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Originally Posted by autjo View Post
Totally! "I'm pushing own personal pause button"

Yoga is sooooo good for you. It takes a little while to get the hang of it, but I promise you will have better circulation, be more flexible and just feel better if you stick with it.

P90X and Insanity are just some Beachbody work out DVDs that kick your butt. They are pretty easy to set up at home and give good results if you stick with it. They also come with nutrition plans if you are motivated to do them.
LOL!! "Do your best.... and what? Forget the rest"

"This is Yoga X my brotha! Get up!"

"It's kinda ballistic, kinda static, it's stablatic!"

Oh I could quote the things he says forever:)

Yoga is probably the toughest for me but since continuing it I've seen great results in flexibility and strength, I highly recommend it!
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You do need some jumping room. Use these tests as a guide:

1. Do 2 big lunges and then turn around

2. Pretend like you are running 4 big tires (left right left right). Then jog back. I think if you have enough room for 1 &2, you will be ok.

3. Make sure you have a place to do pull ups


DH and I do the videos together and push the couches to the edge of the room so we have enough space. Make sure to keep the weights on the sides as well so you don't trip on them. I may or may not be speaking from clutzy experience ;-p


Originally Posted by Jen_S View Post
I have been looking into both the P90X and the Insanity do you need a lot of room to do the workouts? I have a workout room but I have so much stuff in there bc I fall into the infomercial trap, I want to be sure I have enough room. They both look awesome.
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Yeah, the space concern was one of the reasons why I didn't purchase either of these. I work out in my basement and the ceiling are like 6', but there are rafters that are lower, so I can't even do the warmup windmill! I have to get on my knees to do it! And I have to turn my body different directions to have room to do the moves in PHH, so I really doubt I'd be able to do the fast paced Insanity or P90X w/o busting something up!

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Hubby and I have both p90x and insanity and both are great. I went crazy before our wedding and was doing both workouts each day. I would recommend insanity to change things up a bit

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Alrighty then ladies! This is my one week mark! I'm definitely not as sore as P90X, but my body is fairly fatigued... really did not want to get up this morning! The Insanity work outs are a lot quicker than P90 and it keeps DHs attention better than P90 so that is totally a plus. I'm kinda feeling like Insanity gives those "ab-cut" results to people who have that skinny body type. Whereas P90 gives results even for the average body type. I'm not dissing Insanity or giving up on it, but that is just my initial reaction. We didn't do the program exactly so I listed what we did do:


3/9: fit test

3/10: plyo

3/11: rest

3/12: snowboard vacation

3/13: xtreme sledding vacation

3/14: rest

3/15: plyo

3/16: cardio resistance

3/17: supposed to be cardio recovery, but we'll see if a shamrock shake or car bomb call me away!


Happy St. Patty's Day :o)

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Go Autumn! Week one down!


I totally feel the same way about Insanity... it's to cut the smaller framed people moreso, everyone on that program is tiny. When I did it, that was my same complaint, not as sore but tired all the time, those exercises although shorter are way more exhausting.


I'm thinking of doing Insanity for my recovery weeks on P90X just to mix it up.


OOoo... I KNOW a car bomb will get to me tonight instead of my workout... I know, I know but I'll make up for it :) Have an awesome St. Patty's Day!

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