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Even love makes mistakes


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Hi everyone...



If I could have posted yesterday it would be filled with[/u] smile72.gif and blush2.gif and XOXO...


What a difference a day makes...today seem like my life is coming to an end...


But I guess every couple has arguments...I just wasn't ready for this one...


Could it be wedding canceling serious...I pray not...but in the mean time...I am not a happpy BRIDE TO BE!!!


Hopefully soon I will be logging back on with a better post...but for right now life is not good...



Thanks for listening...


The future DSHayes

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I am so sorry to hear you are feeling like this, and can empathize completely. We all have our good and bad days. Sometimes it helps to tell someone about just to unload. Other times someone else can give you a different perception or point of view. If you feel the need to unload, know we are all here for you. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day.

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Yeah I know...but this is hard because we only really have each other...So when we aren't talking I feel completely lost...


If I could just turn back the clock, I would have choose different words and emotions....


Thanks...this actually helps me to talk to someone..

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Oh no, my FI and I had more than a few nasty arguments...still haunts us really as I know my family still has their pangings about him to this day. But we did get through them and if we could get past our issues, I am sure anyone could. I definately know the lost feeling you are having. I hope it works out, love. No matter what, it will turn out all right in the end :)

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awww im sorry..hope everything works out..if you need to vent you can pm me im a good listener..but what i can tell you from experience is thats completely normal..i live with my fi and there are days where im screaming with vocal cords i never knew i had, and days that i love him so much i want to inhale him..fighting is normal and its going to happen and anyone that tells you they dont fight or what your experiencing is bad is lying to you.People are so afraid to admit the reality of life that i feel bad for them. Its normal to question, wonder, fight, make up and be assured all over again.theres a thin line between love and hate and we all cross that line all the time. it will work out in the end i promise you...just dont fight the fact within yourself that you're fighting its normal, it happens and it will continue to happy for god willing the rest of your marriage..you need the bad times to appreciate the good.

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