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Even love makes mistakes


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Originally Posted by DSHayes View Post
Hi everyone...

If I could have posted yesterday it would be filled with[/u] smile72.gif and blush2.gif and XOXO...

What a difference a day makes...today seem like my life is coming to an end...

But I guess every couple has arguments...I just wasn't ready for this one...

Could it be wedding canceling serious...I pray not...but in the mean time...I am not a happpy BRIDE TO BE!!!

Hopefully soon I will be logging back on with a better post...but for right now life is not good...

Thanks for listening...

The future DSHayes
OMG what happened? Sorry to hear of your situation.
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oh please we all say things when were angry..im the nicest person in the world and when we fight i shock myself at how mean i can be and the things that can come out of my mouth because im a wiseass and sarcastic and have an answer for everything. dont blame yourself were all human..you'll feel bad, he'll calm down..youll start talking again and you'll be extra nice because you feel bad...he'll appreciate the extra niceness you'll both realize how blown over things were and it will all come together. you'll see..im an expert fortunately & unfortunately at this stuff lol

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I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Just try to remember that it's when you have times like these that your relationship is tested and a sign of real true love is that you stay even when it's easier or less painful to give up and walk away. You two will be stronger because of this.


Just a tip from a very stubborn person, try to look at how you reacted, not necessarily what happened and you'll be able to understand where he is coming from a little better. It's not about who is right or wrong.

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Every couple goes through ups and downs. You sometimes just have to back up and look at the important thing..,you love each other and do ant to spend your lives together. Take a break, breathe, think, then come back and talk about the issues.


Hope all works out :-)


Originally Posted by SSNM View Post
Completely agree with Karen. I think sometimes my FH and I create controversy just to keep things interesting! Our arguments usually are preceded with 'you know, we haven't fought in awhile' and then a few days later...jerry.gifjerry.gifjerry.gifjerry.gif
LMAO, love this smilie wink.gif
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