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Crying at your wedding? Help me!

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So I have a huge fear of being unable to control my emotions at my upcoming wedding. I am an emotional person and generally a big cryer. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get big red splotches all over my face when I cry. I am so scared of looking like a blotchy freak in all my pictures from the ceremony. I don't even think I am going to be able to give a speech! At my engagement party when I tried, I broke down in tears. Anyone else suffer from this fear or get the red splotches? Any suggestions or ideas are most welcome!

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Glad I am not the only one!! I have been worrying about this too. I get emotional so easily - sometimes even the national anthem brings tears to my eyes!! Ridiculous! I don't know how I am going to get through it either, my dad gave a speech at the engagement party and it just about did me in. I have to think about other things but then I feel that I am not really paying enough attention and I am afraid that makes me seem "out of it"... I guess I will just have to wear very waterproof mascara and have powder on hand to cover up the sure to be red nose!

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Have no fear ladies! I too am an emotional person who happens to cry at anything. I was also affraid of having those sexy red blotches on my face, permenently captured in my wedding album.


But when it came down to the wedding day I was so relaxed that I wasn't in a crying mood. I cried when I fell down the stairs (before I started getting ready, phew). When it came to walking down the aisle, when I saw Steve I started to well up. I smiled and the tears went away. Just focus on smiliing and the tears won't be able to come.


On the flip side, if you're not able to smile through the tears, remember that photoshop can be a brides best friend. :-)

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Maybe you'll be so stressed about crying that you won't actually be able to cry? lol I am totally going to lose it. My whole family will, my FI will, it will be a big crying fest! haha Just go with the flow, and your photographer will do touch ups if need be!


My worry is having my toast! Many types of alcohol give me those beautiful red splotches you speak of. How crappy is that to be afraid of your own champagne toast on the beach? lol I'd rather be blotchy from crying than looking like an alcoholic...

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lol! I wonder if there's any drugs I can take that will help? There probably is, but they probably come at the price of being unconscious! I managed to hold it together for my sister's wedding (though there were some staring up to the sky moments to compose myself). I guess I'll just need some good make up!

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I'm so in the same boat. It seems like I've been choking up about everything since FI turned me into a big ball of romantic mush. Even the new jewelry store commercials(zales I think?) where they turn to the other person and just say "I love you" randomly. I almost started bawling with just how sweet it was. Or the song Christmas Shoes on the radio yesterday, I definitely started tearing up driving in the car. I'm crossing my fingers the wedding day isn't like that because I'll be busting into happy tears every time someone says something nice.

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okay while I don't suffer from the red face from crying most of the time, I usually find that having a cold cloth, cold water or a compress nearby is a quick save! Maybe you could get a cute little cooler bad (or an insulated lunch bag) which sounds goofy but they totally have cute ones now that you could stash under a chair/table skirt somewhere just in case. Okay maybe it's not ideal for the middle of your ceremony or anything but no one would blame you for it I'm sure!

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I was afraid of crying at my wedding also but I didn't at all!! I saw my hubby before the ceremony for pictures which helped. I also begged my mother to control her tears of which she did an excellent job. Everyone caught a glimpse of us before the actual ceremony so there were no nerves on my end when it came time to walk down the aisle. I just had a big grin on my face and walked to my hubby to be. Someone said he got a little teary on my walk up but I didn't see any when i got up there or else that might've set me off.


Just keep a tissue on hand and a smile on your face, hopefully the tears and red face won't make an appearance. Plus if it's windy like it was at mine that will help!!

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