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ISO: May 2013 Bride - Virtual Work Out Buddy

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Originally Posted by georgiasl View Post


I would love to join you guys I have lost 4lbs in the past two weeks my goal was to lose 30 before the wedding. 4 down 26 to go! I am doing the low glycemic diet. Carbs are ok but they have to be whole grain or fruit.

awesome!!! Ya thats pretty much what ive been doing... kinda... when i stick to it.. so its more just trying to be healthy... i haven't cut out carbs just trying to eat more whole grains and to try and only eat them during the day (breakfast and lunch) and not at night. then lots of fruit and veggies.... i could never cust out fruit. Im also trying to up my protein intake. you can pm me you email if you like

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i want in too!  i work crazy hours- 230 pm-1 or 2 am because I work in a restaurant.  Its hard to have extra time to go to the gym.  I  am 5'4 and about 125-130 lb.  I would love to drop 10 lbs but am most interested in toning and eating and living more healthy.  By May I also want a bikini body!  i don't know how i feel about showing pix of my un toned belly :)

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i want in too!  i work crazy hours- 230 pm-1 or 2 am because I work in a restaurant.  Its hard to have extra time to go to the gym.  I  am 5'4 and about 125-130 lb.  I would love to drop 10 lbs but am most interested in toning and eating and living more healthy.  By May I also want a bikini body!  i don't know how i feel about showing pix of my un toned belly :)
Hey bride81!! Seems like we are in the same boat! I'm 5'3" and 125-130lbs also.!! Looking mainly to tone as well. If you don't want to do pics that's fine don't want anyone to do anything they are not comfortable with. It just a good way to see everyone's progress you can send me your email in a pm if you like
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Hey ladies!

My wedding is 4 weeks away. I'm still trying to tone up to where I want to be. I cut out sugars and did low carb for june. I play Roller Derby so that was my primary exercise, but a gf of mine also sent me this:


I'll be completely honest, i did it but I have no idea how. hahaha I'll tell you what though, my fiance travels a lot and he hadn't seen me for 2 weeks when he noticed that my muffin top was gone!! My clothes fit better, its crazy. I remember on June 1st, I was looking at the workout for June 30th going, "HOW AM I GOING TO DO THAT!?!?!", but i did. and now I plan on doing the June 30th workout everyday of July (we leave for our trip on Aug 1st)


I am also running 3mi on days when i don't have practice. It sucks and I pretty much have to make myself a new playlist everyday to motivate myself. My fiance is a bigger dude and he's not really into working out but he's actually been doing sit up and pushup like me (sups and pups, he calls it). I guess that's his way of being supportive.


I'm about 5'6 and weight 131 on a good day lol. I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, but I could shed some weight off my buns at this point haha, that's why i've really picked up my running regimen. Sometimes I add in lunges or jumpsquats or wall sits or other butt exercise that I can do on my living room floor. Clearly, I get bored very easily with working out so i need to try new things all the time.


My diet has been all over the place. I generally eat fruit for breakfast, a sald for lunch, then I end up pigging out at dinner. I've really got to get that in check for July. My plan for carbs, is to have them in the am, if i'm going to have any. Cut them out after 3pm.


Wish me luck!

I'm glad this thread is here! I like this stuff!

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 I'm struggling :( I took my dress for alterations last weekend and ever since then, I've been lazy and eating whatever I want, whenever I want. i really need to kick my own butt back into gear. I leave in 22 days and still have to go try the dress on again!

Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post

Awesome!!! I think I may try this!! How's the July workouts going for you
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