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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Your time will be here before you know it! And then you'll be wishing you could get married all over again b/c it was soooooo fantastic!

Sadly, I have bad news about the catamaran. We had to cancel it because of rain. It POURED rain from Wednesday when we arrived until Saturday morning (wedding day). We were super bummed about having to cancel it. The company was awesome and had my refund in my account by Monday morning. We ended up taking everyone into PM for dinner since a few people that had been there all week were a bit stir crazy from the rain.

I'm sure there are catamaran trips in PV, too, so don't frett. AmyB took her guests on the catamaran for snorkeling. AmyB, any surprises?

Thanks for the compliment on my siggy. I looooooove my wedding photos. LOL but every bride loves their photos! I think since you last checked in myself, Katie, AmyB, and AmyF are all MRS. now! Meghan's next!!!

Ooooooh Meghan how exciting!!!!!!! thewave.gif
Curious, where did you take your guests for dinner? We have been thinking about doing a little trip to show our guests some real Mexican food.
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
During the webinar they talked more about the food in general. Nothing particular but they interviewed the chef and they talked about the wine a TON and the alcohol choices. Also ladies I am working on something in writing about the donkey for you! I emailed the peeps that put on the webinar to see if i can get you something.
Thanks so much for putting this together, Maggie! I really appreciate it! I just want to make FI happy and I know the donkey will! LOL I'll buy you a drink when we are at AS for your troubles!!!! ;-)
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Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
Anywho, thank you for sharing this email! I have put it in my guest coorespondence file for a few months down the line. So out of curiosity, did you enjoy the cenote, zipline, ruins day or the catamaran trip more with your guests? I don't think we will be able to afford both for our guests, but I'd like to do one with them for the memories. Let me know what you suggest please.
Oh thanks!! I was very laid back in planning and did not do a lot of talking to my friends and family about our wedding so everyone was very surprised in Mexico ho much stuff I had planned and how together the wedding was. I kind of liked it like that!!

Zip lining was awesome but they only do it in groups of 12 so we had to split into 2 groups. It also ran waaaaaayyy over and we were gone from 9am-6pm. Which would be fine if you weren't staying at an all inclusive resort!...

I think the catamaran was better b/c everyone could go - all young & old - so the group was more cohesive.

Buuuuutttt if I was watching my $$ spent but also wanted to do something for my guests I would totally recommend the vans into Cancun or Playa del Carmen. If you need 2 vans - so 24 people or less - it is like $220 for both round trip. I used 3 vans into Cancun and it was $336. I tipped the drivers $20 each too. But those group outings are so easy - you can do the nighttime clubbing or a daytime trip. Maybe find a place to all have lunch - do some shopping - maybe even a free museum or art gallery - then back to the hotel. Its very affordable and being driven in an air conditioned van with nice drivers made my guests feel very special!!!
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All right ladies...I feel like a bad BDW bride, because all I seem to post about are my vents!! Rest assured that I read the thread every day, I just don't always post (mostly because I'm a lazy beeyotch).


I heard from my TA today. Azul Beach will definitely have construction during my stay. They're starting in August.


They will be upgrading all of the Superior rooms, and construction will be happening most of the day.


My TA recommends me moving resorts (I agree), and Karisma has been kind enough to offer me a free candlelit dinner on the beach or a free couples massage if I move to Azul Sensatori. Never mind the fact that I would have had a free candlelit dinner anyway with my wedding package. No other perks would be offered.


I'm honestly at a loss for words right now. I do NOT want to start the search all over from square one, but at the same time I'm so angry about the situation and don't want to keep my wedding at a Karisma property because I hate the way they've dealt with this situation.


Any advice? I need wisdom!

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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
All right ladies...I feel like a bad BDW bride, because all I seem to post about are my vents!! Rest assured that I read the thread every day, I just don't always post (mostly because I'm a lazy beeyotch).

I heard from my TA today. Azul Beach will definitely have construction during my stay. They're starting in August.

They will be upgrading all of the Superior rooms, and construction will be happening most of the day.

My TA recommends me moving resorts (I agree), and Karisma has been kind enough to offer me a free candlelit dinner on the beach or a free couples massage if I move to Azul Sensatori. Never mind the fact that I would have had a free candlelit dinner anyway with my wedding package. No other perks would be offered.

