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I was married last month at SGOR, and it was fabulous.....totally worth every penny! I haven't gotten around to doing my review yet, but I think in the end, you'll be thrilled that you stood your ground and stuck with Grande Ocho Rios. We even liked it better than the more-expensive Sandals Royal Caribbean in Montego Bay (which my husband and I stayed at just the 2 of us for three days after our guests went home)!!


Much like any resort, SGOR is what you make of it -- you should do, see, taste and try as much as this resort (which is the largest of all the Sandals resorts, if I am not mistaken) has to offer. We had 10 guests total, and I felt like that was the perfect number for us to be able to spend time throughout the week with each guest, and let them know how much them being there meant to us. And if cost is a major concern, perhaps suggest that they stay on the less-costly Manor side or stay a day or so less...if people truly want to be there, they will find a way to make it work.


Good luck!

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I'm pretty sure every bride on this forum has had the exact same issue at some point in their planning, and we all know it's difficult but you really need to try and not let it get to you. I think that as a general rule DW brides try to be respectful when planning and look for resorts that aren't outrageously priced, but a lot of guests don't see that. They just think that we are planning a DW with no regard to how expensive it will be for our guests. Sometimes explaining to them what went into the planning helps...other times it doesn't and they'll still complain.


I'll also say, that you are going to have people complain about eveything...not just the price. They won't like the date you picked because it doesn't fit with their schedule, or they don't like the location because they've already been there, or they heard bad things about the resort on trip advisor...and on and on and on. So like others have said, the ones that want to be there will find a way, and the others won't. Regardless of who attends, you are going to have a fabulous DW!!

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Originally Posted by Bride2Be21 View Post
Our thing is..we really want it to be just us and the kids..but feel guilty for people that DO want to go. So we're kinda making it like ..well you're invited if you want but don't feel OBLIGATED! We will have a bbq when we get back! wink.gif

I'm honestly thinking of a nice way to word that on our invites LOL

I am in the same boat here. This is my second marriage and honestly, what matters most to us is that my 11 year old daughter is there! My parents, of course, wouldn't miss it for the world so they are coming - and they are also going to have my daughter stay in their room with them. My FSIL would love to come, but like everyone said, it's all about the $$$. I would love to send some invitations to those that are close to us but want to word it the very same way "don't feel obligated!" It is a bummer because I know that a few people that we would love to be there just won't be. But we knew this when we decided on a DW.

We are planning on having something when we get back home also. Just don't know what type of celebration to have... a dinner in a resturant, a BBQ, etc... I don't want it to seem like we are having a party after we get back just for gifts because that's not it at all. I just want it to be an extension of our celebration for those who couldn't join us. I def need help wording an invitation for that.
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Originally Posted by mdb View Post
Tell them to look on Cheap Caribbean for cheaper prices.
Funny you should say that- We priced out a wedding today at Excellence Playa mujures and found that Cheal cariibean was at 4209.87 for a couple for a week- our supplier 3538.00.

That's quite a big difference!

We also found that:
Expedia was 3710
Travelocity was 3710

Could go on & on but you get teh idea!
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We gave our guests TWO YEARS notice and we announced it at an engagement party with our immediate families. We are having immediate family and 2 friends each, and we told everyone how important it was for all of them to be there. We also booked on a Saturday so they can easily got for a long weekend if they can't afford longer time. I also tell them to continue to check the deals online and ask our TA any questions that may have.

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We told people we wanted a small wedding and having a DW means a lot of people wont be able to go. That was a snarky little hint hint... don't freaking come then! We are having an AHR so that kept some comments at bay. If you aren't doing that, you could tell people that you'll have them over for dinner after you get back from Mexico to look at tour pictures..

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All the posts are absolutely correct. Its your wedding and your choice of where you want it as its their choice on whether to attend. I'm getting complaints as well - mostly from my own father - which is irritating and upsetting but its my day and if you don't like it, don't come! I only want happy, excited people to share my day with me!

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I would like to get married at the luxurious Half Moon Rose Hall in Montego Bay, Jamaica. This resort is quite pricey but it is so gorgeous. I feel that for MY wedding day I should get what I want. Trust me you won't look back on your wedding and say "This resort is too nice I should have went with the cheaper one", but you will regret having at resort that is not as nice or does not go with YOUR vision of how YOU want YOUR day. At the end of the day, this wedding is about YOU (sometimes your FI lol) If people don't like they don't have to show up. It'll save you the headache and money. I have a motto for my wedding: "MY wedding OUR marriage" This is your one day, in my opinion, to be selfish, and really get what you want. You only get married once!!!

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