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I HATE TripAdvisor!!


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I used trip advisor to help me choose my resort, and I usually check it before I book things. But, you do have to take the reviews with a grain of salt. Even the most fabulous resorts I've been to have some people go on and say that they hate it. If overall the resort gets good reviews, then a couple bad ones are normal.


Plus, look at the review itself and the way that it's written and the type of person writing it. If someone gave it a bad review because of something stupid (like the tiles weren't the right shade of blue or they didn't make Mac & Cheese like Mom does), then you know that you can pretty much throw that review out the window entirely. Also, if the review sounds like it's coming from someone who is a PITA, and they say something like "Service was slow" or "Other people got better service than I did" it's probably only because the staff was hiding from such an annoying person! Or if the person gives it a bad review because the Kid's Club wasn't fun enough, but you don't have any kids coming, then who cares?


PS I just checked out the reviews for your resort, and I wouldn't about it. Their real complaints (like having no phone or TV and having to walk to their room) aren't that bad. It seems overall like a few of the buildings could use an update, and that you should tip well if you want good service.

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thanks ladies - I know most tripadvisor reviews are silly, but you just can't help but wonder, you know??


The only review that really worries me is the guy who said he tipped well and was polite and the staff still weren't very attentive...


Oh well. I guess we will see when we get there.

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Tripadvisor unfortunately is also used by rival companies! They place negative reviews about their competition in order to bump their own standing !


We've aso seen some properties that will provide incentives for people to place glowing reviews! if you find that the majority of reviews over the last few months are consistent and that there are just a few negatives I wouldn't worry.


If you see a consistent flow of negative reviews from people who have made previously posted reviews of other properties from around the world then I would become concerned. But read those other reviews and see if the properties are even similiar. Ssometiems you'll see someone who always stayed at aRitz carlton stay at a 4 star AI and be very disappointed- well the properties really won't compare - that's why the Ritz's are so much more expensive! Or you may find someone who is never ever satisfied no matter where they go!



Originally Posted by bholthof View Post


I periodically check TripAdvisor to make sure my resort is still getting good reviews - call me paranoid, but essentially, everyone who is going to this wedding is going to either love it or hate it. And if its lousy, guess who's fault that will be?? I would never hear the end of it!! Isn't there enough pressure on us brides WITHOUT having to stress about if anyone is going to even LIKE the place??


Anyway, I just checked the most recent reviews on TripAdvisor. Of course, the two most recent are TERRIBLE! The ones before that are good reviews, and overall the resort gets good reviews - but I just can't help but think "what if everyone hates it and has a terrible time??"


Plus, I know we are going to Cuba - and that Cuba doesn't necessarily have the same standards as Mexican or even Dominican resorts, particularly when it comes to food. Yes, it is rated as a 4.5* resort - but AHHH!!! I'm still stressing. And most of my family is soooo easy going that I doubt there will be a problem - but when reviews say things like "the staff was terrible, which is weird because we were always polite" really, really scares me. And I have NO idea how FI's family is going to react!!


I can't change my resort - nor do I want to, really - but OMG it absolutely TERRIFIES me!!


Today is exactly 100 days to the wedding. I'm freaking out a little. Thanks for letting me vent.

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Don't let the reviews stress you out. I've done the same thing- checked recent reviews for my resort but it doesn't make any sense at this point. You can't please everyone. I've been to some hotels/ resorts that got some good and bad reviews and I didn't think the places were awful. Everyone has their own opinion, some people will never be happy and complain about about every little thing.

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I wouldn't worry. I love Tripadvisor and I try to write reviews of places that I visit. You have to understand....it is all about preference. Don't get me wrong, some properties get very well-deserved boos. Others...it's about preference. Some of my favorite resorts are not as highly rated as others. For instance, the resort where I am getting married at. I laugh because I can tell you that I have been or visited most other resorts in the area and this property is by far head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion. The key word being...my opinion. Many others that I know have been to my resort and are not as equally enthralled as I!!! LOL Oh well....whose right? Them or me? I say that we both are.


