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I HATE TripAdvisor!!


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I periodically check TripAdvisor to make sure my resort is still getting good reviews - call me paranoid, but essentially, everyone who is going to this wedding is going to either love it or hate it. And if its lousy, guess who's fault that will be?? I would never hear the end of it!! Isn't there enough pressure on us brides WITHOUT having to stress about if anyone is going to even LIKE the place??


Anyway, I just checked the most recent reviews on TripAdvisor. Of course, the two most recent are TERRIBLE! The ones before that are good reviews, and overall the resort gets good reviews - but I just can't help but think "what if everyone hates it and has a terrible time??"


Plus, I know we are going to Cuba - and that Cuba doesn't necessarily have the same standards as Mexican or even Dominican resorts, particularly when it comes to food. Yes, it is rated as a 4.5* resort - but AHHH!!! I'm still stressing. And most of my family is soooo easy going that I doubt there will be a problem - but when reviews say things like "the staff was terrible, which is weird because we were always polite" really, really scares me. And I have NO idea how FI's family is going to react!!


I can't change my resort - nor do I want to, really - but OMG it absolutely TERRIFIES me!!


Today is exactly 100 days to the wedding. I'm freaking out a little. Thanks for letting me vent.

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It'll be ok! Most people who write reviews on there either seem to love it or hate it..there are hundreds of people who stay there who really enjoy it and just don't post a review. Everyone has a different experience and I'm sure your group will enjoy the company that surrounds them. It's your wedding and that's what everyone is there for! Don't stress too much, it'll all work out :)

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Not a lot of people put a review up unless something didnt go their way. I see this ALOT. People ask for things that they cannot get and BAM a bad review comes up.

If you have bad service you will tell TONS of people but if you have good service you never say anything.

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Take a deep breathe and relax. Yes you are right you cannot please everybody all of the time and you will kill yourself with stress if you tried. Believe me I did. Just do the best you can and relax. I too have had the same issues with trip advisor, but you will always find people who will complain about anything or everything. I have found that if you treat people kindly and with respect that you will generally receive the same courtesy back. The Cuban people are no different. They have their jobs but a little kindness goes a long way with these people. They will bend over backwards to help make your day perfect and ensure all is right. If you have any issues you will find that someone is available to help. Nothing is impossible, just explain if things are not right and how you would like them fixed. These people are very accommodating. As foe people who complain well let me tell you about my experience. My family are not so easy going. Especially my mother when it comes to my european relations. Needless to say that right from the first things were not good. But when I explained at the desk the situation the were more than happy to accommodate. You have to understand that I went to them right after check-in, and then almost every other day after! Because my guest were all arriving at different times, from different countries. I have to say that I did hear a few complaints over the course of the 2 weeks ( I feel like I need a real vacation now, because all I did was run around to make sure everybody else was happy), but now that we are home everyone loved it and had a great time. So my best advise it be selfish. This is your time it will not come again and you should enjoy yourself as much as possible. The people who are coming are adults and should be able to take of themselves. Good luck and enjoy wink.gif

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I recommend never going on trip advisor ever again, except maybe to look at candid pictures of your resort posted by others. It seems as though people either go on there to rave or rant, nothing in between. Perhaps the negative reviews are from someone who is VERY picky... because some people you just can't please!


Don't worry about it, you don't need any more stressors before your wedding! :)

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Originally Posted by bholthof View Post

I periodically check TripAdvisor to make sure my resort is still getting good reviews - call me paranoid, but essentially, everyone who is going to this wedding is going to either love it or hate it. And if its lousy, guess who's fault that will be?? I would never hear the end of it!! Isn't there enough pressure on us brides WITHOUT having to stress about if anyone is going to even LIKE the place??

Anyway, I just checked the most recent reviews on TripAdvisor. Of course, the two most recent are TERRIBLE! The ones before that are good reviews, and overall the resort gets good reviews - but I just can't help but think "what if everyone hates it and has a terrible time??"

Plus, I know we are going to Cuba - and that Cuba doesn't necessarily have the same standards as Mexican or even Dominican resorts, particularly when it comes to food. Yes, it is rated as a 4.5* resort - but AHHH!!! I'm still stressing. And most of my family is soooo easy going that I doubt there will be a problem - but when reviews say things like "the staff was terrible, which is weird because we were always polite" really, really scares me. And I have NO idea how FI's family is going to react!!

I can't change my resort - nor do I want to, really - but OMG it absolutely TERRIFIES me!!

Today is exactly 100 days to the wedding. I'm freaking out a little. Thanks for letting me vent.

Make up fake emails and user names and post a ton of great reviews and condem the people who are posting bad reviews... I am kidding!!! That isn't in your control sweetie and no one can give you poop for that... You don't have a crystal ball to predict the future... Try not to worry!!!
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Don't worry take a deep breath and RELAX everything will work out!! =) No matter what your going to get some people who LOVE it and other may not care for it at all. As long as you are happy and you enjoy your week and your special day thats all that matters!! =)

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I know its hard not to worry about it, but seriously I wouldn't. I'm a firm believer that for the most part each individual controls what kind of time they have. If you have a negative attitude and are just out to complain about everything, then yes, it seems as though you had a horrible time.


My resort had some nasty reviews, but you know what, me and my guests left with smiles on our faces! We had the time of our lives! Try to let the reviews roll off of you. The way I look at it, if you are at a hotel for an entire week and only have a few things that you felt necessary to mention..... I don't think that counts for horrible vacation, KWIM?

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I totally understand how you feel. At first the reviews for the resort we want, Laguna Azul, were all mostly positives, with only a few things going wrong. That was to be expected though, as it is a very new resort. But then when November came there were a LOT of bad reviews. There even were bad reviews for our second choice, the Iberostar Varadero. So like you we started to panic, wondered if we are making the right choice, etc. But then we calmed down and reminded ourselves that for every person who writes a review, there are hundreds who went and didn't write one. Like others have said above, people will mostly write if something went really wrong or really good, but not the ones in between. Even us, we've both been to AIs before (separately), had a good experience, and didn't write about it.


I know it's hard to relax, as even to this day I still sometimes question our choice. But really, relax. It is YOUR day, and if you love the place than that is all that counts. The people who are easy going will love your wedding week no matter what, and the whiner will find something to complain about no matter what. Don't sweat about them, and focus on the ones who will enjoy it just as much as you. :-)

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