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Psychoanalyze yourself


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1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?



2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?

A deer


3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?

We stare at eachother briefly & the deer trots away


4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it?

spacious yet cozy - maybe 2000sq ft?


5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?



6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it?

Fresh tomatoes from the garden, bottles of wine, friends & family


7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?

Crystal wine glass


8. What do you do with the cup?

Pick it up


9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is the body of water?

HUGE! Maybe even the ocean


10. How will you cross the water?

In a row boat

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1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?

Jeff & Jared (my brother)


2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?

white horse


3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?

jump on bareback and ride through the woods


4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it?

It's a beautiful lake cottage, moderately sized, stone exterior with a gorgeous yard


5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?



6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it?

Jeff, my dad, bro, sil, & niece; Thanksgiving feast with tons of food and candles


7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?



8. What do you do with the cup?

crumple it and throw it in the trash


9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is the body of water?

a large lake


10. How will you cross the water?

pontoon boat




1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important person in your life.


I would say that's accurate- Jeff is the most important, but my brother and I are really close


2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.


Yup, I'd say they're often horse-sized!


3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.


Jump on bareback huh? Interesting!


4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.


Moderate- well, that's not too exciting :)



5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer that people not drop by unannounced.


No fences, although I usually prefer people call first so I can clean the house! lol



6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.


I guess I'm happy


7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationships.


Disposable? Hmm, not sure about that one...lol



8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude.

Interesting. Throw it away...I guess that's probably how I handle adversity- get rid of it!


9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.


Guess I'm average- unlike Jamy who is an endless body of water! lol


10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be


I guess a pontoon boat is fairly average.



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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Melissa did you notice that everyone else answered their hubby/FI for the first question and you and I answered our sisters? Hmmmm...

well....if she weren't female....or related....i'd probably marry her lol

she's seriously my best friend...we do EVERYTHING together

i mean, john is nice too, but there are just certain things you can't get him to do...like shop......shop.......and...shop :)
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Answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read what each answer means. (No cheating! )


1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you? Joe (FI)


2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal? a baby squirel



3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal? we watch the little guy eat something, and he looks at us but is not afriad



4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it? Comfy. 4 bedrooms or so



5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? not surrounded, but a fenced back yard



6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it? I see my family and Joe, and I see an assortment of foods, and lots of wine


7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it? a coffee cup



8. What do you do with the cup? pick it up and bring it inside



9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is the body of water? a large lake


10. How will you cross the water? by boat

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Answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read what each answer means. (No cheating! )


1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?

My children and husband


2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?

a bear


3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?

we are all scared


4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it? Really big, after all I do have 5 kids


5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?

Yes in the back yard


6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it? My friends, lot's of candle's, good food and red wine



7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?

plastic, hehe, Liam is always using my plastic cups to fill with dirt!!!


8. What do you do with the cup?

Leave it for Liam to keep playing with it


9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is the body of water?

It is an Ocean


10. How will you cross the water?

I don't want to


















1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important person in your life.



2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.



3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.



4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.



5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer that people not drop by unannounced.



6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.



7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationships.



8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude.



9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.



10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be

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Originally Posted by lissah View Post
1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?

2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?

3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
It looks at me then hops away

4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it?
a two story house with 5 rooms

5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?
6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it?
Flowers with a vase in the middle...nice colorful dishes with nice forks and knives

7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?
coffee cup

8. What do you do with the cup?
Pick it up and place it on the table

9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at a body of water. How big is the body of water?
It's just a small pond

10. How will you cross the water?
I'll just walk around the pond...

Stop and answer

No cheating!

What it is supposed to mean

1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.

4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.

5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer that people not drop by unannounced.

6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.

7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationships.

8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude.

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.

10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be

LOL I guess this doesn't say much for my sex life :P
.... I agree with Melissa hahahhahahhaha, don't tell Erik LOL
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