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Originally Posted by MissBubbles205 View Post


I too am unhappy about the lack of signee's to our guestbook.. Especially since it shows it has been viewed over 2500 times!


Right!? Come on, people!!

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Originally Posted by alexisinjamaica View Post



Haha you're funny. I love yours too! Lots of good info and pics, so you can tell you spent time on it. Sometimes I worry I have too much info and no one but me will read it all. This is confirmed by the fact that FI has asked me a question that was clearly answered on the website and I was like "did YOU read it? If you won't even read it no one else is going to!" LOL. Also with your site I like that there's music. My site claims you can add music, but I could only get it to work on the home page and not while browsing the other pages so I gave up. Oh well.


And yes, I love Babs! She's super fast to reply to things and I've even been a bit indecisive on things (I briefly wanted to switch hotels, and had her chasing down deals at the other place, then I decided I wanted to stay but change our room reservation at the first place to a different room) and she's been patient.

 Well thank you! :o)   The music is my favorite part too.. I'm guilty of going to my site just so I can minimize it and listen to the music.. LOL.. :o)    Bummer you can't get yours to work right.. :o( But then again what I've heard from many of my guests, "you have music? I didn't know.."


Oh my.. Guys don't read much of anything though.. I told my FI if I was going to do all the crafts then he can sit down and fix my grammars and pics on our site.. So he helped. Although I just found that I wrote the Bribe rather than Bride.. Someone didn't do a thorough job.. lol.


Aww. Yes she is awesome, when I first found her I had her scooping out all the info on Atlantis in the Bahamas. We was about to sign our contract for the Cloisters for our Ceremony location and I sent her an email about Punta Cana.. Very patient thing she is!.. I drive her nuts constantly. :o) lol..

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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted by MissJali View Post


Alexis you did a great job on your website!! I am currently finally working on mine. I am a little jealous of your site, you put in so much work!!! I love it!


Thank you, that is so sweet! I'm sure yours will turn out great. :) Good luck!!

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Be patient with people responding! You need to remember if you are getting married during the school year, parents might need to figure out how long the kids can be pulled out. Others need to request time off work. Still others might be watching airfares to see what the average will be and if they can come.

Don't forget your counters all show the other brides checking out your amazing sites, not just those you have invited!

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