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It wasn't my fault! Why am I the one getting punished???


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Aww, that is terrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that! Some people in this world just plain suck! I hope you feel better soon =)


And I agree with the others who've said you should tell your FI you won't pay with your birthday money. After all, you're getting married for goodness sakes; He should help you and be supportive when you're in a bind like that and vice versa!

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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
WOW! I'm not really sure what to say.

I can't believe how big of an issue this has become. BIL is a cop and if this had happened in a parking lot here a cop would just come over make each of you sign a form w/ your insurance info and each one of you get a copy and you deal w/ it from there. Although since we're friends w/ most of the cops in town they would laugh at anyone who even thought of filing a report for someone hitting your car w/ their door..... I mean seriously have you never flung open your own door and hit another car. I have several times, and I didn't do it on purpose i accidentally just pushed to hard.

I also don't leave them my info saying hey sorry I hit your car when I opened my door..... who does that?

They make touch up paint for a reason. You can go into any automotive store they have small bottles of paint for every make and model to match exactly... like $5 a bottle.

Tell your FI to take a midol, take a bath and go to bed.
yeah - my issue was that I was RIGHT THERE when she did it and she acted like it never happened. Just say - hey, sorry can I give you some money to cover getting it fixed. Cause yeah, i've done it too (honestly, never as hard as she did though). But she couldn't even admit she did it or offer some cash!

He says he doesn't even care about the ding - it's the fact that I don't "respect" him by doing what he tells me to. (since he has more experience than me apparently)
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I wouldn't have even thought of calling the cops! You'd think they have better things to do than settle petty squabbles in a parking lot! I can't believe what a COW that lady is.


As for your FI, he's being rediculous too. It's a freaking scratch on a car door. It's not like the lady smashed your windshield and you let her walk away! You did not disrespect your FI by not calling the cops. If I had been in that situation I would have done the same thing. Calling the cops just seems too extreme for a scratched car door.


Like someone said before, get some touch up paint and put the whole experience behind you. Then buy yourself something awesome for your birthday!

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I'm sorry, but your FI was going over the top when he told you to call the cops for a door ding. My Dad was a cop for almost 30 years and, like some of the other ladies have said, he would've laughed and probably been pretty annoyed if he got called out for a door ding (if the dispatcher would have even sent a patrol car out). And to say it's disrespectful for you to not do what he said ... how caveman is thathuh.gif You called him and asked for input not orders. You were there, he was not. He should respect the fact that you did what you felt was best under the circumstances and let it go. Like Jacylinda said, tell him to take a midol, a bath and go to bed.


And spend your birthday money on something that you love, NOT on the stupid door ding!


Hang in there girl!

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Wow. Sorry I would be annoyed that a cop's time got wasted on a door ding so I think it's a little crazy to call one in this situation. Seriously- that is not life threatening and I can't believe that the cop would tell you differently. It sounds like he may have been confused with the situation. As for your FI freaking out, it sounds like he's making a mountain out of a molehill. Are you sure that something else isn't bothering him and he's using this as a reason to blow up?


If it is really about a door ding, I would tell him to settle down because there is no reason to get so fired up about some scratches on a door. Scratches/dings on a car is inevitable. We get all kinds of rock chips in the winter and we certainly can't call the cops on the gravel. wink.gif

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Originally Posted by KJT1985 View Post
All he keeps saying is that he's not mad over the ding - he's mad over the fact that I ignored him. Basically, he's pissed that I didn't stroke his ego and say "ok dear, whatever you want - you're always right and know everything". GRR!
please, girl it's not 1950s anymore! you made the best decision when you were there...not him. He has to get over it. Don't let him to make you feel bad AND make you to pay for it with your birthday money. PLEASE!
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Plus (no offense to your FI) his idea wasn't really that great. I'm sure it doesn't help that the police contributed to his suggestion of calling them. But seriously, at least I know in my state that a door ding is not considered an accident so it seems silly to report it, but whatever. I think you used common sense. It just so happens that the law in your state isn't using it. hahaha

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