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I am livid


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I am home sick today about half the people I work with insist on coming in & spreading their nasty sickness germs all over the place. Well, I finally got it. And I'm miserable.


Anyway, I called my boss this morning at 7 to let him know I would not be coming in. I specifically mentioned to our Supply Chain Manager to call me if I needed to be involved in the 11am annual inventory prep meeting. Yeah, we are supposed to work this weekend to do freaking inventory. It was planned for 8-5 Saturday and Sunday if necessary.


I just got a phone call to inform me that they are starting at 5am tomorrow. WHAT? I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no way I can even pretend that I can get up in time to get there that early with the way I am feeling.


Here's my favorite part. YOu know why they are doing this? So that they can be done in time to watch the fucking Seahawks game. I was told they took a vote. I am beyond pissed. And beyond sick.

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I don't know! I really don't think there is any way I can get there at that time, and you know what, I am sick! I'm not going to make myself sicker because a bunch of a-holes want to watch a freaking football game. My role in the process is that of auditor anyway. So as far as I'm concerned, they can start their counting at 5 and I'll start auditing at 8. I am just so pissed I could scream &/or cry right now.

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that stinks! If it were me and I absolutely had to go in, I'd be passive-aggressive and really play up the sickness big time hoping for sympathy even knowing there would probably be none.


I hate when people go to work sick and get everyone else sick....we deserve time to rest and re-coup.

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I must admit I'm one of those douche bags that show up sick. I don't know if I was programmed to be anal retentive, but I feel horrible when I call in sick. Even when I'm really sick. I just feel so guilty, like I'm a horrible employee.


Anyways, sorry you got sick. I'll try to keep you in mind next time I have the urge to drag my butt into work when I have a cold.


You can't call in sick tomorrow? What's the repercussions of that?

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