I'm honestly at a loss for words right now. I do NOT want to start the search all over from square one, but at the same time I'm so angry about the situation and don't want to keep my wedding at a Karisma property because I hate the way they've dealt with this situation.

Any advice? I need wisdom!
I am not sure if this is the right advice but I bet they are banking on you not wanting to start over. I would see if you can get another % off your group rate or a % off your private events and play hardball a little. Yeah you run the risk of having to start all over again but from the webinar I was just on for the Karisma properties they seem to be very agressive in getting folks to Azul Sensatori. Right now my TA is waiting for then to come back with a new group offer because I threatened to go to my Back-up resort. I am not sure what the right thing to do is here. Understand your fustration though...That is not cool! I have been in limbo for a month now trying to get the best deal. Sorry your having to go thru this! Sending positive vibes your way for the right solution!
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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
We have friends in the wedding party who have a pool so they're inviting everyone who's going to Mexico over for a meet & greet pool party. We have 50 people going to Mexico and not everyone knows each other. We're doing a Mexican fiesta theme and having Tacos, fajitas, chips & salsa, margaritas and coronas.
Ooooooh fun! And what a great idea!!!

Originally Posted by murmel View Post
Curious, where did you take your guests for dinner? We have been thinking about doing a little trip to show our guests some real Mexican food.
La Panza es Primero. The hotel recommended it. They were able to accommodate us last minute and had plenty of room for all of us (25 ppl). Plus all 25 people only ended up costing us $300 (bargain!). The food was hit or miss. Mine dish was AWESOME but I think some of the guests thought it was just OK. It's definitely real Mexican but some people may be surprised at what that means b/c they're expecting beans and rice with their meal. The best part for us was that the place has a Mexican wrestling theme--think Nacho Libre! This was a total shocker and hysterical. They even have an area set aside where you can put on masks and wrestle. We got some priceless pictures that night!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Ooooooh fun! And what a great idea!!!
Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
That sounds like so much fun!!

My final payment didn't go through until after I checked out of AS and I paid it a 3 weeks prior!
I never even thought of doing it. It was actually the idea of one of the guests but I'm getting excited about that. It's been super hot here this week (it's 99 degrees today but with the humidity they say it feels like 107!) so hopefully that will make everyone get in the pool.

The payment thing is CRAZY! It wouldn't bother me so much if I had used a credit card but I actually used my check card and it's a little hard for me not to dip into money that's in the account!smile41.gif
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I am not sure if this is the right advice but I bet they are banking on you not wanting to start over. I would see if you can get another % off your group rate or a % off your private events and play hardball a little. Yeah you run the risk of having to start all over again but from the webinar I was just on for the Karisma properties they seem to be very agressive in getting folks to Azul Sensatori. Right now my TA is waiting for then to come back with a new group offer because I threatened to go to my Back-up resort. I am not sure what the right thing to do is here. Understand your fustration though...That is not cool! I have been in limbo for a month now trying to get the best deal. Sorry your having to go thru this! Sending positive vibes your way for the right solution!
That's what I'm thinking, too. I just e-mailed my TA back and asked him to try to get a better rate than they gave us for Azul Beach. Something tells me they're not going to do it. I've already started looking at other resorts just in case.

I tried to send you a private message to see what kind of rates they're offering you but it says you're not accepting them :) Would you send me a message if you're able to? I'd like to have SOME sort of bargaining power, if possible.
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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
That's what I'm thinking, too. I just e-mailed my TA back and asked him to try to get a better rate than they gave us for Azul Beach. Something tells me they're not going to do it. I've already started looking at other resorts just in case.

I tried to send you a private message to see what kind of rates they're offering you but it says you're not accepting them :) Would you send me a message if you're able to? I'd like to have SOME sort of bargaining power, if possible.
Sorry about that...My settings must be off
email me at [email protected] I will tell you what I know!
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Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Congrats again! I'm happy you found another resort you're happy about and that the pregnancy is going well. How far along are you now?
Thanks!!!! It's too bad I won't be able to actually meet you in November.

I'm actually in my fifth month now (19 weeks). Just about half way there!! I was shocked to find out pregnancy is technically 10 months long.

We officially rebooked today! Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. April 11th will be our wedding date. Yay!!!!!!
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