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Weight Watchers for 2012 Brides

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Hi ladies,


I see there's a thread for WW girls for 2011 but I don't see one for 2012 brides yet. I need motivation to stick to the plan! I started WW in January (spurred by my engagement at Christmas) and it was working! I lost 15 lbs and am now fitting into clothes that haven't fit in over a year. Now I have been slacking on tracking my points and I'm stuck. I need to get back on track. My goal is to lose another 10 lbs by the end of July and then hopefully 15 more before the wedding in April 2012. I feel like these goals are attainable. I keep saying I'll  get back on track tomorrow! Help! Haha. Anyone else out there signed up to WW for 2012 weddings as well?

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I'm doing WW too for an April 2012 wedding!


I'm also stuck at about 15 lbs, which is really great from changing nothing but eating habits, but I want to lose more! I'm finding it difficult to find certain random foods on the tracker. I bought an "off-label" tracker app which has a lot more restaurants on it, and that has made it a little easier.


Do you do meetings or online only? Do you track on your phone or on paper?


I think we're just seeing a plateau right now. It will pick up again if you stick with it! Especially as summer arrives and there more options to get out of the house and be active.

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I've been tracking on paper. I signed up for the meetings and got the calculator and all the start-up books, then I stopped going to the weekly meetings because they're so expensive, so I'm just kind of doing it on my own. I agree about the warm weather! I skipped the gym this week and instead got in some walks with the dogs and bike rides outside. Have you tried the WW frozen meals? I love those for lunches at work!

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three of my coworkers and I have been bringing lunch for each other (each person one day per week), which has really helped (though we failed miserably this week). That way, we know we'll have a healthy lunch but only have to make it once a week.


I'm thinking of switching to the online only plan, but they want me to pay another sign-up fee to switch, which is irritating me to no end.


I'm tracking 100% this week, so hopefully I can stay on track through the weekend!

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That's an awesome idea! I'm starting a new job on Monday and I get an hour lunch now, so I know I'll be tempted to eat out more. When I do I usually go to Extreme Pita though and stick with something light, like a grilled chicken pita with tzatziki instead of mayo, so I just have to keep on  track! I keep rewarding myself with food, so I give myself a treat day when I've done well, but I want to come up with something different. Maybe a new piece of clothes or something when I reach a goal. I've been setting little goals for myself so they're easier to reach, then when I reach it I set a new one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there!


I'm getting married in March 2012 and have also lost 15lbs on weight watchers thus far. LOL - I think 15lbs is about when you realize that there is no turning back. I decided to increase my workouts. I'm increasing my cardio (45-60min instead of 30-45min) and trying to lift weights more often. I went to the gym 7 days this week, but my goal is 5x a week.


I'm attending the WW@Work Meetings at my job which is so convenient and 50% off. What is working for you all?

Originally Posted by DeeBrideToBe View Post

Hi ladies,


I see there's a thread for WW girls for 2011 but I don't see one for 2012 brides yet. I need motivation to stick to the plan! I started WW in January (spurred by my engagement at Christmas) and it was working! I lost 15 lbs and am now fitting into clothes that haven't fit in over a year. Now I have been slacking on tracking my points and I'm stuck. I need to get back on track. My goal is to lose another 10 lbs by the end of July and then hopefully 15 more before the wedding in April 2012. I feel like these goals are attainable. I keep saying I'll  get back on track tomorrow! Help! Haha. Anyone else out there signed up to WW for 2012 weddings as well?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ladies....I guess I am a WW lurker...lol.. I keep saying I'm going to join.  My fiance and I both need to lose weight.....I am just having a hard time getting motivated.  Any tips on how to just get started would be helpful.  I plan on joining WW online because I won't have the time to go to meetings....

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Let's help each other. The most difficult part of starting will be the most difficult part throughout WW...tracking. My strategy is the eat well Sunday-Friday @ lunchtime, then I can eat pretty much anything for dinner Friday and all day Saturday. Please let me know if you would like a WW buddy.

Originally Posted by JQLong View Post

Hi ladies....I guess I am a WW lurker...lol.. I keep saying I'm going to join.  My fiance and I both need to lose weight.....I am just having a hard time getting motivated.  Any tips on how to just get started would be helpful.  I plan on joining WW online because I won't have the time to go to meetings....


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I am also a March, 2012 bride and would like to lose 5 - 10 pounds, and basically just tone my problem areas (love handles, stomach, legs). I was going to join on line as well, they seem to have a special on right now. My problem is eating! I am constantly snacking on candy (as we speak!) and its really what's holding me back. I don't mind exercising, I am running a half marathon this weekend, but I just need the motivation from you girls to help me stay on track! Do you think it's worth it for me to sign up on line, even though I don't want to lose a large amount of weight?

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