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ISO: May 2013 Bride - Virtual Work Out Buddy

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Soo after searching the exercise/diet forum, I have come up with; what I think is a great idea. :o)


My Daily Life

I work full time (8-5CST) and go to College part time (for this Summer 1 online class and one night class on Mondays). My Fiance works out, but he lives in another state. I meet up and ride to work with my mom every day (Monday-Friday). She refuses to stop by a gym or run with me. And once I get home the gym is too far away. Last week a friend told me she wanted to start running.. So I met her after getting to my car and we "walked" for "less than 30 minutes". I was super bummed and then had to go home and run on my treadmill to feel like I accomplished anything.


So I plan to start running on my own. I run on my treadmill (I put it in my living room so I can run while watching tv.) but now I want to run outdoors as well so I plan to walk at the local high school track with my trustee iPod. :o)


I'm not planning on doing Weight Watchers or any type of diet pills. Just Low Carb diet (Steaks,Chicken, Salads) and light exercise. (running, walking, etc. and crunches) I have love my Xbox Kinect, when I have time. I've found Zumba to be super fun without being afraid of being embarrased at local classes and I like Fighters Uncaged (Great Cardio). 


Soo back to the bright idea.. I'm searching for a lady in my position that would like to buddy up with me. If more are interested we can do a small group. We can e-mail bikini or shorts & sports bra pics once a month. I say email (bc I don't want my pics visible to the whole internet world.) and we can check in with each other daily, weekly, or however you want to. We can talk about our meal plans for the week and exercise goals and accomplishments. My goal is to lose about 30 lbs, but I more or less want to shed pounds from my belly and tone up regardless of the # of pounds lost. Transalation: I want to look hott in a bikini!!!  and get a size 6 wedding dress!. :o)


If anyone is interested please let me know.

On here, or PM me or even e-mail me. [email protected]

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Here is an exercise/food log I just created in Excel. Please feel free to adjust it to fit your needs. I plan to print mine out for each week and keep track daily in a binder. Or in a folder on my harddrive so I can include progress pictures if I decide to not print the pictures.


Hope this helps! :o)

I also recommend a pedometer. You can get them on ebay for less than 3$. I'm not sure of the quality. but mine will be here in a few days so I'll let you know. Idea came from VirginHealthMiles.com. I was enrolled via my work but the only thing I always remembered to do was wear my pedometer, so it went swimming and died on me last weekend. So I cancelled the program. No sense in paying for what I can do myself for free!

Exercise Log.xlsx

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Hey definately interested!!!.. Im 'running' as well... well trying. bad cardio right here so i end up doing jogging/walking intervals on the treadmill. i also do a 30min zumba class once a week and hopefully will be able to upgrade to the 1 hour class once my cardio gets better. then i wanna hit the classes like body pump and cardio kickboxing. i suck at weights and haven't started those yet..... but eventually.

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


Hey definately interested!!!.. Im 'running' as well... well trying. bad cardio right here so i end up doing jogging/walking intervals on the treadmill. i also do a 30min zumba class once a week and hopefully will be able to upgrade to the 1 hour class once my cardio gets better. then i wanna hit the classes like body pump and cardio kickboxing. i suck at weights and haven't started those yet..... but eventually.

 Ahh.. that's AWESOME!!.. I'm soo excited. :o)


I tried Body Pump and it was fun, but way too much for me starting out!.. lol. I got my mom to do it with me and she refuses to go to any classes that they offer.


Kick-boxing would be soo much fun!.. I can't convince anyone to go with me though.. I guess I need to learn to go do this stuff on my own.

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


ya i just do it all on my own it isnt bad... im terrified to start pump though... im weak... me and weights dont get along.


whtas your stats going into this??

 Aww.. I'm sure you will do great!.. The one I did wasn't anything major at all. I felt like I didn't work anything out until the next day.. lol


I need to weigh myself as soon as I get home. Or in the AM. My guess is about 137-140. Should we do actual measurements? I always forget exactly where to put the measuring tape.

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Ya im not exactly sure of my weight right now either.. its somewhere around 125-130.. im 5'3. I would like to drop maybe 10lbs but i know im not really big or anything so the number doesnt really matter to me. i care more about toning, i dont think i have any muscle tone.. im what they call skinny fat lol.


ya i think we should do measurements along with your pic idea.


my email is [email protected]


when do you want to start sending photos.. measurements?

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


Ya im not exactly sure of my weight right now either.. its somewhere around 125-130.. im 5'3. I would like to drop maybe 10lbs but i know im not really big or anything so the number doesnt really matter to me. i care more about toning, i dont think i have any muscle tone.. im what they call skinny fat lol.


ya i think we should do measurements along with your pic idea.


my email is [email protected]


when do you want to start sending photos.. measurements?

 Ahh okay. :o) You sound just like me, only skinnier. I'm about 5'6'' and I def need my tummy toned up, I too have no muscle tone!.


Do you have Microsoft Excel? If so, I can create us a template to fill out once a week, bi-weekly or monthly with our measurements and we can attach a photo. I'll go search for a proper measurement guide now. :o)

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I highly recommend My Fitness Pal (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/) for tracking all of this.  I use the app on my iPhone but you can also just use it on the web.  I've been "trying" to lose weight for years but definitely got more serious about it after the wedding date was picked this January.  The last 60 days I've been much more motivated (wedding is in 2 weeks!) and I have lost the weight I wanted to.  It's so nice to have friends to help motivate you and you can communicate with each other within the app.  I didn't want to go on a "diet" - I wanted to get back to the good lifestyle I had before I gained the weight.  I want to be able to eat things I like, just eat smaller portions and get exercise in daily.  Since then I've managed to get in 30-45 mins of treadmill time 5-6 days/week and have been eating lower carbs and smaller portions.  Trust me, I've dieted for more than half my life and if you restrict yourself, you'll "cheat" and one day of cheating leads to many and then you feel like  you're constantly starting over.  Pick one thing a week you want to change, do it and then pick something else for next week.  My challenge is VERY low carb for the next two weeks to try to lose a little more belly weight but I know I couldn't do it long term!  Love those carbs too much!  Good luck ladies!!!

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