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BDW Biggest Loser ~ Season 8


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Originally Posted by Cindy* View Post
Manders, if you haven't done hot yoga before, it is hard the first time. However, it is great. When I used to do it, I definitely noticed a difference in my body. Unfortunately for me, I eventually stopped going because its an 1 1/2 class and takes me 1/2 an hour going there and another going home so I just didn't have the time to commit to it. But definitely makes a difference in your body and your flexibility. Just be prepared to sweat a lot!!!! Have fun.
It is definitely a challenge but great. I found I was really good with hydrating myself when I did it.

So I ran a race on Saturday, just 4 miles, and I am SO SORE. smile41.gif Oh well, now I've got the running bug back!
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Oooh, I haven't done Bikram in ages! Just remember to bring a towel, because otherwise you'll slip on all of the pools of sweat on your mat. And don't wear anything that you would be uncomfortable wearing soaking wet (such as a white t-shirt with a bright pink bra!). And bring water. I would even recommend freezing your water bottle before hand, because it'll stay cooler longer.

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Originally Posted by Tifany View Post
So I ran a race on Saturday, just 4 miles, and I am SO SORE. smile41.gif Oh well, now I've got the running bug back!
I love it when you ladies are like "It's only a mile" or "just 4 miles" when you talk about your running achievements. Next thing I know, I'll be hearing "Oh, I only did a half marathon today." Haha.

GREAT JOB Tifany! 4 miles is a lot to be proud of. :-)
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Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
GREAT JOB Tifany! 4 miles is a lot to be proud of. :-)
Thank you! I feel every foot of those 4 miles. :)

I used to be a total anti-runner and then got into it one year and did 3 half marathons by the end of that year. And note that I was 30lbs heavier than I was now. I swear you can do anything if you put your mind to it! :)
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Just sent! My scale photos are soooo difficult to read. I should have turned on another light!


I ran 2 miles this morning and might do a little after I finish up some chores tonight after work. (My bff is coming in this weekend and I want some sort of a respectable abode!)

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I got your pic, Tiff! It is hard to read, but I could see your scale, no worries! :)


Keep 'em coming ladies!


On another note, I am about to break through my plateau! I was down 1.5 this week, and if I keep it up I will break the weight plateau I have had since before Christmas... which would be AWESOME :)

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