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Potential to turn out bad! Need advice


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meldal101010, Awesome!!!

JanineA, Looks like you have it sorted out. That's great. I did not think you are being selfish either.

My son will be 15 months when we get married. I have no clue how it is going to be. I did not think about it until I read your thread. I'll have to come up with something :)

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Originally Posted by meldal101010 View Post
I'm the mother of two wonderful, rambunctious & loud toddlers who i love with every fiber of my being, but even i kind of get where your coming from. After much back & forth deliberation my FI & I have decided to leave the kids at home with my dad (not one for Mexican heat) while we go & celebrate kid free!! I'm going to miss my kids alot as i have only spent a handful of days without them...but the sound of a 2 week no responsibility vacation sounds heavenly to me...lol The bonus is my dad is travelling to my city so my kiddos will be tucked neatly away in their own beds while i sip on some Coronas wink.gif + my little guy is two now & still EXTREMELY attached to me so unless i want my little guy on my hip while we exchange rings...lol this is the best solution.
Meldal...way to go!!! I'm glad you are having the wedding you want and that it worked out so well that they will be still safe and happy while you are away.

Originally Posted by sebitasalejo View Post
meldal101010, Awesome!!!
JanineA, Looks like you have it sorted out. That's great. I did not think you are being selfish either.
My son will be 15 months when we get married. I have no clue how it is going to be. I did not think about it until I read your thread. I'll have to come up with something :)

Sebitasalejo I took alot of the ladies advice and I bought an adorable bag for the baby filled with goggles and a sand pail with animal shapes that she can make in the sand....let me tell you, her OOT bag is better than the adults if you ask me. I chucked it full of great fun stuff. Like the ladies said perhaps you can have him near by making sand castles with a relative. I know you'll figure it out, the ladies on here helped me figure my dilemma out wondefully. Good luck.
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This is a hard one... but althought I would love an adult-only wedding, I can't force my brother and his wife to leave his 2-year old at home... Same thing with one of my bridesmaid who has 2 little guys. It just wouldn't be fair to them! Plus, I think some of them risk not coming at all if they can't bring their kids.

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  • 2 months later...

I tried to have an adult only wedding but FI insisted on me bringing the kids.  My son who is 3 now will probably be a bigger handful than all the other children put together.  Now, his daughters maybe coming with two young babies.  They live in Europe so they are not sure if they can make it.  My daughter has a young baby and now he tells me his niece that he wants to sing has a young baby too.  I told him that the WC is going to charge us for all of these babies because I told her three babies and now we have 6. lol!  I forgot my former MOH who said that she wasn't coming so I picked someone else has a baby as well.  Now she says that she may be coming as well.  I'm getting nervous.  He says that I shouldn't worry because everything will be fine.  I'm trying to find as much activities as possible to keep them busy during the ceremony. :)

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