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It wasn't my fault! Why am I the one getting punished???


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Originally Posted by Lady_Di View Post
please, girl it's not 1950s anymore! you made the best decision when you were there...not him. He has to get over it. Don't let him to make you feel bad AND make you to pay for it with your birthday money. PLEASE!
Yeah, no worries. I told him that i'm sorry it ended up like it did (cause I am) but that he can't take it out on me when there's nothing I can do about it now! I also don't think he finds it bad enough to even fix! We've got another spot on the car where the paint cracked and its rusting underneath (makes me angry since the car is ONE year old!) and he's in no hurry to fix THAT so why should I pay for something that's not as bad?!
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He says it's not the first time i've ignored him. It's probably not - but seriously, i'm not going to do EVERYTHING he says immediately when he says it. It doesn't mean I don't respect him - it just means I don't work for him! Haha. I just think I should be able to make my own decisions without having him jump down my throat. It wasn't like I did it to make him angry - I just didn't think it was the right choice to call the cops.


So apparently the real issue is that I don't listen to him and do everything like he says.

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I could totally see this happening to me and my FI. I'm the more easy going one and he's more uptight and defensive in these types of situations. Just tell him his reaction is making you not want to ask him for advice in these situations. It's not like you're always going to do what he wants you to do and vice versa. He needs to loosen up and know that when you call him for advice it's just that, not an order. Good luck!

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Thanks guys! At least you all are making me feel better. He's always got to be right and the best and the authority on everything. Most of the time I just humor him but this made me really mad. And I didn't even ASK for advice! I contacted him to just let him know what happened - instead of keeping it a secret or just brushing it off. It's just ridiculous to think i'm going to do everything he says all the time (like he even does half of what I tell him to). As long as he keeps his mouth shut, i'm over it.

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I am sorry you had to deal with this. I got hit in a parking lot here in Maryalnd and when the girl would not give me her insurance info I called the cops on her. They yelled at me and told me they do not have time to deal with accidents where nobody is hurt and the cars are drivable. I ended up calling them back when the girl was trying to leave and finally they sent someone out who got her to give me her drivers licence info (she claimed to not have her insurance on her). Well I end up stalking her down over the internet and found her parents phone numbers. I called her parents and they said it was their car and she was scared they would get mad. They apologized and gave me the insurance info. I got lucky b/c after this week long ordeal of thinking I was going to have to pay for everything myself I was finally was able to get my car fixed. AND karma is a bitch b/c the guy at the repair shop was into me and agreed to put other things that were wrong with my car, that had nothing to do with the accident, on her claim hahaha I did not even feel bad after she tried to get away without paying for anything. I hope her insurance skyrocketed from all of the extra charges he added on to fix everything on my car!!!! Hopefully the same good luck will come to you.

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Originally Posted by Sparkles8300 View Post
I am sorry you had to deal with this. I got hit in a parking lot here in Maryalnd and when the girl would not give me her insurance info I called the cops on her. They yelled at me and told me they do not have time to deal with accidents where nobody is hurt and the cars are drivable. I ended up calling them back when the girl was trying to leave and finally they sent someone out who got her to give me her drivers licence info (she claimed to not have her insurance on her). Well I end up stalking her down over the internet and found her parents phone numbers. I called her parents and they said it was their car and she was scared they would get mad. They apologized and gave me the insurance info. I got lucky b/c after this week long ordeal of thinking I was going to have to pay for everything myself I was finally was able to get my car fixed. AND karma is a bitch b/c the guy at the repair shop was into me and agreed to put other things that were wrong with my car, that had nothing to do with the accident, on her claim hahaha I did not even feel bad after she tried to get away without paying for anything. I hope her insurance skyrocketed from all of the extra charges he added on to fix everything on my car!!!! Hopefully the same good luck will come to you.
Ahahaha That's awesome! Yeah, you just never can tell with cops (don't mean to offend anybody). I'm glad everything worked out for you though!
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