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Thanks for the laugh, I can totally picture that happeningsmile120.gif


Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
Hiedi, I'll pray for strength for you too.


Dear Hubby,

I'm soooo sorry for chewing your head off last night but why oh why do you have to bother me while I'm sleeping on the couch. Yes I think its sweet sometimes but when you start staring at me and then start poking me in the nose just slightly...It bugs the crap out of me and you wonder why I wake up upset.

It's not funny when I wake up and you are hovering over me and sticking your fingers in my nose or ears or eyelashes.....


Well I apologize for my anger but still.......

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Dear Boss,


Thank you for not firing me for doing ALL my wedding planning at work. Also for not monitoring my computer to see that I never ever ever ever log out of BDW except when I leave to go home.


Dear Heidi,


You are often in my thoughts, I am so sorry you are going thru so much drama.


Dear Julie,


You bring tears to my eyes with the way you write about your BIL. I am so sorry for your families loss.


Dear Matt,


I am sorry that I haven't had time to shave my legs lately, I just don't have time and the bathroom is cold, so goosebumps make it pointless. Be thankful I am blonde.


Dear School,


I hate you. That is all.


Dear Lord,


Thank you for Glenda and Christa and Trisha and Sarah and Alyssa and Maria and (seriously, need I go on?). Thank you most of all for this forum!

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Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
Hiedi, I'll pray for strength for you too.

Dear Hubby,
I'm soooo sorry for chewing your head off last night but why oh why do you have to bother me while I'm sleeping on the couch. Yes I think its sweet sometimes but when you start staring at me and then start poking me in the nose just slightly...It bugs the crap out of me and you wonder why I wake up upset.
It's not funny when I wake up and you are hovering over me and sticking your fingers in my nose or ears or eyelashes.....

Well I apologize for my anger but still.......
Ugh John does that to me too, but usually it's my ears he sticks his fingers in. He's lucky I haven't hauled off and hit him yet.
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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
Yeah, I love the kid despite all the weird things he's making my body do.

And Brian totally loves the fact that my boobs are getting bigger and bigger everyday. Ugh, men!
Every mans dream: his wife's boobs are growing every day & she farts like a man! Bliss!
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Originally Posted by carlymcmullen View Post
Dear Boss,

Thank you for not firing me for doing ALL my wedding planning at work. Also for not monitoring my computer to see that I never ever ever ever log out of BDW except when I leave to go home.


Dear bladder,

why are you so small?? I hate going to the restroom every 30 minutes and I HATE waking up 3 times in the middle of the night..
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Dear Members of BDW:


Thank you all so much for giving me the ability to talk to people who are not directly affected by the same tragedy as I am. I can't talk to them because they are going through it as well (I am the rock for them), but you all give me an outlet and make me feel so much better about things and you have no idea how much I cherish your kind words and your support. I love you all and I can't imagine what life would be like without you.

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Dear 16 year old step son,


Unf&^cking believable! You are such a little drama queen. Thank you for being such a twit, that by the time my husband gets home from work & picking you up from football, he is raging pissed and has no energy for me. Thank you for being such an irrational, flighty little GIRL & changing your mind about where you want to live every 5 minutes, based on how hard your life seems to be. And most of all, thanks for fighting us 2 nights ago over studying for chemistry, then admitting you need help, accepting it & saying how you want us to help you from now on....only to come home last night and say we suck & that living here sucks. Well you suck too!


Dear self -

You have got to stick to your guns with this spoiled little brat. Rembember last night when you told him "if we suck so much, and you've got your self under control so well & homework managed, then figure out how to get yourself too & from school. Effective Monday, I will no longer be your driver." Do not get guilted in to changing your strategy!


And, you have got to reclaim some time with your hubby. This step son drama has sucked the life out of our relationship this week.

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