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Ewwww a hicky!

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Ugh i hate hickys. i dont know how to get rid of it. I was going to suggest wearing a shirt with the collar popped up, like in the 80s. lol
hahah omg thats me now!

Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Suuuuuuuuuuuure. Tell us how you REALLY got it!

Just kidding!

Give him one when he gets home today! Payback!smile159.gif
ha you're right, paybacks are a B*tch!!! he thinks its the funniest thing, i just called him. i called him a weirdo b/c he was laughing and he said "its not nice to call people weird." and i said "it's also not nice to plot revenge but i AM!"
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A guy I was dating years ago gave me a hickey. I couldn't believe it! But, he did show me how to get rid of it... at least it worked when it was fresh.


Take a comb (the regular old kind your dad carries), and comb over the spot a whole bunch of times - in the direction of the blood flow (so up and down on your neck.)


Your neck will be all red for a while, but it will help the blood under your skin break up.


Let your skin rest for 30 minutes or so and do it again.


It won't be totally gone, but it will make it look less like your FI is related to a Hoover upright.

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LOL!!! THAT is funny!!!!! You poor thing! The worst ones are the surprise ones...where you think you're fine and go on about your business only to notice it after you've run into at least 10 people! David totally did that to me one time...SO embarassing!!!! We had just started dating and he had left me at his apt when he went to work. I got up to get ready to have lunch w/ my MOM and noticed it! I used all kinds of makeup and thanked god the shirt I had w/ me had a collar on it! lol! I called him and bawled him out for it too! Punk! hit.gif


I don't have any good suggestions unfortunately...I just had to go the make up route myself.

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Originally Posted by Rachelle E. View Post
LOL!!! THAT is funny!!!!! You poor thing! The worst ones are the surprise ones...where you think you're fine and go on about your business only to notice it after you've run into at least 10 people! David totally did that to me one time...SO embarassing!!!! We had just started dating and he had left me at his apt when he went to work. I got up to get ready to have lunch w/ my MOM and noticed it! I used all kinds of makeup and thanked god the shirt I had w/ me had a collar on it! lol! I called him and bawled him out for it too! Punk! hit.gif

I don't have any good suggestions unfortunately...I just had to go the make up route myself.
hahahaha that is so funny! and it IS embarassing, im walking around like a jacka** with a sweater on meanwhile its hot as hell in here.
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try getting one of those thin scarves.. I had one really bad when I was 15 and it was the dead of summer while I was away on vacation w/ my grandparents.. try explaining that one to grandma! Get a good concealer with green in it..it counteracts the red

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Haaa, thanks for making me laugh at work!


I heard something about Visine. I don't know if it will work, but if you try dabbing some Visine on it apparently it will help take the red out. Apparently it works for big red ugly pimples too, but I've never tried it.


Good luck!

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I remember when Matt and I had been together for about 8 months, we went to a family function (a christening, I think) and we were outside of the place and he hugged me really hard and I was trying to wrestle away but I couldn't. So I bit his neck. I bit it, I didn't even suck. OMG, he had the biggest hickey on his neck when we went back into the party! I was mortified! Cuz it wasn't even a passionate hickey or a loving one, it was a wrestling one! Hhahahahaaa. His family still teases me sometimes.

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