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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Yeah to be honest, if FI was putting in his 2 cents it would be worse, I'm the bossy controlling outspoken one in the relationship so if he challenged me on any of my ideas it would probably lead to an all out brawl.

This past week we have bickered almost every day! I had a talk with him today at lunch (since we work together) and we agreed to have specific days to work on wedding stuff where he can't give me a million excuses of why he can't try on a vest for 30 seconds :)
ha we are doing the same thing tonight! I cannot handle the arguing! After reading your posts about your Fi saying, "lemme run to the bathroom, wait I'm hungry; after my smoke...," I am beginning to think you live with MY FI!!!! hahaha maybe they should hang out!
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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
oh I'm so glad you all have the same thing (not that you're all bickering but you know what I mean!!)

probably doesn't help that not living together means we try and do wedding stuff on our own or over the phone during the week and then spend the weekend trying to look for a place to live!

I've now started thinking...'what the hell are we going to talk about once we have actually had the wedding and have nothing to organise'?? lol

but Fi did say today that he knows everything will get better once we are living together as we'll have more time together so we'll get to spend time just us, and then other time on wedding things :)
hahaha I said the same thing!!!! We the hell are we gonna argue about and dress over after the wedding?!? It will be so quiet!
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
MAN!!! I am totally missing out on all the fun convos while I am driving all over the freakin state all day! oh well! This week has been HELL!!! (ie: work, FI not cooperating with wedding stuff...there's a shocker, huh?!?, etc etc etc) SO I am skipping the gym and heading to happy hour! I do NOT condone this ladies!!!!!!!!!! So, instead of burning 1000 calories, I will be consuming calories...IDIOT! oh well..I need it! I'll catch up with all these posts later on! xoxo
haha don't worry lindz...the stress of your week will have burned off calories anyway so you've more than earned you drink(s)!!

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Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
Hi Suzanne! What sort of dinner are you looking to do? Private or non-private?

We're going to do something private. Just trying to figure out what exactly since none of the options jump out at me. I think we know where we are going to do it (the Beach Resort has a smaller area that should fit us perfectly), but don't know what everyone is going to eat! WE're going to do the "free" meal as the welcome meal. (Although it seems like it's just a reservation and nothing more!)
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Oh and amy, can you add 'wedding cake' to my list of things I need to get done? No need to repost it until you do the next update though :)


see this is why I'm not sleeping - I'm in bed trying to sleep and had to log on here on my iPhone to say about the wedding cake because I'm worrying about it and keep forgetting!

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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Yes! I hate the silly stress arguments!!! And I am SURE I am the cause of it...haha Ryan calls me "Negative Nancy" or "Moody Mona" when I get in my mood! haha
hahaha those are funny names...not laughing at you, it's kinda cute lol
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Yes! I hate the silly stress arguments!!! And I am SURE I am the cause of it...haha Ryan calls me "Negative Nancy" or "Moody Mona" when I get in my mood! haha
hahahhaha Mark calls me "Anal Amy" when I get mad at him for being lazy and cutting corners.

I am loving these rants on FIs!!

My little brother is a GM and he told me Mark sent out an email asking the guys "what is your shorts size?" then 2 days later "nevermind, amy put an end to that, what size pants do you wear?" hahaha

Amy if he even thinks of wearing bright sneakers you need to call you FMIL!!!
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Katie, You sound like me! I sleep beside my iPhone and when I'm wide awake at night it's so easy to pick up but then my mind just won't stop... It's just messing with my sleep patterns.


This week I've started turning my phone off when I go to bed and I leaving in my purse beside the front door.


Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
Oh and amy, can you add 'wedding cake' to my list of things I need to get done? No need to repost it until you do the next update though :)


see this is why I'm not sleeping - I'm in bed trying to sleep and had to log on here on my iPhone to say about the wedding cake because I'm worrying about it and keep forgetting!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post

When I spoke with Tiffany on the phone a while back, that's what she told me. No balloons, bracelets, confetti, or projection screen unless we paid the higher price. I don't see it in print anywhere; that was all verbal over the phone. In November or December, perhaps? I have the exact quote at home and not in front of me...it could have been $3200 and not $3500, but it was definitely over $3000!
There are four packages. The cheapest is $1500. The middle two are $2000 and $2500 but can only be used if you're having your reception on the beach and the most expensive is $3500. They're all listed on the Lomas website.
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