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OR Amy - You can even do grey converse if you wanted to!!




Converse with a suit ok or no? > Clothing



My BF wore white Converse for her wedding that we relaced with pretty white ribbon and glued white flowers to it, super cute and her husband also wore white Converse, all the groomsmen had black Converse.

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omg, all these posts about FI has made my night!! (it's 11pm in the UK)


I'm soooo not laughing at you, but you all telling your stories has been hilarious lol


i have to give credit where credits due, FI seems to have been much more involved that most on here...but don't kid yourselves that that's necessarily a good thing!! it's only because he has to have an opinion on absolutely everything (even if he knows nothing about it) and just means we have to 'discuss' every single little detail. you're all getting 'YOUR' day...I'm getting chris's!! lol (ok bit of an exaggeration but just giving a different perspective from someone who's FI is the opposite!)


I can't remember who said it on here but it did remind me of my FI - I do all the legwork and DIY stuff, and then he looks at it and states all the things he doesn't like about it and what i should do with it to make it better!! it's like he's my boss!!


the jobs i've given him to do I have no idea how he's doing with them coz everytime I ask him what's happening with them he tells me 'to chill out and stop hassling him - he's got it all under control'....AARRRGGGGHHHH that makes me panic even more!! haha


lol but I do know he's started on his speech and he's taking it really, really seriously so I'll take the rest with a pinch of salt


anybody else find that the closer you get to the wedding, the more arguments you have?? we've been bickering over stupid things (both of us) most of this week!! think we're both stressing a bit and I've not slept through the night for the past 2 weeks so i'm tired and probably a bit ratty too.


for gods sake...who'd get married?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! hehe

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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
oh oh oh, you have to find out!!

We will defo have to try and meet up, it will be great! you should so come and check out my hotel too!!
Yes! I would love that! What time is your wedding on Friday?

I have a welcome cocktails thing @ 7:30pm for my guests.
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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
omg, all these posts about FI has made my night!! (it's 11pm in the UK)

I'm soooo not laughing at you, but you all telling your stories has been hilarious lol

i have to give credit where credits due, FI seems to have been much more involved that most on here...but don't kid yourselves that that's necessarily a good thing!! it's only because he has to have an opinion on absolutely everything (even if he knows nothing about it) and just means we have to 'discuss' every single little detail. you're all getting 'YOUR' day...I'm getting chris's!! lol (ok bit of an exaggeration but just giving a different perspective from someone who's FI is the opposite!)

I can't remember who said it on here but it did remind me of my FI - I do all the legwork and DIY stuff, and then he looks at it and states all the things he doesn't like about it and what i should do with it to make it better!! it's like he's my boss!!

the jobs i've given him to do I have no idea how he's doing with them coz everytime I ask him what's happening with them he tells me 'to chill out and stop hassling him - he's got it all under control'....AARRRGGGGHHHH that makes me panic even more!! haha

lol but I do know he's started on his speech and he's taking it really, really seriously so I'll take the rest with a pinch of salt

anybody else find that the closer you get to the wedding, the more arguments you have?? we've been bickering over stupid things (both of us) most of this week!! think we're both stressing a bit and I've not slept through the night for the past 2 weeks so i'm tired and probably a bit ratty too.

for gods sake...who'd get married?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! hehe
Yeah to be honest, if FI was putting in his 2 cents it would be worse, I'm the bossy controlling outspoken one in the relationship so if he challenged me on any of my ideas it would probably lead to an all out brawl.

This past week we have bickered almost every day! I had a talk with him today at lunch (since we work together) and we agreed to have specific days to work on wedding stuff where he can't give me a million excuses of why he can't try on a vest for 30 seconds :)
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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post
omg, all these posts about FI has made my night!! (it's 11pm in the UK)

I'm soooo not laughing at you, but you all telling your stories has been hilarious lol

i have to give credit where credits due, FI seems to have been much more involved that most on here...but don't kid yourselves that that's necessarily a good thing!! it's only because he has to have an opinion on absolutely everything (even if he knows nothing about it) and just means we have to 'discuss' every single little detail. you're all getting 'YOUR' day...I'm getting chris's!! lol (ok bit of an exaggeration but just giving a different perspective from someone who's FI is the opposite!)

I can't remember who said it on here but it did remind me of my FI - I do all the legwork and DIY stuff, and then he looks at it and states all the things he doesn't like about it and what i should do with it to make it better!! it's like he's my boss!!

the jobs i've given him to do I have no idea how he's doing with them coz everytime I ask him what's happening with them he tells me 'to chill out and stop hassling him - he's got it all under control'....AARRRGGGGHHHH that makes me panic even more!! haha

lol but I do know he's started on his speech and he's taking it really, really seriously so I'll take the rest with a pinch of salt

anybody else find that the closer you get to the wedding, the more arguments you have?? we've been bickering over stupid things (both of us) most of this week!! think we're both stressing a bit and I've not slept through the night for the past 2 weeks so i'm tired and probably a bit ratty too.

for gods sake...who'd get married?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! hehe
Yes! I hate the silly stress arguments!!! And I am SURE I am the cause of it...haha Ryan calls me "Negative Nancy" or "Moody Mona" when I get in my mood! haha
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Originally Posted by Katie_2010 View Post

anybody else find that the closer you get to the wedding, the more arguments you have?? we've been bickering over stupid things (both of us) most of this week!! think we're both stressing a bit and I've not slept through the night for the past 2 weeks so i'm tired and probably a bit ratty too.

for gods sake...who'd get married?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! hehe
Ummm YES!! We fought like crazy people for a good few weeks leading up to the wedding. We were both really aggitated with work and wedding stress (me) that we were fighting what felt like 24/7 which is completely out of the norm for us. Don't worry, totally normal!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Yes! I would love that! What time is your wedding on Friday?

I have a welcome cocktails thing @ 7:30pm for my guests.
ceremony is at 4pm, then hors d'oeuvres (again, sp??) and cocktails while we have photos, then the meal, and then our private reception for a few hours, and then onto one of their bars!!

oooooo it's all soooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MAN!!! I am totally missing out on all the fun convos while I am driving all over the freakin state all day! oh well! This week has been HELL!!! (ie: work, FI not cooperating with wedding stuff...there's a shocker, huh?!?, etc etc etc) SO I am skipping the gym and heading to happy hour! I do NOT condone this ladies!!!!!!!!!! So, instead of burning 1000 calories, I will be consuming calories...IDIOT! oh well..I need it! I'll catch up with all these posts later on! xoxo

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oh I'm so glad you all have the same thing (not that you're all bickering but you know what I mean!!)


probably doesn't help that not living together means we try and do wedding stuff on our own or over the phone during the week and then spend the weekend trying to look for a place to live!


I've now started thinking...'what the hell are we going to talk about once we have actually had the wedding and have nothing to organise'?? lol


but Fi did say today that he knows everything will get better once we are living together as we'll have more time together so we'll get to spend time just us, and then other time on wedding things :)

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