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Weight Watchers for 2012 Brides

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I think it is worth signing up, WW helps to change your relationship with food and our vices. Just try to catch a promotion to get a discount on the sign-up fee.

Originally Posted by MrsRobinson12 View Post

I am also a March, 2012 bride and would like to lose 5 - 10 pounds, and basically just tone my problem areas (love handles, stomach, legs). I was going to join on line as well, they seem to have a special on right now. My problem is eating! I am constantly snacking on candy (as we speak!) and its really what's holding me back. I don't mind exercising, I am running a half marathon this weekend, but I just need the motivation from you girls to help me stay on track! Do you think it's worth it for me to sign up on line, even though I don't want to lose a large amount of weight?


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Hey ladies! I just got back on track and am now down 18 pounds since January! It's an awesome feeling, I love getting rid of clothes because they're too big instead of too small. I still have a ways to go, but I am getting measured for my dress in two weeks so I would love to lose a few more and maybe drop another size! how are you all doing with your goals?

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Congratulations!!! I wish I could say that I was down 18 pounds, but slowly I am getting back in the habit of tracking my food points.

Originally Posted by DeeBrideToBe View Post

Hey ladies! I just got back on track and am now down 18 pounds since January! It's an awesome feeling, I love getting rid of clothes because they're too big instead of too small. I still have a ways to go, but I am getting measured for my dress in two weeks so I would love to lose a few more and maybe drop another size! how are you all doing with your goals?


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Hi ladies!


My name is Denielle and I'm an April 2012 bride.


I joined Weight Watchers (for the 3rd time) in late May. I'm down 8lbs or so so far. I love Weight Watchers and have lost tons of weight each time I've joined. My problem has always been long-term motivation. But I think that with my wedding next year (and wanting to look super hot on my wedding day!) and then trying for a baby on the horizon, I'll have more than enough motivation to stick with it!

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Congratulations on the 8lbs!!!! Your wedding is definitely the perfect motivator. Keep up the great progress!!!

Originally Posted by deniden View Post

Hi ladies!


My name is Denielle and I'm an April 2012 bride.


I joined Weight Watchers (for the 3rd time) in late May. I'm down 8lbs or so so far. I love Weight Watchers and have lost tons of weight each time I've joined. My problem has always been long-term motivation. But I think that with my wedding next year (and wanting to look super hot on my wedding day!) and then trying for a baby on the horizon, I'll have more than enough motivation to stick with it!


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Good job! I've reached a point where I'm not losing anymore pounds, but I feel like ,maybe I'm gaining muscle because I'm seeing a difference in my clothes. It's a bit disheartening not to see any change on the scale though. We're planning to start our family right after the wedding too so I'm also looking at it as a great way to get healthy before trying for a baby!

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Hi Ladies,


I am an April 2012 bride who has just joined weight watchers a week ago.  I would like to loose 10-15 pounds and so far getting use to logging my food etc.  I typically don't eat bad, however; I love my beer.  Any do and don'ts would be great as I'm very very new to WW.


thanks ladies, and good luck with reaching your goals.

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Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post


Hi Ladies,


I am an April 2012 bride who has just joined weight watchers a week ago.  I would like to loose 10-15 pounds and so far getting use to logging my food etc.  I typically don't eat bad, however; I love my beer.  Any do and don'ts would be great as I'm very very new to WW.


thanks ladies, and good luck with reaching your goals.


I love using WW online to track my food and the forums. Summer is awesome because there are so many low point options to grill! We bought some Mahi Mahi burgers from BJs (4 points), grilled them and topped them with Peach Mango Salsa, and used 1point buns. Sooo yummy.


A friend of mine who is also doing WW found a great site: http://www.skinnytaste.com/ that has awesome recipes and she tells you the points plus values. I used a recipe of hers the other day - grilled chicken burgers with a scoop of marinara sauce and melted cheese on top, yummy "chicken parm" burgers.


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thanks so much for the website.  I'm am looking for options all the time especially since FI is a big meat eater. 

Originally Posted by deniden View Post

I love using WW online to track my food and the forums. Summer is awesome because there are so many low point options to grill! We bought some Mahi Mahi burgers from BJs (4 points), grilled them and topped them with Peach Mango Salsa, and used 1point buns. Sooo yummy.


A friend of mine who is also doing WW found a great site: http://www.skinnytaste.com/ that has awesome recipes and she tells you the points plus values. I used a recipe of hers the other day - grilled chicken burgers with a scoop of marinara sauce and melted cheese on top, yummy "chicken parm" burgers.



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