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Ewwww a hicky!

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joe is an a**. last night after work i layed down to take a 15 min power nap before i made dinner and he was on his way out to get the tires changed on his jeep. so he comes over and says bye and gives me a kiss...i kinda gave him a quick kiss and turned back over, so he says "OHH NOOOOOOO" in a joking voice and says "NOOOO ONE TURNS THEIR BACK ON JOEY!!!" and jumps on top of me, holds me down and starts kissing me all over the face, and then grabs a piece of my neck with his mouth and starts sucking!!!! and I couldnt get him off, finally he gets up, we laugh and he leaves. it was alil red but i thought it will go away and that was that. WELLLL guess who has a hicky now--> ME! i just went to the bathroom at work, and actually took a good look at myself for the first time this morning and HI theres a hicky on my neck. im going to kill him. how embarrassing. how do i get rid of this? i remember as a kid we used to put tea bags on them, haha does anything actually work??

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YUCK!!! time for turtlenecks!!!!!

i remember someone once told me to rub it with a toothbrush, but that only made it worse (yes, i was young and naive)...also heard to stick a spoon in the freezer and hold it on there...though i'm not sure if anything really 'cures' broken blood vessels other than time....

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Oh no!!! I am sorry to hear that but your post made me laugh out loud. I guess wearing a turtleneck is out of the question unless you are having unseasonably cold weather. I think I heard (back in the 80s) that toothpaste works but then you might be walking around with a blob of white on your neck (which could be better than the hickey). I think a lot of coverup is the way to go. Hey, everything comes back around. I think you should "wear" that hickey proud and tell people it is back in style. wink.gif

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OMG that is cracking me up!!!! Do you feel like you're in highschool again?

I always joke with James and try to give him one and he pushes me away so fast. I would never do it though.

Your man is too funny!

I'm not too sure how to get rid of it, but maybe some foundation will help until it's gone.

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Hahhahhahaaaa, you have a hickey, you have a hickey! My neighbors last name is Hickey, doesn't that suck?


Anyway, I don't really remember either. I think there were lots of things that people SAID worked, but really, i think you just have to wait it out.


Here are some things that we used to try: a frozen spoon on the hickey; twisting a lipstick cap over the hickey. I can't personally vouch for either way, don't even understand why the frozen spoon, but supposedly the lipstick cap was to help break up the broken blood vessels. No idea if that's true.


YOU HAVE A HICKEY! hahahaaaa

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Hahhahhahaaaa, you have a hickey, you have a hickey! My neighbors last name is Hickey, doesn't that suck?

Anyway, I don't really remember either. I think there were lots of things that people SAID worked, but really, i think you just have to wait it out.

Here are some things that we used to try: a frozen spoon on the hickey; twisting a lipstick cap over the hickey. I can't personally vouch for either way, don't even understand why the frozen spoon, but supposedly the lipstick cap was to help break up the broken blood vessels. No idea if that's true.

YOU HAVE A HICKEY! hahahaaaa
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