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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by chong View Post
So... how did you guys picked the cake flavor? We are kinda bummed about the fact that there will be NO cake tasting. We love cake! Is there enough time to do the cake tasting at the resort and then have them make the cake while we are there? Is it too risky?
Any recommendation?
I had heard past brides rave about the Hazelnut flavored cake (which isn't a listed option) and so I just emailed my WC and told her what size cake I wanted and that I wanted hazelnut with fresh strawberries and she said ok and put it on my details sheet.

I found that asking if something is ok doesn't get you anywhere. So I just told her what I wanted and didn't really get turned down.

OH, to anyone that was told you can't have a Mexican DJ, don't listen. They even invited my DJ onto the property for a site visit so he could check out the area, they were 100% accomodating.
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I just found out my AHR (being thrown completely for me financially and all by some of my friends & MOH) is next Saturday! I'm actually completely freaked out by this... I feel like I've easily put on 10lbs during my honeymoon week... which lasted throughout this whole week as well, I'm not gonna lie blush2.gif


For you girls doing an AHR (or already did one), any suggestions?? All I can think of now is to bring my guest books for people and maybe the wedding photo pictures of my parents and grandparents etc.


It's weird being totally in the dark about everything except, where and when!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post

For you girls doing an AHR (or already did one), any suggestions?? All I can think of now is to bring my guest books for people and maybe the wedding photo pictures of my parents and grandparents etc.

It's weird being totally in the dark about everything except, where and when!
I say relish the fact that you get to be in the dark!! You already planned a fantastic wedding, now just sit back, relax, and let your friends do all the work! Seriously.

DH and I are in the midst of cake vs. cupcakes, keg and champagne or just keg, catered food or a combo of catered/made at home sides, wear our wedding attire or not, rent a van for our out of town guests or not, blah blah blah blah. This is waaaaaay easier than the wedding but it's still having to make decisions. I say show up with the guest book, the pictures you mentioned, and a ready to party attitude and you're set!
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I second that from Wendy! I might get a couple pix of me & FI blown up into posters around the room where my AHR is - however that is months away... Yours is next saturday - GIRL - you need to rest after the wedding of the century! Maybe bring a computer and ask guests from mexico to bring USB keys with pictures on it to share, but I think all you really need is your hubby & a smile. Its going to be a blast - and will keep that honeymoon feeling you have going!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
DH and I are in the midst of cake vs. cupcakes, keg and champagne or just keg, catered food or a combo of catered/made at home sides, wear our wedding attire or not, rent a van for our out of town guests or not, blah blah blah blah. This is waaaaaay easier than the wedding but it's still having to make decisions. I say show up with the guest book, the pictures you mentioned, and a ready to party attitude and you're set!
I'm not kidding - the AHR is my FI's party. He wants cupcakes - hes got them! He wants to have crabs - no problem! Its so fun to let him make the decisions this time around! Beer - he wants lots of selection - like 2 six packs of everything! He just finished organizing the shuttle vans from hotel to the location -- it took him weeks and he sees how much work planning a wedding is now :)

WOO HOO - I leave in 54 hours!!!!!!!!!! elefant.gif
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
I'm pretty sure the cakes vary by resort. My TA did a site visit to Karishma properties just a few weeks ago and she raved and raved about all these exotic wedding cake flavors they offer at EDR. I was jealous!

For cake tastings, we asked our TA if we could have one and he set it up for us. Chong, our tasting was on Wednesday and the wedding Saturday. They don't need much lead time. They had 3 little cakes for us at our meeting with the onsite team. No off-the-menu flavors for us. They said it wasn't an option and could only have chocolate, strawberry or vanilla. We went with strawberry cake (white cake with real strawberries inside) and butter cream frosting. Delish!!
I love the idea of cake tasting at the resort. I heard that standard flavor is vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and hazelnut. Without tasting them, I think we are not too excited about the flavors yet. We have to do some research to see what flavor we want. I will definitely ask my WC to see if I can setup a tasting. We will be arriving Wed and the wedding will be on Sunday.

My FI loves the butter cream frosting but I am not sure if this is possible for us. We are having a beach reception and I am worry that it will MELT! Though my FI does not care as long as he can get his delicious butter cream frosting :)

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
I second that from Wendy! I might get a couple pix of me & FI blown up into posters around the room where my AHR is - however that is months away... Yours is next saturday - GIRL - you need to rest after the wedding of the century! Maybe bring a computer and ask guests from mexico to bring USB keys with pictures on it to share, but I think all you really need is your hubby & a smile. Its going to be a blast - and will keep that honeymoon feeling you have going!
What is AHR... I thought my company has too many acronyms... apparently I have more to learn. I can't make any words out of this acronym. What is it!
Chong - confused and dazed :)
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
WOO HOO - I leave in 54 hours!!!!!!!!!! elefant.gif
I am sooo excited for you. I know you will have a beautiful wedding. Can't wait till you come back and share your experiences!!!
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Do we have to tell how to setup the reception table? like... napkins, plates, etc? I know they will do anything I ask.. but I am not sure if they already do a great job setting it up based on my choice of color and center piece. Any suggestions? What information do I need to provide? I should really ask my WC about this too.


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