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I've really had it with US Postal Service!!!!

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thats crazy that she can do that!


I waited in line for over 30 minutes at the post office here(downtown chicago, its always busy) and when I finally got up there I said I need 50 wedding stamps. She said they didnt have any. So I asked her for the regular ones. She had none. The freakin post office didnt have any stamps!!! Not one. How is that possible?! She told me to come back in a couple of days to get some. How are they still in businesshuh.gif

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Originally Posted by JanineA View Post
LOL! Thanks for the hug MysTea, your response did put a smile on my face. It costs $1.05 to send each of my invitations (well the ones in the US, the international ones are more). But I am trying to get the 61c stamp with the cake and the 44c stamp with the two rings. I am gonna drive a couple towns over. I already called and they have it. Its 23miles away but I'd rather just do that. I was going to order them online but then I would be sitting waiting days for them to arrive and delivery service of mail isn't that great either.
i had the same amount, and used the same two stamps on my invites. Are yours squarehuh.gif? if so PLEASE make sure the witch understands and double checks their shape - mine were weighed and for some awful reason, some arrived to only some guests with giant embarrassing postage due of 35 cents labels on them!!!!

usps sucks!!!
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Thanks ladies for all the support!! I took my butt 23 miles to the other post office and I got my stamps. I put them on all the invites tonight with FI and I am going to a different post office to mail them simply because I don't want the same situation as KelZavs mentioned....I don't want that witch to tell me it cost one thing and then my invitations get sent back for not sufficient stamps. I really don't understand how people can be so inefficient. I called USPS 800 customer service and I filed a complaint and I am gonna go back and speak to the supervisor who was nice to me before....seriously that lady doesn't belong behind the counter doing customer service cause she doesn't do her job!

Thanks again though for your words ladies!!! You ladies are the best....glad I can vent somehwere.

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Haha, yeah, the USPS is ridiculous some times. Last time I went to the Post Office, the girl told me something that was wrong, and I showed her on the website how she was wrong. She proceeded to tell me that she'd been doing this job for 9 years and she knows better than I do.


I told her that "just because you've been doing something wrong for 9 years doesn't magically make you correct. It just means you're barely competent enough to not have been fired yet."

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So the saga continues. I took my invitations to the post office 23miles away today where I bought the stamps yesterday only to be told that I didn't have the correct amount of postage and the witch at the other post office told me the wrong amount. Its my fault I should have taken the invites to this post office yesterday when I bought the stamps but the other lady had measured it and I didn't think to bring them. So I bought66 more stamps and I put them on tonight and I will be sending them in the morning. Lord please let me just get these invitations out already.

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are you serious with all this!?!? im sitting here reading your posts and now I want to punch somebody!!! what in the hell! one, I wouldve lost it on that woman, and I mean completely lost it...two, how the hell do you have the wrong stamps, is it that difficult for these people to get things right, dont brides all over the damn world mail out invitations on a daily basis, i just dont get it..now im nervous b/c i have 80 invites sitting in front of my that need to be mailed...oh well, guess ill go start my saga tomorrow at the post office...good luck janine! i hope everything works out for you :)

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