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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by chong View Post
So... how did you guys picked the cake flavor? We are kinda bummed about the fact that there will be NO cake tasting. We love cake! Is there enough time to do the cake tasting at the resort and then have them make the cake while we are there? Is it too risky?
Any recommendation?
Actually I think Wendy did a tasting. Also, from what I've heard the cakes taste incredible! They might not always look pretty (wel that's if you order butter cream instead of fondant, right WEndy) but I hear they are so good that you won't have any left.

Also, I think that both Wendy and Amy did flavors not offered in the banquet kit. Question for you ladies, did you have to pay more for different flavors?
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
Haha... Thanks. I guess my math little bit off. I still saying I have 6 months to go. I guess it's coming a lot faster than I have expected. I still have sooo much to do. Maybe I should panic right now. BREATH!!!

No don't panic just crazy that we will both be married so soon! Ah...exciting stuff!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Thanks amy :)

hey girlies....missed you all!!

We are back, and I am still mega-tired and jet-lagged at the moment.

For those wanting to see pics, here is the link to my brothers' shots he got - JD Photographs - Kate and Chris' Wedding once I've uploaded our proper photogs pics, I'll post the link too (we have about 1400 photos on 2 CDs!!)

Meghan - have just quickly skimmed through the posts and seen you've been having some major stresses...I got the impression it's all worked out now, but I hope it all is and sending you big hugs. xx

Great pics! You were beautiful and looked like you were definitely enjoying yourself. Congrats MRS!!elefant.gif
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Actually I think Wendy did a tasting. Also, from what I've heard the cakes taste incredible! They might not always look pretty (wel that's if you order butter cream instead of fondant, right WEndy) but I hear they are so good that you won't have any left.

Also, I think that both Wendy and Amy did flavors not offered in the banquet kit. Question for you ladies, did you have to pay more for different flavors?
I'm pretty sure the cakes vary by resort. My TA did a site visit to Karisma properties just a few weeks ago and she raved and raved about all these exotic wedding cake flavors they offer at EDR. I was jealous!

For cake tastings, we asked our TA if we could have one and he set it up for us. Chong, our tasting was on Wednesday and the wedding Saturday. They don't need much lead time. They had 3 little cakes for us at our meeting with the onsite team. No off-the-menu flavors for us. They said it wasn't an option and could only have chocolate, strawberry or vanilla. We went with strawberry cake (white cake with real strawberries inside) and butter cream frosting. Delish!!
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Originally Posted by renee1811 View Post
aah, I have one more week before my wedding! I am starting to go into panic mode at this point--my to-do list is two pages long, lol.

AmyB, how are you doing?!
Hi Renee!

I was panicking last week but am much calmer today! I delegated a lot of tasks to bridesmaids and Mom (iPod playlists, bug spray, ring cleaner, and favor candies).

So my To Do list is:

Figure out which corset to wear under dress
Return other corsets
Organize taxi transfers from CUN (ours were blank)
Get new sunglasses
Get false eyelashes (any recs ladies?)
Send out AHR invites (this will be time consuming b/c I have to hand address them - going to have my friend help me tonight)

All of the extra wedding crap I could have gone either way on doing or not doing --- I am not doing anymore in the interest of sanity!

You have all day Saturday and Sunday - 8am to 8pm - Just remmeber that - you will get everything done!

And don't feel bad delegating :)

I cant wait to hear all about your day!!!!!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
BUT, hubby LOOOOOOOOOOVED the pictures I had printed for him!!!!! I gave them to him in person on our wedding day while we were having breakfast on our balcony.
Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
The first thing he said to me after we got married and walked back down the aisle was... "OMG, that BOOK. A-MAZING! You are sooooo damn hot!" He was totally blown away.
The end of the book was that photo of me walking away holding my bra and next to it I put some Frank Sinatra lyrics that I absolutely love... so I'd say it was a total success!
Oh my gosh ladies, I got so teary reading your posts. That must be the icing on the cake man. We stress about losing weight, toning up, looking perfect, and to make such an impact to your new husbands after doing such a scary thing (take pix naked!!!) is so awesome.

Congrats girls. I am so happy for you. You are both so brave :)
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Hi Renee!

All of the extra wedding crap I could have gone either way on doing or not doing --- I am not doing anymore in the interest of sanity!
Good for you!! You gotta just let it go at this point, except for the traveling stuff of course. I so wish I'd had time for a massage the weekend before I left but that would have been an impossibility.

I'm soooooooo excited for you ladies!!!!!!! pinkie.gif

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Oh my gosh ladies, I got so teary reading your posts. That must be the icing on the cake man. We stress about losing weight, toning up, looking perfect, and to make such an impact to your new husbands after doing such a scary thing (take pix naked!!!) is so awesome.

Congrats girls. I am so happy for you. You are both so brave :)
Aw thank you! I bet you could do it too wink.gif

It was pretty powerful to watch him get all choked up. We both cried at our legal ceremony, at our real ceremony and over the pictures. Man, weddings are emotional! Well, this is the good emotional and not the "I can't take it anymore we're eloping!" emotional, LOL.

Now is when you and Renee get to the good stuff!!!!!
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Originally Posted by renee1811 View Post
aah, I have one more week before my wedding! I am starting to go into panic mode at this point--my to-do list is two pages long, lol.

AmyB, how are you doing?!
Don't panic, my to do list was at it's biggest the week before my wedding. Take stuff one thing at a time and do something every day, you'll get it done in no time!

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Oh my gosh ladies, I got so teary reading your posts. That must be the icing on the cake man. We stress about losing weight, toning up, looking perfect, and to make such an impact to your new husbands after doing such a scary thing (take pix naked!!!) is so awesome.

Congrats girls. I am so happy for you. You are both so brave :)
Thanks Amy! It was incredible to see his face just talking to me about it after the ceremony :)

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
AmyKH!!!!!! I just saw your wedding dress on My Fair Wedding! Cooooooool!
Yeah isn't that cool! I was very excited when I caught that episode last year.
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