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Last minutechange to the Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton

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Hey ladies, I can't think of anyone better to share my frustrations with than fellow brides! Originally my FI and I wanted to get married in Jamaica but the travel agent seemed to think it was above the price range we had given him so we decided on Punta Cana. He got us a price list of our top 6 resorts and we made a decision based on that (even though the prices were higher than original budget ). Then, AFTER we have decided and are SO excited about our choice, he informs us that the airline will no longer fly to Punta Cana after March 1st (our wedding is the third week of March) from where we would be leaving, Saskatoon, and that we would have to drive 6 hours to the next closest international airport, Edmonton. We live right in the middle so it's not a big deal for us, but probably 70% of the guests either live or are originially from Saskatoon so they would have had a place to stay and leave their cars etc. AND the per person price for the trip itself is more out of Edmonton than the original quote.


SO my MOL's TA thinks he can send us to the Lady Hamilton (Jamaica being where we wanted to go in the first place!) for $200 less per person than the original quote from the other TA AND we can leave from Saskatoon so no one has to pay for parking, hotel's or any other travel related expenses!


My only concern is that I'm having some trouble trying to find Lady Hamilton wedding info in a hurry (I'm rushed so maybe I'm not looking as hard as I should be!) We would like to get this thing booked as we're now under 10 months away from our departure date and back at square one...




Thanks in advance ladies, finding this forum was beyond the best wedding planning related experience I've had thus far!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also have some information that I have received from one of the wedding assistants at the resort so if you send me your email i can forward anything to you. Its not lots because our date is still about 7 months away but it might help you out a little.

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