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The best workout DVDs I have ever owned- P90X


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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
FI and I are starting this Monday! We want to do it before the wedding so we think it is perfect timing and hopefully will get us in good shape. We are doing the food plan and all.

Question for you girls...I don't want to bulk up at all for the wedding...just slim down and tone...is that possible with the classic or do we have to do the lean version?
How exciting! Stick to it and you'll definitely see results.

I did the classic version and leaned out, I did want some visable muscle tone so that's why I did the classic. I didn't get bulky at all though, I have tone and I lost body fat and I measure smaller so I'm happy. :) I used 10lb & 8lb weights, do pullups and pushups too.

If you want NO muscle tone maybe try the lean version.
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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
really? okay good to know.

what supplies do you REALLY need? Paul swears we need everything including the heart rate monitors, body fat scale, food supplements, etc etc
Must Have:
1. Bands - They are a lot cheaper than weights and we didn't know if we would like the program so we held off on the dumbbells at first. You can also use the for pull ups and the dvd shows you how.

2. Notebook to track your workouts

Almost a must, but you can get away without:
1. Pull up bar - we bought the one that fits over the door jam and it works great. Hasn't damaged the door and is really sturdy.

2. Yoga mat

3. Dumbbells - I use 5-15 and FI uses up to the 25. We're in it for tone and definition not size.

Nice to Haves:
1. Push up bars - you do a ton of push ups in this workout and they really help your wrists

2. Heart rate monitor - I have one but FI doesn't. It's nice to be able to track your progress

3. Scale - we use the Wii Fit and I list it as a nice to have because fitting in my clothes and feeling health are what matter to me.

4. Recovery drink and/or supplements - I will drink a protein shake as a snack before the work out or the recovery drink to tide me over until dinner. They just help not eat the junk food that I love.

Also, we are not doing the diet part of P90X because FI is sooooooooooo picky and I hate saying that I am on a diet. We are just cutting back on the fried food and beer! It is working because we both look and feel better. muscle.gif
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Originally Posted by jetsbride View Post
Hey all, I am thinking of getting this. Does anyone have before and after photos they are willing to share?
Lisa - if no one has pics to post here, check youtube. I was able to view a bunch of before and after pics and people have posted good video diaries. That was enough to convince me to order!

I ordered P90X last week, so hopefully it will be here in a couple days. I am excited to get started! FI says he is going to do it with me to help me stay motivated but we'll see...I have been working with a personal trainer for a few months, and did his boot camp this summer. I was successful at losing about 20lbs, but I don't really want to keep spending so much money.
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I survived week 1 of P90X!! Does anyone else using this program have the urge to punch Tony in the face when he says "c'mon brother!" or is overly excited about making you workout until you vomit? :) Bring on week 2!

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Seriously, you will laugh at how many quotes you get from Tony. We were out with some friends and probably half the table was making fun of him. Total motivation to do more workouts and flick him off while doing it...hahahah. Also, just to prove how nerdy I am, we had a superman banana contest in the pool this weekend. It was a riot to see my sun drunk friends flopping around on the baja shelf.

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