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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
of course!!!!! i wasn't meaning to exclude anyone i was just thinking old city!
Oh, I didn't think you were excluding me, I was just thinking how much I'd love to have a drink (or 5!) right now...lol!
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I was just home this summer, and will be home with FI for the holidays! My parents live in the Northeast, but are in the process of TRYING to sell that house to fulltime live down the shore in Wildwood! I would love to visit with you ladies over the holidays, but I know how absolutely crazy it is!!!!

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Originally Posted by trisha0612 View Post
I was just home this summer, and will be home with FI for the holidays! My parents live in the Northeast, but are in the process of TRYING to sell that house to fulltime live down the shore in Wildwood! I would love to visit with you ladies over the holidays, but I know how absolutely crazy it is!!!!

When it gets closer, let us know the dates and we'll try to plan BDW Philly Part 2! That would be so great if they moved to Wildwood full-time. I go there for Irish Weekend every year and it's soooo fun!
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Heidi, I wish we could do more, honestly. It was great to meet you all and I am SO glad that the timing helped you feel better. I think everyones heart broke a little last week for you...



Originally Posted by Heidi View Post
Dear Lizz, Carly, Mo, Alyssa, Jenn & Kelly,


You made me happy tonight; I was genuinely happy! I didn't think I could be happy right now. Thank you for making me laugh and for being so wonderful. Thank you SO incredibly much for the spa gift card; you REALLY didn't need to do that but I really appreciate it.


You're making me feel alive again. I know I seemed 'fine' tonight, but honestly, this is the first time I really smiled & laughed for a few weeks. I needed it!


Thanks again, I *heart* you all very much and look forward to our next get together!


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I grew up in the NE! Left it about 3 years ago (crybaby2.gif)Where about did you grow up? I went to Bart's for grade school, St. Basil's and St. Hubert for HS. But I am 2 years older, so maybe we know some of the same peeps!



Originally Posted by trisha0612 View Post
I was just home this summer, and will be home with FI for the holidays! My parents live in the Northeast, but are in the process of TRYING to sell that house to fulltime live down the shore in Wildwood! I would love to visit with you ladies over the holidays, but I know how absolutely crazy it is!!!!
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Dear Heidi -


I'm so glad we could make you smile for a night! It was great meeting all of you and we'll definitely have to do it again soon :)


Dear Trisha -


I'm sorry you're having such a bad day! Definitely screw the hike and drink the wine! And the next time you're in the area, we will all meet up and get some Philly-sized drinks :)


Dear FI -


Why is it that you feel you need to 'fix' everything? I know you're only trying to help, but when I'm feeling down about not losing weight, don't tell me I should cut out the salad dressing! The 35 friggen' calories aren't making me not lose weight! And going to the gym twice a day doesn't really work for me. I work 10 hours in a busy emergency department - I am physically exhausted when I get home. I cannot even imagine going before work and then again after! You go to work for like 4 hours a day (at most!) and then sometimes do some work at home. I'm working really hard to lose weight - why do you have to make me feel like I'm not doing everything I should? Can't you just say something like "That sucks... next week will be better... you're doing great" ?

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