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Are you selling your dress after the wedding? If you already did - did you regret it?

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I'm currently pondering what I will do with my dress after.  I probably will end up selling it. 


I had a good giggle over the curtain idea!!

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Well I swore that I was going to sell my dress after the wedding, in fact, it's the way I even committed to buying my dress.  I ended up with a couture dress that was almost triple my budget and I tried for 8 months to find another dress and when I couldn't, I decided that I would buy this dress and then sell it to recoup some of the cost.  The dress is still in my closet, still full of sand from my wedding almost 4 years ago and I can't even think about parting with it.  I didn't think I was a sentimental person, but apparently, I'm attached to my dress.  I'm pregnant with my first child now and my mom mentioned perhaps using the dress to make a christening outfit or sash or something and the thought of ruining it made me so sad.  I think I might have to keep it for myself.  Like I said, I'm not very sentimental when it comes to material possessions, I don't keep many mementos, but I'm thinking I will have to keep my wedding dress.


After reading some of the other comments, I think it's just a personal decision and there can be no wrong one.  I don't think I've heard of anyone selling their dress and regretting it though.

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Yes! It's definitely another great option! Another idea is to save any scraps that might otherwise be discarded during alterations and utilizing those materials. I'll be designing a piece out of Coconoir's sash as she mentioned after her trash the dress, so even the accessories can be repurposed! :)

Originally Posted by FutureMrsF View Post

I never thought about having jewelry made out of my dress. I keep getting new ideas every thread I read. Thanks for all the amazing ideas!


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well, if i can add alittle to this... i spenst 1200 plus some extras on my dress... and got a different one for our TTD, im a mother of 5 boys so i know they wont use it lol im selling mine... i know how hard it is to come up with so much money for everything, if i can give another bride my dress that was bought with love, and transfer that into her day...why not, REALLY are we gonna ever wear it again?


if i can do what other brides on this site have done for me...then that makes me happy!!!! hope this helps

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