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Engraving the ring?

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thanks for the thread, exactly what I needed. There are to many to choose from. We're the funny couple, I don't think I'll go with something serious.


-Honey, I called dibs

-you are my best vacation (I love going on vaca, but it's true, his my best!)

these are just a few I can't decide between, there is a millon more!!!

Thanks again!

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I love the site! Thanks for sharing it... I think I need to get his done and be all sneaky about it... 2 of my friends suprised each other and had them done and when they looked inside they both said oh no... they wrote yours in mine... turns out they both wrote the same thing in their rings without telling each other. They both wrote "all we need is love"

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  • 4 months later...
Originally Posted by egsarah View Post
We're looking at doing this too but may have waited too long. My ring is a special order and won't be here till the end of November <eek..waaaaaay too close for comfort for me!>>

Anyways this site had a TON of ideas...there were actually quite a few that I liked.

Favorite Wedding Band Engravings
Thanks-Great site
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Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Griffith View Post
My rings are able to be engraved the band is too skinny sad.gif! But my fiance is going to get his engraved with the coordinates of Puerto Vallarta!
I LOVE this idea!! I may have to steal it for Negril...so unique!!
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