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Funny tip from a bride...


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Originally Posted by AQHARIDER View Post
So what star are you? Actually, it's funny because Jeff & I were watching Lucky Nember Slevin the other night and Lucy Liu is one of the stars. Jeff says "Hey, that actress looks like your friend Tammy online". I thought that was really cute, mostly because he remembered what you look like. I didn't think he was actually paying attention when I was showing him pictures of weddings and stuff. Too funny...

that's funny...i did have a guy say i looked like lucy liu but i have had a 100 other "you look likes" so who knows...

i don't think i look like anyone or act like anyone...let me ask my friends and family and see what they think.
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I am paranoid about this with my MIL! My FI sister just got married and at the rehearsal dinner she was showing VERY inapprpriate cleavage and only looking a little better at the wedding. I will be so embarrassed if she does this at my wedding. I haven't figured out a good way to handle this situation though. Any suggestions?

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Kelli - Maybe you can ask your FI to ask his sister (or say somethign to her directly if you guys are close) to say a little something to her like, "Mom, I hope you don't plan on showing as much skin at James's wedding as you did at mine!"


Even just having someone say one thing might make her re-think he low-cut tops... hopefully.


Otherwise you may just have to accept and move on!

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