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Off Your Chest


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OMG you guys,,, I have such white trash parents.. (I know that sounds mean but it's true.


So long story short my parents are dirt poor, they live off food stamps (this is all their own doing though, my Dad has bad depression issues so he can't work and my mom is educated but quit work because of being diabetic) well I guess a couple of months ago the state was running behind by 3 months in processing food stamps so they called chanel 7 (Bill spencer for you local MI people) and told them what was going on. Well I guess chanel 7 helped them get their food stamps.. Well fast forward to yesterday, Bill Spencer called them and wanted to do a piece about them and the state because they are still really behind. So he just left my parents apartment after being there for two hours. I guess he pulled out their wedding album, emptied their food from their pantry and made them make a meal together.


So for all you MI folks, if you want to see what my hill billy parents look like the piece will air tomorrow at 5pm... Sooooo embarassing...

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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
Jeez - Trisha - you are really go through it - I hope that hike later helps you clear your head. If not - you may need to come back to Philly and get drunk with me and Hopels! fryingpan.gif

Can I join you girls in getting drunk? Haha!
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Dear Tammy -

Dang, I wish I could see your rents on TV!! Don't worry, it will be ok.


Dear Trisha -

F the hike & drink that bottle of wine instead!


Dear equity baby boy -

get your own damn lunch stupid!


Dear 16 year old step son,


It's your own damn fault you have an F in chemistry & can't play in the football game on Friday. I'm glad you were honest with us, but seriously, it is not very becoming when you act like a little baby & put your head down on the table and pout about it. It also isn't going to solve your problem if you go home to visit your mom this weekend - actually, it will probably make it worse, because we both know you wouldn't be doing any studying there. I know we are such jerks for asking you to put together an action plan for improving in this class, for trying to give you tools to bring your grade up, for requiring you to re-read all of chapter one & do the practice exam, and for even suggesting you do more than required, especially when it's obvious you don't understand shit about what's been taught thus far.


You got an F on a test that you've known about for at least a week. Maybe you should have spent some time studying over the weekend? Instead, you blew everything off & were MIA all weekend because of the Homecoming activities. Personally, I'm pretty sure you came home with a mean hangover on Sunday...no wonder you've sucked at school this week.


Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you if you think missing all of the school you have lately has contributed to your problems in this class?? Hmm?




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Dear HR person at Univ of Penn,

Why would you neglect to tell me that I needed to bring my college diploma to my pre-employment interview today? Now, I need to go search through boxes in my mom's garage to find the thing, then I need to drive back down there on my day off and show it to you in person. If you told me I needed this last week, I would have been prepared and brought it today.


Dear Occup. Health nurse at Univ of Penn,

Why can't a nurse at my present employer look at my arm and tell me that I don't have TB? Why in the hell do I have to drive back down there AGAIN for you to look at my arm for a split second and tell me the test is negative?!?


Everyone is annoying me today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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