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Crying at your wedding? Help me!

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Thank goodness it's not just me. I think I'll be a waterfall at my wedding. I get teary at the music I want to walk down the aisle to. I get teary each time I watch "Say yes to the dress" or "Who's wedding is it any way". I really need to get a grip! LOL! Water proof mascara is an absolute must.

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Originally Posted by SMB&CRZ View Post

So I have a huge fear of being unable to control my emotions at my upcoming wedding. I am an emotional person and generally a big cryer. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get big red splotches all over my face when I cry. I am so scared of looking like a blotchy freak in all my pictures from the ceremony. I don't even think I am going to be able to give a speech! At my engagement party when I tried, I broke down in tears. Anyone else suffer from this fear or get the red splotches? Any suggestions or ideas are most welcome!
LMAO!!! Don't be afraid of crying! In one of the sweetest weddings I attended, the bride cried all the way down the aisle. It was so touching! I was also a reader at my friend's wedding and I don't know what came over me but I couldn't NOT cry through the reading for the life of me. Apparently the guests loved it b/c I got many awkward compliments. odd... Honestly though, I think it's a bit sad whenever I have attended a wedding and not one tear has been shed.

Alright, that said, my best suggestion is to have a glass of champagne or a shot of tequila and get yourself pumped up and excited (not sentimental) about marrying your best friend!! smile29.gif
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I too cry at everything and on my recent wedding day I had no idea how I was going to be able to hold it together. I was feeling pretty good but since we were getting married inside (due to rain) we had to go up in the elevator. As we got in the elevator, my sister started to tear up to Faith Hill's Breath and then my other bridesmaid started, well, I couldn't hold it together. The door opened for us to come out and I was a mess.


The pictures I have so far I look like I'm scared to death as I'm walking down the isle and I'm dreading getting those professional pictures of me walking down the isle with the "ugly cry" face!! I managed to compose myself and was good throughout the rest of the ceremony but I'm sure there won't be pictures of me walking down the isle that I choose to publish anywhere.

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Originally Posted by affiwin View Post


Thank goodness it's not just me. I think I'll be a waterfall at my wedding. I get teary at the music I want to walk down the aisle to. I get teary each time I watch "Say yes to the dress" or "Who's wedding is it any way". I really need to get a grip! LOL! Water proof mascara is an absolute must.


oh my goodness that just describes me exactly!! im glad im not the only one worried about it, im super-sentimental and get teary eyed at everything sweet. so im pretty much sure ill sob on my wedding day, just overwhelmed by the emotion! and whilst some women cry in the delicate beautiful way...i get red eyes, red snotty nose, blotchy face..and theres no way people will be thinking "oh how sweet shes touched by the ceremony"....more likely "oh dear, she doesnt look so good" and "that woman seriously needs a tissue, her nose is dripping" hahahaha


im thinking giving my family a bag to carry, with emergency crying kit - tissues, eye drops, maybe those eye make up remover pads if mascara/makeup goes down my face, then things like concealer to touch up any bits that have gone wrong



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Some of the most touching images I've captured are when the bride and groom are so caught up in the moment that the full force of their emotions comes out on their faces!!  Its a raw pure love and photographs beautifully!!  So, don't worry, just relax, enjoy the moment and focus on the joy of joining your lives together!


Beach wedding in Riviera Maya, Mexico.


Beach wedding in Riviera Maya, Mexico.


Beach wedding in Riviera Maya, Mexico.


Beach wedding in Riviera Maya, Mexico.

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