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I've really had it with US Postal Service!!!!

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I swear I am so ready to go POSTAL on someone! No pun intended. So I drive and sit in traffic for half an hour to go to the post office to weigh my invitations and get stamps. The lady at the post office weighs the invitations and tells me which stamps to get then tells me I will have to come back in a few hours to get the stamps. I look around, the post office is empty so I look at her confused and say "Why?". She looks me dead in the face and tells me she is busy!!!wtf.gif I was like "I'm sorry but there is no one here", she was like "no but I have other stuff I need to do and I can't go into the safe right now for the stamps you want" while putting her damn ipod earphone back in her ear. I'm boiling by this point but trying to remain calm cause I just don't understand this woman. She says "Look the wedding stamps are in a safe and I just don't have the time to go get them" and I say "Well is the safe in another building" "No this one" "Isn't there anyone else who can get them?" "No everyone else is doing their duties".

Like seriously?!?!? Shoot me already. So I asked to speak to her supervisor...mind you this is the same damn post office that lost the first set of my invitations and this is the same freaking witch who I encountered that time....this time the supervisor wasn't there she was out to lunch! Like what is this ladies problem? In walks someone else just to mail stuff and she looks at him and she gladly helps him and looks at me and says "Ma'am I'm sorry I have other customers".

Every other part of my wedding planning process has been a complete joy but I swear dealing with the United States Postal service has been a nightmare. I called three other post offices in my area and they don't have the wedding stamps so I am just gonna have to go back in a few hours and see if she is willing to do her job then! Sorry for the rant ladies....just had to scream! Wooohsaaaa!

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stfu.gifAre U flippin Kidding me!!!!!! What they heck stamps are you looking for? They must be the Platimum and Gold ones that are edible and smell like fresh flowers, that are in the safe that can only be accessed by a retna scan and blood sample....She cannot be serious!!!! she needs a swift kick in the BeHind so she can gett off of it and DO HER JOB!

( * lemme breathe....* ) How annoying!


Can u get them online? Im heated right now as if it was me that had to deal with her azz!!! SMDH! Oh Janine Im sooo sorry you are having such a hard time with these Invitations.. Here's a hug...hug2.gif

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LOL! Thanks for the hug MysTea, your response did put a smile on my face. It costs $1.05 to send each of my invitations (well the ones in the US, the international ones are more). But I am trying to get the 61c stamp with the cake and the 44c stamp with the two rings. I am gonna drive a couple towns over. I already called and they have it. Its 23miles away but I'd rather just do that. I was going to order them online but then I would be sitting waiting days for them to arrive and delivery service of mail isn't that great either.

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OOOH! yeah I have the One with the cake on them but I only needed just that one....Im glad you are going to the next post office. It sux u have to drive a ways away but at least they wont have to use the "red phone" to get the offical thumbs up from Washington so that they can access the "safe" and release the precious stamps to you....stupid.gif


That damn Post office Clerk! what a Jerk she iscensored.gif...Lol.

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Thats BS!!! I truly would have stood at her counter and told her I wasnt moving until she opened that safe! I definitely would have waited for the supervisor to come back from lunch. What does this lady think her job consists of? Listening to music all day? Seriously? Im sorry you had to experience such a headache twice with this postal office. Its crazy how customer service isnt a concern anymore. SMH


Have you tried ordering them from zazzle? You can customize your own stamps and get them within a few days. I have no complaints with the stamps I ordered from them.

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Originally Posted by janinea View Post
i know....at least the only drama has been with the post office (knock on wood) so far. She is looney! I'm glad i am calm now...girl...i was ready to reach over that counter and.....lol!
haa! I know thas right!!!
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oh no...you are so much better than I am. I would have to report her. I don't care how long it takes...REPORT HER to someone!!! Then go somewhere else and mail them. She is just a b!!!h and it's not right.

I hate when some people get like that about their jobs...if you don't want to do it leave and let someone else do it!!!!

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Okay, so I'm a little frustrated that what I posted... didn't post. Oh well, I'll start again!


I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with the post office. No one people refuse to use the USPS more and more when they have people losing mail or other being unwilling to DO their job! Hopefully you will get what you need from the other post office, it will be worth the extra drive to not deal with that girl again!


I hope the rest of your planning goes will and you don't have any more problems like this!

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oooh nooo!!! Why is she being so darn rude?!?!?

NOT COOL when dealing with a BRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she is just hating on you cause she doesnt have a best friend to marry, lol.

Im sorry. Hope all works out well.

Dont go Postal, lol!

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