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BDW Biggest Loser Season 2 Official CHAT thread...

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Originally Posted by LadyCheese View Post
I'm down 1.5, pretty much back to where i started since last week i had gained that 1.5. woe its me...congrats Glenda and the rest of you ladies on a job well done.
Way to go!!!!!!!!
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Damn weekend is here again! And to top it off it's a looong one!

Just wanted to wish everyone luck. I know for me...the weekends are when all hell breaks loose and I drink and eat tooo much. Pathetic really.


Anyways...good luck. Here's to an extra fun and EXTRA HEALTHY holiday weekend!!!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
That is soooooo cute! I love boys when they are cute.

Btw I feel really bad that I won this week b/c I totally don't deserve it. I did not go to the gym at all, I think I just lost weight b/c I have been super stressed and haven't been eating much. And that is not a good way to lose weight! I'm a big advocate of the healthy way. But I was just so sick to my stomach from worry that I literally couldn't even look at food.

But I'm going to get back on track now. I had grilled chicken today with a side dish of salad. Delicious!
Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
Hi girls!

I am so sorry that I have been MIA from this thread - I am the worst BL contestant ever right now. I have had a bunch of personal stuff going on and have not done my p90x videos in over 1 week - i have still been eating pretty good (except for yesterday - disaster) BUT i have had wine like 5 nights this week.

i had an early meeting and didn't have time to weigh properly so i will do it 1st thing tomorrow morning - who are we sending them too - Ann or Christine or both?
Alyssa and Glenda - how are you guys doing? I hope things are slowing down for you guys and you are able to relax this weekend! hug2.gif
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Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Quick question on the percentage of weight loss?? how does that work?? I'm just wondering for someone tall like me 5'11" and lets say I weigh 160 lbs which is good for my height but say someone 5'5" is the same weight. It will obviously be much easier for her to lose weight than me because she is more overweight. Just wondering since we didn't do BMI's or tell our heights how this works??
Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
I believe we are doing it just like the biggest loser show which they did not factor in height or BMI or anything. Thats why most of the guys were at an advantage because they had more to lose and all. Am I correct Ann or Christine, or anyone?
Originally Posted by Opice34 View Post
Amy - it all evens out okay. For example, if a 200 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be a 5% weight loss. (10/200=.05) But if a 120 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be an 8.3% weight loss. (10/120=.083) So a 200 pound person would have to lose 16.6 pounds to match the 10 pound weight loss of the 120 pound person at a rate of 8.3%. (x/200 = .083; x=16.6; to check --> 16.6/200=.083) Does that make sense?

But no, I guess height really isn't taken into account...
Yep - that's how it works. It's strictly by % pounds lost compared to where you started. For the next season we could take into account height and BMI and stuff - it's not a bad idea.
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My daughter graduatates from high school tomorrow and we are having a graduation party. With all of the food and drinks who knows how i will do. I leave on Friday for Cabo and won't be back until the 4th. What do I do about my weigh in for that day. Can I way myself on that Thursday? Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day!!

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Well I am starting to see some results. I got all motivated and ordered Turbo Jam a while back and it came in just over three weeks ago. For the first few weeks I worked out like a dog but no loss and even gained a bit last weigh in. I got the working out part going but just couldn't get the healthy eating part down. Well... one of you mentioned (maybe not in this thread) about flat belly diet. I went to our Chapters but the book is not out for a while. I went on line and joined the program. I can pick out my menu and get my shopping list and the diet is not bad at all. The first four days is a little less food to get you started. I started on Wednesday and from my scale I have lost 5 pounds from my starting weight and about 6 1/2 pounds down from last Wednesday. I am very excited! Thanks to all of you to getting me on the right track.

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How is everyone doing through the weekend? I seem to be super motivated right now and went for a very long walk yesterday as well as today. According to my parents scale I am way down...but then maybe its a lot different than my own? If only.... =) Hope everyone else is having a super weekend :) Keep up the good work girls!!

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