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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post

You never told us what your hubbie thought of your BD book! You either Wendy & Katie!!!!

What did they say and do they love it or whathuh.gif!!!

Go hotties!
Hahahaha you're right! I think we all forgot about this in all of our post-wedding glow!

Because I scheduled my shoot so close to my wedding, I still don't have my book. I just sent the revisions back last week so hopefully I'll have it really soon! I might give it to him when we have our AHR. I think we're staying in a hotel downtown so that'll be a good time.

BUT, hubby LOOOOOOOOOOVED the pictures I had printed for him!!!!! I gave them to him in person on our wedding day while we were having breakfast on our balcony. When he opened it and I explained the reasons for doing the shoot for him, I made him cry!! One now sits very nicely displayed by our bed. The other is in his underwear drawer so he can see it every morning wink.gif
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post

You never told us what your hubbie thought of your BD book! You either Wendy & Katie!!!!

What did they say and do they love it or whathuh.gif!!!

Go hotties!
OH!! Well, at 4pm I sent my MOH over to the boys room where there were all getting ready. They already had one of my photogs over there taking pictures of them getting ready so I asked my MOH to take him away from all the boys and deliver it to him privately and the photog captured his reaction and all that. I haven't seen those pictures yet. :)

The first thing he said to me after we got married and walked back down the aisle was... "OMG, that BOOK. A-MAZING! You are sooooo damn hot!" He was totally blown away.

One of the groomsmen told me later that after he received the book my husband told him that he was going to take it with him on every work trip he went on and keep in in his desk next to a bottle of whiskey... LOL, I'm not sure why exactly but its cute and manly I guess.

My MOH said his face was priceless and she made him look at every single page and he teared up at the end.

The end of the book was that photo of me walking away holding my bra and next to it I put some Frank Sinatra lyrics that I absolutely love... so I'd say it was a total success!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
the photog captured his reaction and all that. I haven't seen those pictures yet. :)

The end of the book was that photo of me walking away holding my bra and next to it I put some Frank Sinatra lyrics that I absolutely love... so I'd say it was a total success!
Seeing those pictures of his face is going to be priceless!! Good thing your photog was there to capture it!

Nice choice for the last picture! I didn't see too many of yours (only from your planning thread) but of the ones I saw I think that one was my favorite! Sooooo classy and way sexy!
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Originally Posted by mmzeher View Post
Hi Ladies!
I can't seem to find info on private receptions, such as cost of add-ons to the packages they offer. They have very limited info on their web site. If anyone has files can you please PM me (I just joined so I can't download yet). I appreciate it!!!
I will send you PM with some info I have...on FOOD. I also have some information on the locations for the private reception. I will send you PM. I am not sure what you are looking for on private reception though...the decoration stuff is all different depends on what you want. Your WC should be able to quote you on the items you want for the private reception!

Also, ask your WC if you are qualify for FREE private cocktail hours. For brides who made reservation starting Feb 2010, you should be qualify to receive the free private cocktail hours as long as your TA qualifies for GI program. ASK ASK ASK!!!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post

Not to diss your friend AT ALL but P90X really isn't that hard. You just have to be dedicated and really have a strong will to want to get into shape. Yes, I'm always sore doing that program but my motto is, if it doesn't hurt, you didn't do much. It happens to be generally true for me at least.

Just lift weights, that will do it! P90X is only 3 months long, yes I've done it twice but it only takes 3 months to get nice arms if you stick to it!

You can do it!
Thanks :) I have to find something that will work for me. Thanks for the encouragement!!! I better get to it.
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Chong darling....wedding is in 4 1/2 months. I know it is hard to believe but it is really right around the corner for us both! We both better get to working out. I had started the Chelene Extreme program but stopped because me and everyone in my house got the somach flu. I am traveling this weekend to NYC but when I get back me and Chalene have a date to get fit.
Haha... Thanks. I guess my math little bit off. I still saying I have 6 months to go. I guess it's coming a lot faster than I have expected. I still have sooo much to do. Maybe I should panic right now. BREATH!!!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Hahahaha you're right! I think we all forgot about this in all of our post-wedding glow!

Because I scheduled my shoot so close to my wedding, I still don't have my book. I just sent the revisions back last week so hopefully I'll have it really soon! I might give it to him when we have our AHR. I think we're staying in a hotel downtown so that'll be a good time.

BUT, hubby LOOOOOOOOOOVED the pictures I had printed for him!!!!! I gave them to him in person on our wedding day while we were having breakfast on our balcony. When he opened it and I explained the reasons for doing the shoot for him, I made him cry!! One now sits very nicely displayed by our bed. The other is in his underwear drawer so he can see it every morning wink.gif
OK. I am going to be silly and ask the question... What is BD book? Is it something you can explain here? I am dying to know what this BD book is... HELP!
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Originally Posted by chong View Post
OK. I am going to be silly and ask the question... What is BD book? Is it something you can explain here? I am dying to know what this BD book is... HELP!
Haha, no worries! We were all in the dark at some point as to what BD means.

BD = Boudoir (a woman's dressing room)

Some brides on here do a sexy photo shoot as a wedding gift to their hubbies. Lingerie, FI's favorite outfit, or just plain naked!
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So... how did you guys picked the cake flavor? We are kinda bummed about the fact that there will be NO cake tasting. We love cake! Is there enough time to do the cake tasting at the resort and then have them make the cake while we are there? Is it too risky?

Any recommendation?


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