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Hello fellow brides!


Just wanted to share my website and get any feedback/suggestions from others who've completed their sites. http://alexisandjoseph.modwedding.com/


Also I only sent out save the dates around 4th of July, but I'm annoyed more people haven't signed the guestbook. LOL.


Would love to see other sites for ideas/inspiration!

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I love the website!! You've clearly put a ton of work into planning the wedding and website! 


Don't feel bad that people haven't signed the guestbook, I'm not sure I would have if it was my friends or family, but I definitely would have spent a lot of time reading everything and enjoying the website.


Do you mind if I ask about how you charted a bus/van to do the excursion to Dunn's falls?I'm definitely interested in something like this with my group.



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The more I think about this, the more jealous I get of your website haha. I really wish I had done something like this... I know it's not too late since my wedding is in January, I just dont want to have to mail out another package to the 100 people coming. But maybe I should anyways with a packing list and some details etc. 

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Originally Posted by jreist View Post


I love the website!! You've clearly put a ton of work into planning the wedding and website! 


Don't feel bad that people haven't signed the guestbook, I'm not sure I would have if it was my friends or family, but I definitely would have spent a lot of time reading everything and enjoying the website.


Do you mind if I ask about how you charted a bus/van to do the excursion to Dunn's falls?I'm definitely interested in something like this with my group.



Thanks for the compliments! I did spend a lot of time on it, because I'm OCD like that! I haven't booked a bus/van yet for the Dunn's falls excursion-- I'm waiting until I have a headcount. But the Wedding Coordinator at Secrets sent me over a document with a bunch of tours they can book for us through a company they use called Amstar. The tour for Dunn's River was quoted at only $55/person. So, I'd suggest checking with your hotel WC to see if they can give you info on similar packages/tours. OR if you're working with a travel agent they should be able to provide you with some info too. Mine did, but the prices were better through Amstar/the hotel. Good luck!

Originally Posted by jreist View Post


The more I think about this, the more jealous I get of your website haha. I really wish I had done something like this... I know it's not too late since my wedding is in January, I just dont want to have to mail out another package to the 100 people coming. But maybe I should anyways with a packing list and some details etc. 


Haha I'm sure your site is great as-is!!! You can feel free to borrow things from my site, but don't start all over!

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Originally Posted by Jenna1511 View Post


Your website is amazing and I too am slightly jealous because mine is really basic and doesn't have half the info your giving, great job! I love that your guest can RSVP for different wedding events for the weekend! awesome!!


So sweet-- thanks!!

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Originally Posted by MissBubbles205 View Post


Oh my!! I LOVE your site!.. I was happy with mine until you shared yours.. lol.. You did an amazing job!!  


PS.. We have the same TA!  Babs is a sweetheart!


Here is mine.. although you need no inspiration from me.. You'll just get to see how awesome yours really is!! lol



Haha you're funny. I love yours too! Lots of good info and pics, so you can tell you spent time on it. Sometimes I worry I have too much info and no one but me will read it all. This is confirmed by the fact that FI has asked me a question that was clearly answered on the website and I was like "did YOU read it? If you won't even read it no one else is going to!" LOL. Also with your site I like that there's music. My site claims you can add music, but I could only get it to work on the home page and not while browsing the other pages so I gave up. Oh well.


And yes, I love Babs! She's super fast to reply to things and I've even been a bit indecisive on things (I briefly wanted to switch hotels, and had her chasing down deals at the other place, then I decided I wanted to stay but change our room reservation at the first place to a different room) and she's been patient.

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