You have to really READ the reviews and not just look at the ratings numbers to see what it is about a resort that ticked someone off. It may be something that you actually like or something that would not bother you in the least. Like I said, it's all about preference.


I have to agree that you have to watch out for competitors whom post on the site. Some are SO sensitive. It is quite a turn-off and gives me the impression that they are not above manipulating their ratings. The truth is....there is nothing stopping a resort from fluffing up their ratings or downgrading the ratings of other resorts.


IMHO though...Tripadvisor usually gets it right. When you find opinions on the opposite end of the spectrum and virtually split down the middle...it usually comes down to some sort of preference that people will not admit to having.

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Originally Posted by bholthof View Post

I periodically check TripAdvisor to make sure my resort is still getting good reviews - call me paranoid, but essentially, everyone who is going to this wedding is going to either love it or hate it. And if its lousy, guess who's fault that will be?? I would never hear the end of it!! Isn't there enough pressure on us brides WITHOUT having to stress about if anyone is going to even LIKE the place??

Anyway, I just checked the most recent reviews on TripAdvisor. Of course, the two most recent are TERRIBLE! The ones before that are good reviews, and overall the resort gets good reviews - but I just can't help but think "what if everyone hates it and has a terrible time??"

Plus, I know we are going to Cuba - and that Cuba doesn't necessarily have the same standards as Mexican or even Dominican resorts, particularly when it comes to food. Yes, it is rated as a 4.5* resort - but AHHH!!! I'm still stressing. And most of my family is soooo easy going that I doubt there will be a problem - but when reviews say things like "the staff was terrible, which is weird because we were always polite" really, really scares me. And I have NO idea how FI's family is going to react!!

I can't change my resort - nor do I want to, really - but OMG it absolutely TERRIFIES me!!

Today is exactly 100 days to the wedding. I'm freaking out a little. Thanks for letting me vent.
You sound JUST like me!! I check Trip Advisor every single day. I have second guessed my resort of choice probably 100 times!! Finally, my FI stepped in and said "I am not getting married anywhere else!! Stop stressing!" The bottom line is that a very picky, negative person will dislike any resort. All of your friends will love the resort because YOU love it. When I was asking my friends "which resort do you like better?" "what are your top 5 musts in a resort?" etc. They kept saying, "Lindz, pick the resort that YOU like. You will never be able to please everyone!" You picked the resort for a reason. I am sure it is gorgeous!!! No matter what resort you go to, it is your friends and family AND fiance that will make the wedding special. :)
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I do the same thing. I'll read 10 great reviews and then one bad one and I start calling my FI in a panic :) You just have to realize that there is always someone that has a bad experience and you can't let that make you doubt your decision. Very few hotels only have great reviews and people do have different standards so there will always be an unhappy customer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
I know its hard not to worry about it, but seriously I wouldn't. I'm a firm believer that for the most part each individual controls what kind of time they have. If you have a negative attitude and are just out to complain about everything, then yes, it seems as though you had a horrible time.
Yup!! and I have someone in my group who will be like that! *whatever. Love her, but I think on this trip I am going to have to steer clear of her and her negativities. Drives me up the wall!

I know for some of my family they would have preferred the Palace (I chose the older, cheaper section)... but I had to choose a resort that was nice and the majority could afford. I didn't want to alienate our friends by choosing a really expensive resort. In the end I think it will all work out to our advantage because our section just recently re-opened from being closed for 6+ months and underwent extensive renovations. smile29.gif

Love my parents, but GUARANTEED they will ask to change rooms at least once! they always do! LMAO
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I think that Trip Advisor is valuable to get an overall idea of what people did or didn't like about any resort, but the one feature that I used a lot to help my decisions was the percentages of people who voted the location as 'Excellent, Very Good, Average, Poor or Terrible'. There are always going to be good and bad reviews but if the overall consensus is a high recommendation rating then it's still a great choice!


A lot of it does come down to personal preferences but I wouldn't worry at all that you've made the wrong decision. Like the rest of us you probably went through a huge process of narrowing down all your choices so your resort must have won for a reason in the first place and that's what matters!!

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