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Any Runners Out there?


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My favorite thing to do is run when I'm traveling. Mike always says I'm crazy to "waste" vacation running, but I think it's the best way to explore new cities. I love that I've run through the streets of New Orleans, South Beach, Amsterdam, etc. As soon as we check into a hotel, I'm ready to get out and run!

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Originally Posted by lucky k72 View Post
Holy Crap Kelly! a 6 minute mile.....wow! Color me impressed. The running series sounds so cool. Wish there was something like that around here.
I know I was a crazy runner, was down to about 100 pounds, lost all my boobs, and was always jonsen for my next run. I usually finished in the top 100 women in most of the races I did, doesn't sound impressive but when you have hundreds of people out for some of these races it wasn't so bad:) I had to slow down because I hurt my foot really badly and it hurts to run, I use to run through the pain but the older I get the harder it is to do that. I hate running my first 5 k then I find my stride and the further I run the better I feel. Karen do you have the running room where you are? If you do, or something like that ask what kind of running series are around your area, you may be surprised and find one close to you.
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Hi, Besides the NYC marathon which I didnt run....yet. If your ever in NYC during sept. Do the Tunnel to the Towers run, It has to be one of the most emotional runs you can do. It's only a 5k but when your almost at the end of the nyc battery tunnel and all those firemen are lined up holding the names of all the firemen that perished in the towers you just can't help to feel emotional and proud. At the end its a big keg party as well.

For all runners this is a great run to have done at least once.



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My dad is a big time runner. He runs 3 marathons a year and is working on all the states. He has done around 20 I think (he wasted some time before he started the states by doing some of the same marathons more than once, how silly) and he has run in London and Dublin as well. I ran quite a bit about 2 years ago and got up to a 10k. Then I met FI and slowed down to a screeching halt. I just started running/walking again to start my pre-wedding get in shape routine. I am taking it slow though. Running is hard to get back into. If it isn't the lungs, then its the legs getting tired. I figure I will build up endurance bit by bit and have my dad sign me up (so I won't get lazy) for the Great Race which is an annual race in Pittsburgh every September. I did lose a lot of weight when I was running and felt so much better about myself. It's a shame I can't get all those benefits by laying around on the couch on BDW.

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Originally Posted by viv7100 View Post
Hi, Besides the NYC marathon which I didnt run....yet. If your ever in NYC during sept. Do the Tunnel to the Towers run, It has to be one of the most emotional runs you can do. It's only a 5k but when your almost at the end of the nyc battery tunnel and all those firemen are lined up holding the names of all the firemen that perished in the towers you just can't help to feel emotional and proud. At the end its a big keg party as well.
For all runners this is a great run to have done at least once.

This sounds like a great run to do. What do you say Karen want to make it a date and do this run together? The guys can come and cheer us on and then we can cheer them on at the keg party:) Think about itsmile29.gif
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Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
This sounds like a great run to do. What do you say Karen want to make it a date and do this run together? The guys can come and cheer us on and then we can cheer them on at the keg party:) Think about itsmile29.gif
Sounds like a plan. will have to resaerch it and see when it is. Actually it would be cool to get a group of us BDW girls together to run Tunnels to Towers. What do you guys think?
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Originally Posted by lucky k72 View Post
Sounds like a plan. will have to resaerch it and see when it is. Actually it would be cool to get a group of us BDW girls together to run Tunnels to Towers. What do you guys think?
I'll wait at the finish line 'protecting' the kegs.
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Originally Posted by lucky k72 View Post
I'm not a die hard runner but I do enjoy it and have been in 2 races: the Rock & Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach and Freihoffer's Run for Women (5K). Before the half marathon, I never ran before. I trained for the 1/2 marathon as part of "Team in Training" which raises money for the Leaukemia Society. What's so cool about races these days are all the different fun themes and the different people you can meet. I kinda feel like a rock star when I'm in a race because of all the fans cheering you on. So I decided to start training for my second "Run for Women". Figured entering a race is a great way to light a fire under my butt to get in shape. Any one else been in races or have good race stories?
I first started running with TNT also! I had never been a runner before but trained for and ran the Long Beach Marathon. It's a great cause to run for and the support and motivation you get from training with the team is incredible. I joined with them a second time and ran the Nike women's marathon in San Francisco last October. The course was absolutely beautiful and since it's geared towards women they have great things along the course like the Ghiradelli chocolate mile and quick pedicures. All of downtown SF is taken over by runners for the weekend which makes it so much fun! Focusing on the scenery made the miles a little easier. I've also done a few half marathons and local 5 and 10k's.

It really can be theapy for me, it helps to deal with all the pre-wedding stress. No other form of exercise makes me feel as good as running.
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  • 2 months later...

I, myself am also not a runner (hence my last name is Walker). I've been inspired by my man to get into it, so I signed up to do the 1/2 marathon in Houston in Januray 2009.... crazy!!! So I'm now running for good for 2 miles but I obviously have a LONG ways to go. Again, the wedding is a big motivator!!

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