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Are your guests planning to come for the whole week or just a long weekend? Keep checking the prices - mine went down around August (for this April) actually to half of what it was originally. I also sent my guests a list of all the things that were included at the resort so they'd know what they were getting.

Also - some people will just complain - do what YOU want to do - the people that matter will come.

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When we told FI's mom that were doing a DW in Mexico, the first thing out of her mouth was asking if we were going to pay everyone's way... !!!!


She knows we don't have a lot of money since FI is still finishing up school, that's why we didn't want to do something local because DC prices are outrageous!

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I've heard complaining and we haven't even officially sent out invitations yet just the STD. I'm with everyone else, if you come great and I will be honoured but if you can't that is fine, I just don't want to hear you whining about it or the prices. When we told my FI's sister we are trying to get pricing in the $1500 range she freaked and said, "that's too expensive, we only spent $750 on our trip to Mexico and the resort had statues and everything." My response was, "well I guess our resort will have 3X the statues".

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LMBO @ SonyaR! I am sending out my STD's next week (I think) and I anticipate hearing the same thing! I am not worried about it. If they want to make it, then fine. If they can't it will be no hard feelings! ITS OUR DAY!

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We have the same wedding date! Im getting married at beaches though, and I have heard the same complaints, most people have decided to only come for a couple of days though to cut down the cost a little bit, but when you let them know that its all inclusive and they dont have to pay for anything else then they kind of get why the price is like that.

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Our thing is..we really want it to be just us and the kids..but feel guilty for people that DO want to go. So we're kinda making it like ..well you're invited if you want but don't feel OBLIGATED! We will have a bbq when we get back! wink.gif


I'm honestly thinking of a nice way to word that on our invites LOL

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Originally Posted by Bride2Be21 View Post
Our thing is..we really want it to be just us and the kids..but feel guilty for people that DO want to go. So we're kinda making it like ..well you're invited if you want but don't feel OBLIGATED! We will have a bbq when we get back! wink.gif

I'm honestly thinking of a nice way to word that on our invites LOL

This is EXACTLY what I am doing. I'm not getting married at Sandals...but I heard the same complaints and let me tell you...I got a CHEAP rate for the quality of my hotel. The bottom line is that people will complain. The fact is that in this economy people are hurting. However, what I have found is that those whom REALLY and TRULY want to be there and can afford it..will make a way. For those whom absolutely can not make it because of financial reasons, we had to break down and have an very casual bar-b-que when we get back. They really seem to appreciate that.

For all the others...whom just want to complain...my stock repsonse has been "So sorry if you will not be able to make it...we will miss you" and I keep it moving!!!

Do what YOU want to do...as my mother told me when I was getting so much grief...people do EXACTLY what they want to do with their lives and don't consult you!! She was soooo right...even when you try to accommodate some...they will still have issues or others will have issues so it's best to just do YOU!!
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i know i'm not the only one to say this....don't even waste any stress on what your guests are saying. it's YOUR wedding and unless they are paying for it, they have NO say in what you chose to do or where you decide to do it!!!

they have plenty of time to save and if they don't then you can just show them pics when you get back wink.gif

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No matter what you do, people will complain. We anticipated some people not being able to afford it or simply not wanting to shell out the dough. So before we even sent out the Save-the-Date packets, we vowed that whoever came came and we would have a BLAST. And going in with that attitude totally helps. So whenever someone says anything remotely related to the cost, either directly to us or to someone else and it gets back to us, we simply and lightheartedly say that we understand, if they can't make it it's fine, but we just wanted to extend the invite.


I think when you let people know it bothers you, for some reason they continue to run their mouths. Take the power back from them. It's your wedding and in the end make a short list of the people without whom you would not want to get married. When I did that, the only people that absolutely HAD to be there or I wouldn't get married were him, my daughter, his mother and my best friend. That's it. And they're all coming. So it will be perfect.


Be encouraged.

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