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I am livid


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Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post
Yes, let them "bite it".
Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe you should open a kissing booth tomorrow morning and tell your boss if you don't have $500 in kiss money by 5:15 you are out the door because if no one will kiss you than you MUST be too sick to be there.
Hahaha...oh Stephanie. You are a beauty!
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i like stephanie's idea.....

i say call in sick, if you can keep your job.

if not, go out of your way to sick it up- sneeze and cough a lot. forget about covering your mouth and nose. also, show up in sweats. wrap a sweater/blanket around you.

or pretend that you didn't know about the 5 am part - didn't get the message or were too doped up on tylenol to remember.


feel better!

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Bastards! I don't like your bosses. Why not do inventory after the game instead of getting up at the ass crack of dawn to count stuff?


If you must go, curse them the whole way there so you're in an even more foul mood once you arrive. Cough a lot, blow your nose like an instrument, and put a little blush on those cheeks to look extra warm, play it up. If they don't send you home after all that, then they truly are from hell and they can bite me too :P


Hope you feel better sweetie *xoxoxo*

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
If you must go, curse them the whole way there so you're in an even more foul mood once you arrive. Cough a lot, blow your nose like an instrument, and put a little blush on those cheeks to look extra warm, play it up. If they don't send you home after all that, then they truly are from hell and they can bite me too :P

Hope you feel better sweetie *xoxoxo*
Yeah that's the problem, my boss won't send me home & won't send anyone else home - that's how I got sick in the first place! My boss started getting sick the day before me. Seriously people. I told my FI to get one of the shotguns out of storage - that's how mad I am.
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i like stephanie's idea.....
i say call in sick, if you can keep your job.
if not, go out of your way to sick it up- sneeze and cough a lot. forget about covering your mouth and nose. also, show up in sweats. wrap a sweater/blanket around you.
or pretend that you didn't know about the 5 am part - didn't get the message or were too doped up on tylenol to remember.

feel better!
Yes, definitely sweats. I may not even brush my teeth. I'm not sure if that will just embarrass the hell out of me or make them feel REALLY bad.
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