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Any Runners Out there?


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I'm not a die hard runner but I do enjoy it and have been in 2 races: the Rock & Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach and Freihoffer's Run for Women (5K). Before the half marathon, I never ran before. I trained for the 1/2 marathon as part of "Team in Training" which raises money for the Leaukemia Society. What's so cool about races these days are all the different fun themes and the different people you can meet. I kinda feel like a rock star when I'm in a race because of all the fans cheering you on. So I decided to start training for my second "Run for Women". Figured entering a race is a great way to light a fire under my butt to get in shape. Any one else been in races or have good race stories?

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I'd love the start running, but in all honestly I suck at it. lol.. I swear I forget how to breath when I run. I think when Cain and I tired a couple of years ago I made it 1/2 mile before before I felt like I was ready to die.. :-)

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I love to run! I have never ran a 1/2 marathon before though! The longest race I run is a 10K (about 6 miles). That is usually my goal every year to get in shape for. Its the Tufts Health Plan 10K for Woman held every hear on Columbus Day in Boston. It is such an inspirational run to see thousands of woman all running together! I always train with my dog. He LOVES It!! He is my motivation in the morning to get up. He expects it everyday and i can't bare to let him down. Those sad eyes gets me everytime. Although, when its snowing outside, or about 10 degrees and pitch black out - that is where I draw the line!!!

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I dont know if I would say I "Love" to run haha but I like to do it to get into shape. back in december I was training for a 1/2 marathon and got up to ten miles and hurt my knee and couldnt do it.

Now my knee is perfectly fine but th wheather is going to start to get unbearably hot out. It was nice in december because I would go run in the mornings while it was cool. But here its just not fun to run in the summer. So once the weather cools down I hope to get back into it.

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I used to be a die-hard runner and do races all of the time. I got a stress fracture during a half marathon a few years ago and have never fully gotten back to where I used to be in terms of mileage and frequency, but I still love to get out there a few times a week. I sign up for 5Ks almost every weekend in the spring and fall. My favorite race is the Philadelphia Distance Run. It's a flat 10 mile course through Philly, with the Rocky music playing as you pass the Art Museum and people cheering you on as you enter the Navy Yard at the end...so fun! Unfortunately, this year it is the morning after my bachelorette party, so I highly doubt I'll be in any sort of shape to run it.

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I am not a huge runner but I wish I were. It is the one excercise where I really feel like I accomplished something afterwards. In 2004 I ran the Mardi Gras Marathon (trained and raised money for AIDS) and haven't done much since. No great story other than it was the most amazing accomplishment of my life!


I just signed up to run a 10 miler at the end of April. I haven't been running much so it might hurt. I'm a slow runner but when i can force myself it is good. Good luck with your Walk for Women!!!!

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I injured my groin a few years ago so I'm easing my way back into things. Right now I'm on the treadmill but I can't wait to get outside. I'm just too much of a whimp to run when it's cold out.


Tammy, you should try run/ walk. Basicly this is intervals of running and walking like it sounds. I start with 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of running. Or I run a mile then walk for a little bit and run another mile. I just eased my way into it. Believe me up until 4 years ago, the only way I was running was if someone was chasing me. lol.

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Running is my favorite way to get in shape! Plus I have a two year old black lab and running helps make her tired and more enjoyable to be around! I really enjoy races because like someone said above, it is great motivation to get out there and run and get in shape because you don't want to be the last one with the cop car with lights on following you!


I have one 1 marathon, 1 1/2 marathon, 1 10K and many 5k's.


I have a plan to run in every state before I die and I have done six so far:


New Hampshire





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I'm a runner. but not for fun wink.gif

I try to run 4 miles when I run, but lately i end up doing 3 sad.gif

I have thought about entering a race, but haven't done so yet. We have the Los Angeles Marthon here which is 26 miles. I know several people who have done it, and struggled! but maybe some day....

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I want to do the NY marathon before I'm 40. There's this 9K...I can't think of the name of it but it's in my state.....well once you cross the finishline you are handed a beer and are welcomed by basiclly a keg party. Very cool. The rock and roll half marathon had a band playing at every mile marker. I had to throw cups of water on myself so I felt like a real racer. So fun!

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