us having the biggest lot on the block).



  6. 3 splotches of paint on the wall (living, dining & guest rooms), one third mowed lawn, deck plans on the kitchen table, unpacked boxes hiding in the pantry, nothing on the walls...the sure fire signs of new homeowners with TOO MANY PROJECTS started at once?? Yes, I think so. Oh yeah, and another $1100 trip to the furniture auction under our belts.


    Now I understand how people can start projects & never finish them. There is so much to do, and so much we want to do. I told Rafael we need to make a list of all the projects we want to do & vow not to start one until the last is finished. This is crazy! We took a lovely new home & have turned it into a war zone...all with the intent of "making it our own."


    Tell me we aren't alone here. We totally have homeowner overachievement ADD syndrome.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Steve's ex didn't change her name after the divorce and he was so pissed because he didn't want to share his name with her anymore (very bitter divorce.) Anyways, I never understood why she didn't want to change it. Now I can see why- it's a pain in the ass!
    LOL Rachel! Actually, you just reminded me of another reason why I didn't jump on the name change bandwagon right away - Rafael's ex hasn't changed her name either "for the sake of the kids." Now I remember I told my hubby that there should only be 2 Mrs. C's - his mom and his wife.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    Ugghh...how lame, almost a year later and I'm just getting around to this.

    So, today I got up early with my certified marriage license & name change form in tow and went to my local ss office. I got there 30 minutes before it opened just in case there was a line.

    I parked and didn't even make it out of the car sad.gif I saw a long line and stopped counting at 21 people! It was really hot and humid already at 8:30 and I just couldn't see myself waiting outside to get in.

    I went home called the ss people and they said I could send it all by mail, but I have to send my actual driver's license - the plastic card! They'll send it back but is that insane? At this rate I'll never be legal!
    Yes! I am not alone! Does that make you feel any better??

    Your experience is exactly what I went thru and made me decide that maybe I'm ok being my old self & just using my husband's name for social purposes. The first time I applied for a passport & sent my original birth certificate in & what not, IT GOT LOST IN THE MAIL on the way back to me, along with my new passport & all kinds of vital info. It's never been recovered. As such, I will never place vital docs in the mail again....(see the wheels of rationalization / justification turning??)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
    Christa have I told you lately that I heart you? LOL. Yes they never offered a dime but now all of a sudden they are offering $5k b/c they can't bare the thought of us not doing anything (i.e. having family come to the church and then what...tell everyone to go home?) They are super pushy but James finally told his parents yesterday that we just don't have the money to do something huge.

    I just don't know if we should do anything at all. I mean I know our families are going to want to go to the church and see us get married so I guess it will be akward to not do anything at all. KWIM?
    No, you have not told me you heart me lately! So thanks hug2.gif

    I agree w/where Alyssa is headed here ....I think you should try to use the funds available to put together a great cocktail party in the back yard! I know your FIL's won't like that it's not super uppity, but c'mon, they have to understand the economics here. I believe you'd be able to make this work if you do it in the back yard & cater it like Alyssa is thinking...
  10. Hey Glenda! So, my memory may be a little fuzzy....but if I'm remembering correctly, the whold thing that was so insane about your families flipping out about a DW is that they weren't even offering to pay for a NYC wedding...do I have that right? That still blows my mind. So, the idea is that you & James are supposed to some how figure out how to pay for feeding/ entertaining 90 of your closest friends & family? This makes me nervous for you.

  11. Abbie - I think you have some really great pics there! I never would have known you had a fight if you hadn't said so. That sucks so much...R & I did that right before one of our big walk thru meetings of the house...I remember smiling & laughing with the contractor & thinking "I hate you I hate you I hate you" toward R the whole time.


    Anyway - gorgeous honey, just gorgeous. Love your hair! You got highlights since I saw you last (first?).

  12. Wow Courtney!! How is this possible that you are getting married finally? Everything looks FANTASTIC. I love the special OOT bag you did for your ring bearer - that is super special & I'm sure he will dig on those beach toys. Also, I had forgotten how gorgeous your dress is on you...if it looks that good pre-alterations and no steaming, I can't wait to see what you'll look like on the big day. Wow, I feel really attached to your wedding since we've both been around for like ever!!


    I just wanna hug you & squeeze you!!!

  13. I would recommend buying an actual motor cycle jacket. Leather is your best bet for skin protection in the event of a fall (not trying to scare you, I'm just into risk management!). Gloves are also important.


    As far as riding behind your man - your ass will hurt, and if you have long legs like me, your legs will get tired/crampy - so don't be shy about telling him you need frequent rest stops! Don't lean or counter lean - just follow his lead. Also, don't put your feet down when you guys come to a stop. And, definitely watch the tail pipe! Those burns are no fun at all.


    Have fun!!

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