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Now I get it (homeowner chat)


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HA HA...we can relate to all of these stories. We have been in our home for over 14 years and are still painting, decorating (and redecorating) every room. When the house "settles" you will be replastering and painting all the nail pops (huh.gif)!!! IT NEVER ENDS and yes, Home Depot and Lowe's just love my husband!!

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Haha, the list will never end!


FI wanted to do everything at once, but I handle to money LOL We've agreed to do 1 big project a year. Last summer we redid the upstairs bathroom, this summer we are going to do the backyard (fix the fence and deck the rest of the yard) next year the plan is to renovate downstairs and then the BIG project...upstairs.


But one thing at a time, because as you're doing all these projects other things come up that can't be put off (sewar drainig pipe blocked up by tree routs....3 times in 2 1/2 years).


Good luck on all your projects!! :)

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Christa, I have lived in my townhome for 2 1/2 years now and I'm still painting and doing projects.. LOL Of course my excuse was planning our wedding but Umm yeah that is now almost a year behind us, so hopefully I can come up with another excuse.. lol

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Soooo not alone! We've been waiting for the new couch to arrive, and have boxes as place holders so we can see how to organize the rest of the living room.


We discovered we need about four more bookshelves, one to hold my photo albums, so there are boxes just waiting to be unpacked since there is nowhere to put the stuff that's in them.


The people who lived here before us didn't bother to paint over the holes they patched up, so we have to find the time to paint these random white splotches all over the house.


I'm sure there's more, but Timm and I quickly found out if we try to do it all at once, we just end up getting cranky and frustrated...one thing at a time is really working well.

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haha I think first, you should finish mowing the lawn! That one might not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, I don't think home improvements ever end! As for projects, I know I get really bored with mine and start a new one before the old is finished. Tis life!

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I'm so glad you guys were able to get the lawn mower running. I was worried that it would be more difficult because it had been sitting for so long unused.


I was just happy to have more space in the garage...well it didn't last long. Joel went out last night and bought a behemoth of a BBQ. Its still in the box, but when itâ€s all assembled the thing will be 6 feet long!! Seriously look at this thing (note this pic does not show the additional large smoker box he bought as well):

Click the image to open in full size.


Now we have 2 BBQs…guess I see a Criagslist posting in my future. Boys and their toysmuscle.gif

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