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Originally Posted by JenniferLynn View Post
My confession: I have a teenage-like obsession with the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I can't explain why, but these books just completely sucked me in and now I can't let go! I thought these obsession feelings were supposed to go away once we "grew up"
I kinda do to! LOL

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the first 3 books in 3 days. I left the 4th at the IL's house and had to wait for DH to bring it back when he came home. I almost went out and bought another copy.

I'm sad because I have to work almost non-stop for the rest of the month so I'll only get to read a few chapters a night. I have a tendancy to stay up until I finish reading a book, so I don't read as often as I like. Must...go...to...sleep! LOL

Do you know if she is working on another book?
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I kinda do to! LOL

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the first 3 books in 3 days. I left the 4th at the IL's house and had to wait for DH to bring it back when he came home. I almost went out and bought another copy.

I'm sad because I have to work almost non-stop for the rest of the month so I'll only get to read a few chapters a night. I have a tendancy to stay up until I finish reading a book, so I don't read as often as I like. Must...go...to...sleep! LOL

Do you know if she is working on another book?

The fourth book was actually my favourite from the series, although there are a lot of fans who don't agree.

In a few of the interviews I've seen, Meyer has said she's taking a break from the Cullens, and has a few other ideas rolling around in her head. But she's also said she may return to them someday. Right now I'm guessing she's caught up with promotion for the movie. She was working on Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's point of view), but as another poster mentioned, the twelve chapters she had finished got leaked on the internet, and she's been having a hard time going back to it. You should check out her website, StephenieMeyer.com -- The Official Website of Stephenie Meyer , she posted the chapters there herself for people to read.

Now I'm guilty of hijacking...oops! hijacked.gif
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Originally Posted by Tiffiney01 View Post
My confession I hate my Future brother in laws they are both married and cheating on their wives and I don't want them at my wedding!
Awww! I hear ya on that one! hug2.gif My FI's brother was cheating on his wife for like, the last two years, and now that they're seperated, I do NOT want him there...but I have no choice sad.gif It doesn't help that he hates me and makes sure to always say very inappropriate comments to me at the worst times.
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I confess that sometimes, the sound of my own voice makes me sick. I'm on the phone a lot and I hope I don't sound as irritating to others as I do to myself!


I hate being so damn perky all the time! I hate getting stuck on the phone with clients asking asinine and/or irrelevent questions. I hate pretending they are not being royal PITAs and that no, I don't mind to change all of the plans we have already made or that it's ok you forgot to order food for your meeting in an hour!


I guess that was more of a vent, LOL

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I confess that:


1) I CANNOT STAND my FI's neighbor/friend. He's suuuuch an a**hole- all he talks about is how many women he's sleeping with (behind his girlfriend's back) and how he pulls women over if they're hot (he's a cop) and I just want to scream "You're a liar and a loser and you're taking up space and oxygen!!"


2) MY FFIL is kind of on the crazy side, and I had NO IDEA until FI and I started having dinner with him on a regular basis- I guess he feels comfortable enough to let his crazy out, lol. I feel bad though, because he tries to be helpful, but he takes everything as an insult- even if it has nothing to do with him! Where do people come from??


3) I'm only pretending to work right now- I would be on BDW ALL DAY if I could.

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Originally Posted by Dana_C View Post

3) I'm only pretending to work right now- I would be on BDW ALL DAY if I could.
I have that confession too!! I think we all do!! LOL

Besides that, I confess that I am very very hurt that my friends bailed on my wedding. I put on a front for other people (like I usually do) and say that I'm ok with it & I understand, but I'm not & I don't. Seriously...grow up & take responsibility for a committment that you made. Be there for your friends. Geesh.
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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I have that confession too!! I think we all do!! LOL

Besides that, I confess that I am very very hurt that my friends bailed on my wedding. I put on a front for other people (like I usually do) and say that I'm ok with it & I understand, but I'm not & I don't. Seriously...grow up & take responsibility for a committment that you made. Be there for your friends. Geesh.
I got my feelings hurt the whole way up to my trip. People let you down and it is life but it still sucks. I could only put my focus else where to a positive note. I remembered how lucky I was that the people that were coming came. And how excited they all were and how much the losers at home were going to miss. My own sister didn't go to my wedding. I guess it didn't fit into her schedule. Just stay positive and remember that the ones not going (that don't have a good excuse) aren't really worth breaking your heart over. Ya know?
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