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Originally Posted by can't wait! View Post
Yeah Glenda! Congrats!
I can't believe I came in 2nd.
We gotta keep working it ladies!

As my FH sings as I'm waking up "You've got to move it, move it!"
Silly, yes. But it does get me up and going.
That is soooooo cute! I love boys when they are cute.

Btw I feel really bad that I won this week b/c I totally don't deserve it. I did not go to the gym at all, I think I just lost weight b/c I have been super stressed and haven't been eating much. And that is not a good way to lose weight! I'm a big advocate of the healthy way. But I was just so sick to my stomach from worry that I literally couldn't even look at food.

But I'm going to get back on track now. I had grilled chicken today with a side dish of salad. Delicious!
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YAY congrats glenda!!! yari's right - a loss is a loss!


those of you instituting salad tuesdays - there is nothing better than a chef salad for dinner on a hot summer day. i get bagged lettuce, cukes, fresh baby corn, peppers, and some tomatoes for dh, and get 1/2 inch slabs of roast beef (for dh), turkey and cheese at the deli counter. i keep the meats/cheese on the side so i can weigh/measure it before i put it in my salad. i bought the asian spray dressing (ken's) which is really good, and it actually sticks to the lettuce. all together, it winds up being about 4-5 ww points, depending on how much turkey/cheese i put in. i also have enough salad for a few days after.

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Congrats to Glend and all the other girls that lost this week. since i gained this week, i went home with the attitude that i really need to step up my game. so i made sure i worked out last night and ate healthy.
Excellent Danielle! That is fantastic!


Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
thanks robin and stephanie.


steph - i justify the cheating too much too.

I used to justify the cheating too, but I recently gave myself a swift kick in the arse and told myself to stop. (I had an attitude adjustment similiar to Yari's.) I was on a birth control a few years ago for endometriosis that caused me to gain 30 pounds. I tried so hard to get the weight off, but my hormones were so out of whack that it was just impossible and I became completely overwhelmed, pissed off, and I quit. (that pill completely effed up my health for quite a while) Anyway, slowly but surely, I returned to normal, but continued blaming my fatness on that pill. I just kept eating and thinking "I'm fat, but it's not my fault because that stupid pill did this to me", but about a month ago I decided that saying that is like a mom with a 5-year-old kid saying she's still battling her pregnancy weight. It's been enough time. I'm not a quitter and have never quit on anything in my life, so I gave myself a stern "talking to" and realized that it was ridiculous that I've used that pill debacle to justify my fatness for so frickin long. So, I'm approaching this weight loss the same way I approached school, or work. I'm definitely one of those over-achiever people and I realized that I work so hard to achieve in every area of my life, but I've never done the same with my physical health or fitness. SO...I've just made my health/figure/self-esteem just as important as my career, and this new mindset is serving me well! (so far!) I used to have stressful days at work and then eat something very yummy, but very crappy for dinner because I thought I "earned" it. But I started realizing that I already don't sleep enough because I'm working so much, and that already affects my health and my immune system, and it didn't make sense that after a stressful, sleep-deprived workday I would "reward" my body with a big old cheeseburger and fries. After all the stress and lack of sleep, my body really needs some veggies and some vitamins. So, I've started thinking of those as a reward, and I think about nourishing myself after a stressful day because I know my body needs it. And putting grease and crap in it is just like pouring salt on the wound because I've already worn my body out! I'm still not perfect at this, and I still battle emotional eating quite vehemently, but I'm trying. And that's a start.


Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Quick question on the percentage of weight loss?? how does that work?? I'm just wondering for someone tall like me 5'11" and lets say I weigh 160 lbs which is good for my height but say someone 5'5" is the same weight. It will obviously be much easier for her to lose weight than me because she is more overweight. Just wondering since we didn't do BMI's or tell our heights how this works??
Amy - it all evens out okay. For example, if a 200 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be a 5% weight loss. (10/200=.05) But if a 120 pound person lost 10 pounds, that would be an 8.3% weight loss. (10/120=.083) So a 200 pound person would have to lose 16.6 pounds to match the 10 pound weight loss of the 120 pound person at a rate of 8.3%. (x/200 = .083; x=16.6; to check --> 16.6/200=.083) Does that make sense?


But no, I guess height really isn't taken into account...


Originally Posted by can't wait! View Post
Yeah Glenda! Congrats!

I can't believe I came in 2nd.

We gotta keep working it ladies!


As my FH sings as I'm waking up "You've got to move it, move it!"

Silly, yes. But it does get me up and going.

Ha! That's precious!!



Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
That is soooooo cute! I love boys when they are cute.


Btw I feel really bad that I won this week b/c I totally don't deserve it. I did not go to the gym at all, I think I just lost weight b/c I have been super stressed and haven't been eating much. And that is not a good way to lose weight! I'm a big advocate of the healthy way. But I was just so sick to my stomach from worry that I literally couldn't even look at food.


But I'm going to get back on track now. I had grilled chicken today with a side dish of salad. Delicious!

GLENDA!! Don't sell yourself short! You definitely deserve it!


I'm having a rough go of things, too, and when things are moderately crappy I have to struggle not to eat every crappy thing in sight (I said I was trying), but when things are severely crappy (as they are now), I just stop eating all together. Which is not good, I agree. It's almost like running around in the tornado of stress makes me forget about food. I haven't even talked to FI in 4 days because we're both traveling for work and in completely different time zones. I think this is the longest we've gone without talking since he was in the military and deployed. I haven't worked out at all this week and I've slept maybe 3 hours a night. So, so bad. sad.gif I hope things get better for you! Worrying is not good, but I can't seem to stop either!! hug2.gif


Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
YAY congrats glenda!!! yari's right - a loss is a loss!


those of you instituting salad tuesdays - there is nothing better than a chef salad for dinner on a hot summer day. i get bagged lettuce, cukes, fresh baby corn, peppers, and some tomatoes for dh, and get 1/2 inch slabs of roast beef (for dh), turkey and cheese at the deli counter. i keep the meats/cheese on the side so i can weigh/measure it before i put it in my salad. i bought the asian spray dressing (ken's) which is really good, and it actually sticks to the lettuce. all together, it winds up being about 4-5 ww points, depending on how much turkey/cheese i put in. i also have enough salad for a few days after.

Wow - I'm impressed!! I don't think I have the discipline for all of that! I swear I've eaten more salads since we've started this challenge than I have in my entire life. I'd say I have a spinach salad with tomatoes and light dressing about 4 days a week. (When things aren't "severely crappy" of course.)
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Yeah, I get it..I see what you mean. Where my weight looks high but yes for my height I shouldn't lose more than 20 lbs or I'd be anorexic. I guess that is why you don't see people on the Biggest loser that only need to lose 15 lbs LOL. But I'm not looking to win I'm just looking for the motivation I need to reach my goal!!! 15lbs to go!!

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Yeah, it kind of stinks because it doesn't really factor in body fat either. It just goes off overall weight. So, you could be losing a ton of fat, but if you're gaining a bunch of muscle at the same time, your number could be misleading and not portray your progress accurately. sad.gif

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